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an international episode-第16章

小说: an international episode 字数: 每页4000字

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Bessie Alden had a fund of skepticism。  She abstained on the present occasion

from expressing disbelief; for she wished not to irritate her sister。

But she said to herself that Kitty had been misinformedthat this

was a traveler's tale。  Though she was a girl of a lively imagination;

there could in the nature of things be; to her sense; no reality in

the idea of her belonging to a vulgar category。  What she said aloud was;

〃I must say that in that case I am very sorry for Lord Lambeth。〃

Mrs。 Westgate; more and more exhilarated by her scheme; was smiling

at her again。  〃If I could only believe it was safe!〃 she exclaimed。

〃When you begin to pity him; I; on my side; am afraid。〃

〃Afraid of what?〃

〃Of your pitying him too much。〃

Bessie Alden turned away impatiently; but at the end of a minute she

turned back。  〃What if I should pity him too much?〃 she asked。

Mrs。 Westgate hereupon turned away; but after a moment's

reflection she also faced her sister again。  〃It would come;

after all; to the same thing;〃 she said。

Lord Lambeth came the next day with his trap; and the two ladies;

attended by Willie Woodley; placed themselves under his guidance;

and were conveyed eastward; through some of the duskier portions

of the metropolis; to the great turreted donjon which overlooks

the London shipping。  They all descended from their vehicle and

entered the famous inclosure; and they secured the services of a

venerable beefeater; who; though there were many other claimants for

legendary information; made a fine exclusive party of them and marched

them through courts and corridors; through armories and prisons。

He delivered his usual peripatetic discourse; and they stopped and stared;

and peeped and stooped; according to the official admonitions。

Bessie Alden asked the old man in the crimson doublet a great

many questions; she thought it a most fascinating place。

Lord Lambeth was in high good humor; he was constantly laughing;

he enjoyed what he would have called the lark。  Willie Woodley kept

looking at the ceilings and tapping the walls with the knuckle

of a pearl…gray glove; and Mrs。 Westgate; asking at frequent

intervals to be allowed to sit down and wait till they came back;

was as frequently informed that they would never come back。

To a great many of Bessie's questionschiefly on collateral

points of English historythe ancient warder was naturally

unable to reply; whereupon she always appealed to Lord Lambeth。

But his lordship was very ignorant。  He declared that he knew nothing

about that sort of thing; and he seemed greatly diverted at being

treated as an authority。

〃You can't expect everyone to know as much as you;〃 he said。

〃I should expect you to know a great deal more;〃 declared Bessie Alden。

〃Women always know more than men about names and dates

and that sort of thing;〃 Lord Lambeth rejoined。

〃There was Lady Jane Grey we have just been hearing about;

who went in for Latin and Greek and all the learning of her age。〃

〃YOU have no right to be ignorant; at all events;〃 said Bessie。

〃Why haven't I as good a right as anyone else?〃

〃Because you have lived in the midst of all these things。〃

〃What things do you mean?  Axes; and blocks; and thumbscrews?〃

〃All these historical things。  You belong to a historical family。〃

〃Bessie is really too historical;〃 said Mrs。 Westgate;

catching a word of this dialogue。

〃Yes; you are too historical;〃 said Lord Lambeth; laughing; but thankful

for a formula。  〃Upon my honor; you are too historical!〃

He went with the ladies a couple of days later to Hampton Court;

Willie Woodley being also of the party。  The afternoon was charming;

the famous horse chestnuts were in blossom; and Lord Lambeth;

who quite entered into the spirit of the cockney excursionist;

declared that it was a jolly old place。  Bessie Alden was in ecstasies;

she went about murmuring and exclaiming。

〃It's too lovely;〃 said the young girl; 〃it's too enchanting;

it's too exactly what it ought to be!〃

At Hampton Court the little flocks of visitors are not provided

with an official bellwether; but are left to browse at discretion

upon the local antiquities。  It happened in this manner that;

in default of another informant; Bessie Alden; who on doubtful

questions was able to suggest a great many alternatives; found herself

again applying for intellectual assistance to Lord Lambeth。

But he again assured her that he was utterly helpless in such matters

that his education had been sadly neglected。

〃And I am sorry it makes you unhappy;〃 he added in a moment。

〃You are very disappointing; Lord Lambeth;〃 she said。

〃Ah; now don't say that;〃 he cried。  〃That's the worst thing

you could possibly say。〃

〃No;〃 she rejoined; 〃it is not so bad as to say that I had expected

nothing of you。〃

〃I don't know。  Give me a notion of the sort of thing you expected。〃

〃Well;〃 said Bessie Alden; 〃that you would be more what I should like to be

what I should try to bein your place。〃

〃Ah; my place!〃 exclaimed Lord Lambeth。  〃You are always talking

about my place。!〃

The young girl looked at him; he thought she colored a little;

and for a moment she made no rejoinder。

〃Does it strike you that I am always talking about your place?〃 she asked。

〃I am sure you do it a great honor;〃 he said; fearing he had been uncivil。

〃I have often thought about it;〃 she went on after a moment。

〃I have often thought about your being a hereditary legislator。

A hereditary legislator ought to know a great many things。〃

〃Not if he doesn't legislate。〃

〃But you do legislate; it's absurd your saying you don't。 You are very much

looked up to hereI am assured of that。〃

〃I don't know that I ever noticed it。〃

〃It is because you are used to it; then。  You ought to fill the place。〃

〃How do you mean to fill it?〃 asked Lord Lambeth。

〃You ought to be very clever and brilliant; and to know almost everything。〃

Lord Lambeth looked at her a moment。  〃Shall I tell you something?〃 he asked。

〃A young man in my position; as you call it〃

〃I didn't invent the term;〃 interposed Bessie Alden。

〃I have seen it in a great many books。〃

〃Hang it! you are always at your books。  A fellow

in my position; then; does very well whatever he does。

That's about what I mean to say。〃

〃Well; if your own people are content with you;〃

said Bessie Alden; laughing; 〃it is not for me to complain。

But I shall always think that; properly; you should have been

a great minda great character。〃

〃Ah; that's very theoretic;〃 Lord Lambeth declared。

〃Depend upon it; that's a Yankee prejudice。〃

〃Happy the country;〃 said Bessie Alden; 〃where even people's

prejudices are so elevated!〃

〃Well; after all;〃 observed Lord Lambeth; 〃I don't know that I am

such a fool as you are trying to make me out。〃

〃I said nothing so rude as that; but I must repeat that

you are disappointing。〃

〃My dear Miss Alden;〃 exclaimed the young man; 〃I am the best

fellow in the world!〃

〃Ah; if it were not for that!〃 said Bessie Alden with a smile。

Mrs。 Westgate had a good many more friends in London than

she pretended; and before long she had renewed acquaintance

with most of them。  Their hospitality was extreme; so that;

one thing leading to another; she began; as the phrase is; to go out。

Bessie Alden; in this way; saw something of what she found

it a great satisfaction to call to herself English society。

She went to balls and danced; she went to dinners and talked;

she went to concerts and listened (at concerts Bessie

always listened); she went to exhibitions and wondered。

Her enjoyment was keen and her curiosity insatiable; and;

grateful in general for all her opportunities; she especially

prized the privilege of meeting certain celebrated persons

authors and artists; philosophers and statesmenof whose

renown she h

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