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the amateur cracksman-第23章

小说: the amateur cracksman 字数: 每页4000字

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〃Then;〃 said he; 〃you have the privilege of knowing one of the most complete young black…guards about town; and the fons et origo of the whole trouble。  As you know the son; you may know the father too; at all events by reputation; and in that case I needn't tell you that he is a very peculiar man。  He lives alone in a storehouse of treasures which no eyes but his ever behold。  He is said to have the finest collection of pictures in the south of England; though nobody ever sees them to judge; pictures; fiddles and furniture are his hobby; and he is undoubtedly very eccentric。 Nor can one deny that there has been considerable eccentricity in his treatment of his son。  For years Sir Bernard paid his debts; and the other day; without the slightest warning; not only refused to do so any more; but absolutely stopped the lad's allowance。  Well; I'll tell you what has happened; but first of all you must know; or you may remember; that I appeared for young Debenham in a little scrape he got into a year or two ago。  I got him off all right; and Sir Bernard paid me handsomely on the nail。  And no more did I hear or see of either of them until one day last week。〃

The lawyer drew his chair nearer ours; and leant forward with a hand on either knee。

〃On Tuesday of last week I had a telegram from Sir Bernard; I was to go to him at once。  I found him waiting for me in the drive; without a word he led me to the picture…gallery; which was locked and darkened; drew up a blind; and stood simply pointing to an empty picture…frame。  It was a long time before I could get a word out of him。  Then at last he told me that that frame had contained one of the rarest and most valuable pictures in Englandin the worldan original Velasquez。  I have checked this;〃 said the lawyer; 〃and it seems literally true; the picture was a portrait of the Infanta Maria Teresa; said to be one of the artist's greatest works; second only to another portrait of one of the Popes in Romeso they told me at the National Gallery; where they had its history by heart。  They say there that the picture is practically priceless。  And young Debenham has sold it for five thousand pounds!〃

〃The deuce he has;〃 said Raffles。

I inquired who had bought it。

〃A Queensland legislator of the name of Craggsthe Hon。 John Montagu Craggs; M。L。C。; to give him his full title。  Not that we knew anything about him on Tuesday last; we didn't even know for certain that young Debenham had stolen the picture。  But he had gone down for money on the Monday evening; had been refused; and it was plain enough that he had helped himself in this way; he had threatened revenge; and this was it。 Indeed; when I hunted him up in town on the Tuesday night; he confessed as much in the most brazen manner imaginable。  But he wouldn't tell me who was the purchaser; and finding out took the rest of the week; but I did find out; and a nice time I've had of it ever since!  Backwards and forwards between Esher and the Metropole; where the Queenslander is staying; sometimes twice a day; threats; offers; prayers; entreaties; not one of them a bit of good!〃

〃But;〃 said Raffles; 〃surely it's a clear case?  The sale was illegal; you can pay him back his money and force him to give the picture up。〃

〃Exactly; but not without an action and a public scandal; and that my client declines to face。  He would rather lose even his picture than have the whole thing get into the papers; he has disowned his son; but he will not disgrace him; yet his picture he must have by hook or crook; and there's the rub!  I am to get it back by fair means or foul。  He gives me carte blanche in the matter; and; I verily believe; would throw in a blank check if asked。  He offered one to the Queenslander; but Craggs simply tore it in two; the one old boy is as much a character as the other; and between the two of them I'm at my wits' end。〃

〃So you put that advertisement in the paper?〃 said Raffles; in the dry tones he had adopted throughout the interview。

〃As a last resort。  I did。〃

〃And you wish us to STEAL this picture?〃

It was magnificently said; the lawyer flushed from his hair to his collar。

〃I knew you were not the men!〃 he groaned。 〃I never thought of men of your stamp!  But it's not stealing;〃 he exclaimed heatedly; 〃it's recovering stolen property。  Besides; Sir Bernard will pay him his five thousand as soon as he has the picture; and; you'll see; old Craggs will be just as loath to let it come out as Sir Bernard himself。  No; noit's an enterprise; an adventure; if you likebut not stealing。〃

〃You yourself mentioned the law;〃 murmured Raffles。

〃And the risk;〃 I added。

〃We pay for that;〃 he said once more。

〃But not enough;〃 said Raffles; shaking his head。  〃My good sir; consider what it means to us。  You spoke of those clubs; we should not only get kicked out of them; but put in prison like common burglars!  It's true we're hard up; but it simply isn't worth it at the price。  Double your stakes; and I for one am your man。〃

Addenbrooke wavered。

〃Do you think you could bring it off?〃

〃We could try。〃

〃But you have no〃

〃Experience?  Well; hardly!〃

〃And you would really run the risk for four thousand pounds?〃

Raffles looked at me。  I nodded。

〃We would;〃 said he; 〃and blow the odds!〃

〃It's more than I can ask my client to pay;〃 said Addenbrooke; growing firm。

〃Then it's more than you can expect us to risk。〃

〃You are in earnest?〃

〃God wot!〃

〃Say three thousand if you succeed!〃

〃Four is our figure; Mr。 Addenbrooke。〃

〃Then I think it should be nothing if you fail。〃

〃Doubles or quits?〃 cried Raffles。  〃Well; that's sporting。  Done!〃

Addenbrooke opened his lips; half rose; then sat back in his chair; and looked long and shrewdly at Rafflesnever once at me。

〃I know your bowling;〃 said he reflectively。  〃I go up to Lord's whenever I want an hour's real rest; and I've seen you bowl again and againyes; and take the best wickets in England on a plumb pitch。  I don't forget the last Gentleman and Players; I was there。  You're up to every trickevery one 。 。 。  I'm inclined to think that if anybody could bowl out this old Australian 。 。 。 Damme; I believe you're my very man!〃

The bargain was clinched at the Cafe Royal; where Bennett Addenbrooke insisted on playing host at an extravagant luncheon。  I remember that he took his whack of champagne with the nervous freedom of a man at high pressure; and have no doubt I kept him in countenance by an equal indulgence; but Raffles; ever an exemplar in such matters; was more abstemious even than his wont; and very poor company to boot。  I can see him now; his eyes in his platethinkingthinking。  I can see the solicitor glancing from him to me in an apprehension of which I did my best to disabuse him by reassuring looks。  At the close Raffles apologized for his preoccupation; called for an A。B。C。 time…table; and announced his intention of catching the 3。2 to Esher。

〃You must excuse me; Mr。 Addenbrooke;〃 said he; 〃but I have my own idea; and for the moment I should much prefer to keep it to myself。  It may end in fizzle; so I would rather not speak about it to either of you just yet。  But speak to Sir Bernard I must; so will you write me one line to him on your card?  Of course; if you wish; you must come down with me and hear what I say; but I really don't see much point in it。〃

And as usual Raffles had his way; though Bennett Addenbrooke showed some temper when he was gone; and I myself shared his annoyance to no small extent。  I could only tell him that it was in the nature of Raffles to be self…willed and secretive; but that no man of my acquaintance had half his audacity and determination; that I for my part would trust him through and through; and let him gang his own gait every time。  More I dared not say; even to remove those chill misgivings with which I knew that the lawyer went his way。

That day I saw no more of Raffles; but a telegram reached me when I was dressing for dinner:

〃Be in your rooms to…morrow from noon and keep rest of day clear; Raffles。〃

 It had been sent off from Waterloo at 6。42。

So Raffles was back in town; at an earlier stage of our relations I should have hunted him up then and ther

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