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later poems-第3章

小说: later poems 字数: 每页4000字

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    The rose
Thomas Randolph (1606…1634?)
    His mistress
Charles Best (…?)
    A sonnet of the moon
John Milton (1608…1674)
    Hymn on Christ's nativity
    Il penseroso
    On his blindness
    On his deceased wife
    On Shakespeare
    Song on May morning
    Invocation to Sabrina; from Comus
    Invocation to Echo; from Comus
    The attendant spirit; from Comus
James Graham; Marquis of Montrose (1612…1650)
    The vigil of death
Richard Crashaw (1615?…1652)
    On a prayer…book sent to Mrs。 M。 R。
    To the morning
    Love's horoscope
    On Mr。 G。 Herbert's book
    Wishes to his supposed mistress
    Quem Vidistis Pastores etc。
    Music's duel
    The flaming heart
Abraham Cowley (1618…1667)
    On the death of Mr。 Crashaw
    Hymn to the light
Richard Lovelace (1618…1658)
    To Lucasta on going to the wars
    To Amarantha
    To Althea; from prison
    A guiltless lady imprisoned:  after penanced
    The rose
Andrew Marvell (1620…1678)
    A Horatian ode upon Cromwell's return from Ireland
    The picture of T。 C。 in a prospect of flowers
    The nymph complaining of death of her fawn
    The definition of love
    The garden
Henry Vaughan (1621…1695)
    The dawning
    The night
    The eclipse
    The retreat
    The world of light
Scottish Ballads
    Helen of Kirconnell
    The wife of Usher's well
    The dowie dens of Yarrow
    Sweet William and May Margaret
    Sir Patrick Spens
    Hame; hame; hame
Border Ballad
    A lyke…wake dirge
John Dryden (1631…1700)
    Ode (Thou youngest virgin…daughter of the skies)
Aphre Behn (1640…1689)
    Song; from Abdelazar
Joseph Addison (1672…1719)
    Hymn (The spacious firmament on high)
Alexander Pope (1688…1744)
William Cowper (1731…1800)
    Lines on receiving his mother's picture
Anna Laetitia Barbauld (1743…1825)
William Blake (1757…1828)
    The land of dreams
    The piper
    Holy Thursday
    The tiger
    To the muses
    Love's secret
Robert Burns (1759…1796)
    To a mouse
    The farewell
William Wordsworth (1770…1850)
    Why art thou silent?
    Thoughts of a Briton on the subjugation of Switzerland
    It is a beauteous evening; calm and free
    On the extinction of the Venetian Republic
    O friend! I know not
    Surprised by joy
    To Toussaint L'ouverture
    With ships the sea was sprinkled
    The world
    Upon Westminster bridge; Sept。 3; 1802
    When I have borne in memory
    Three years she grew
    The daffodils
    The solitary reaper
    Elegiac stanzas
    To H。 C。
    'Tis said that some have died for love
    The pet lamb
    Stepping westward
    The childless father
    Ode on intimations of immortality
Sir Walter Scott (1771…1832)
    Proud Maisie
    A weary lot is thine
    The Maid of Neidpath
Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772…1834)
    Kubla Khan
    Youth and age
    The rime of the ancient mariner
Walter Savage Landor (1775…1864)
    Rose Aylmer
    Child of a day
Thomas Campbell (1767…1844)
    Earl March
Charles Lamb (1775…1835)
Allan Cunningham (1784…1842)
    A wet sheet and a flowing sea
George Noel Gordon; Lord Byron (1788…1823)
    The Isles of Greece
Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792…1822)
    Wild with weeping
    To the night
    To a skylark
    To the moon
    The question
    The waning moon
    Ode to the west wind
    Rarely; rarely comest thou
    The invitation; to Jane
    The recollection
    Ode to heaven
    Life of life
    Stanzas written in dejection near Naples
    Dirge for the year
    A widow bird
    The two spirits
John Keats (1795…1821)
    La Belle Dame sans merci
    On first looking into Chapman's Homer
    To sleep
    The gentle south
    Last sonnet
    Ode to a nightingale
    Ode on a Grecian urn
    Ode to Autumn
    Ode to Psyche
    Ode to Melancholy
Hartley Coleridge (1796…1849)
    She is not fair



Written by Spensor on his marriage in Ireland; Elizabeth Boyle of
Kilcoran; who survived him; married one Roger Seckerstone; and was
again a widow。  Dr。 Grosart seems to have finally decided the
identity of the heroine of this great poem。  It is worth while to
explain; once for all; that I do not use the accented e for the
longer pronunciation of the past participle。  The accent is not an
English sign; and; to my mind; disfigures the verse; neither do I
think it necessary to cut off the e with an apostrophe when the
participle is shortened。  The reader knows at a glance how the word
is to be numbered; besides; he may have his preferences where
choice is allowed。  In reading such a line as Tennyson's

〃Dear as remembered kisses after death;〃

one man likes the familiar sound of the word 〃remembered〃 as we all
speak it now; another takes pleasure in the four light syllables
filling the line so full。  Tennyson uses the apostrophe as a rule;
but neither he nor any other author is quite consistent。


It may please the reader to think that this frolic; rich; and
delicate singer was Shakespeare's very Rosalind。  From Dr。 Thomas
Lodge's novel; Euphues' Golden Legacy; was taken much of the story;
with some of the characters; and some few of the passages; of As
You Like It。


This splendid poem (from the same romance); written on the poet's
voyage to the Islands of Terceras and the Canaries; has the fire
and freshness of the south and the sea; all its colours are clear。
The reader's ear will at once teach him to read the sigh 〃heigh ho〃
so as to give the first syllable the time of two (long and short)。


George Peele's four fine stanzas (which must be mentioned as
dedicated to Queen Elizabeth; but are better without that
dedication) exist in another form; in the first person; and with
some archaisms smoothed。  But the third person seems to be far more
touching; the old man himself having done with verse。


The sixth stanza is perhaps by Izaak Walton。


The author of this exquisite song is by no means certain。  The
second stanza is not with the first in Shakespeare; but it is in
Beaumont and Fletcher。


These verses are a more subtle experiment in metre by the musician
and poet; Campion; than even the following; Laura; which he himself
sweetly commended as 〃voluble; and fit to express any amorous
conceit。〃  In Kind are her Answers the long syllables and the
trochaic movement of the short lines meet the contrary movement of
the rest; with an exquisite effect of flux and reflux。  The
〃dancers〃 whose time they sang must have danced (with Perdita) like
〃a wave of the sea。〃


I have followed the usual practice in omitting the last and less
beautiful stanza。


Campion's 〃airs;〃 for which he wrote his words; laid rules too
urgent upon what would have been a delicate genius in poetry。  The
airs demanded so many stanzas; but they gave his imagination leave
to be away; and they depressed and even confused his metrical play;
hurting thus the two vital spots of poetry。  Many of the stanzas
for music make an unlucky repeating pattern with the poor variety
that a repeating wall…paper does not attempt。  And yet Campion
began again and again with the onset of a true poet。  Take; for
example; the poem beginning with the vitality of this line;
〃touching in its majesty〃…

〃Awake; thou spring of speaking grace; mute rest becomes not thee!〃

Who would have guessed that the piece was to close in a jogging
stanza containing a reflection on the fact that brutes are
speechless; with these two final lines …

〃If speech be then the best of graces;
Doe it not in slumber smother!〃

Campion yields a curious collection of beautiful first lines。

〃Sleep; angry beauty; sleep and fear not me〃

is far finer than anything that follows。  So is there a single
gloom in this …

〃Follow thy fair sun; unhappy shadow!〃

And a single joy i

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