贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > the devotion of enriquez >


the devotion of enriquez-第2章

小说: the devotion of enriquez 字数: 每页4000字

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heard the music; and dropped in。  I don't know what has become of

her;〃 she added; glancing round the room again; 〃she seemed

perfectly wild when she saw that creature over there bounding about

with his handkerchiefs。  You were speaking to him just now。  Do

tell meis he real?〃

〃I should think there was little doubt of that;〃 I said with a

vague laugh。

〃You know what I mean;〃 she said simply。  〃Is he quite sane?  Does

he do that because he likes it; or is he paid for it?〃

This was too much。  I pointed out somewhat hurriedly that he was a

scion of one of the oldest Castilian families; that the performance

was a national gypsy dance which he had joined in as a patriot and

a patron; and that he was my dearest friend。  At the same time I

was conscious that I wished she hadn't seen his last performance。

〃You don't mean to say that all that he did was in the dance?〃 she

said。  〃I don't believe it。  It was only like him。〃  As I hesitated

over this palpable truth; she went on: 〃I do wish he'd do it again。

Don't you think you could make him?〃

〃Perhaps he might if YOU asked him;〃 I said a little maliciously。

〃Of course I shouldn't do that;〃 she returned quietly。  〃All the

same; I do believe he is really going to do itor something else。

Do look!〃

I looked; and to my horror saw that Enriquez; possibly incited by

the delicate gold eyeglasses of Miss Mannersley; had divested

himself of his coat; and was winding the four handkerchiefs; tied

together; picturesquely around his waist; preparatory to some new

performance。  I tried furtively to give him a warning look; but in


〃Isn't he really too absurd for anything?〃 said Miss Mannersley;

yet with a certain comfortable anticipation in her voice。  〃You

know; I never saw anything like this before。  I wouldn't have

believed such a creature could have existed。〃

Even had I succeeded in warning him; I doubt if it would have been

of any avail。  For; seizing a guitar from one of the musicians; he

struck a few chords; and suddenly began to zigzag into the center

of the floor; swaying his body languishingly from side to side in

time with the music and the pitch of a thin Spanish tenor。  It was

a gypsy love song。  Possibly Miss Mannersley's lingual

accomplishments did not include a knowledge of Castilian; but she

could not fail to see that the gestures and illustrative pantomime

were addressed to her。  Passionately assuring her that she was the

most favored daughter of the Virgin; that her eyes were like votive

tapers; and yet in the same breath accusing her of being a

〃brigand〃 and 〃assassin〃 in her attitude toward 〃his heart;〃 he

balanced with quivering timidity toward her; threw an imaginary

cloak in front of her neat boots as a carpet for her to tread on;

and with a final astonishing pirouette and a languishing twang of

his guitar; sank on one knee; and blew; with a rose; a kiss at her


If I had been seriously angry with him before for his grotesque

extravagance; I could have pitied him now for the young girl's

absolute unconsciousness of anything but his utter ludicrousness。

The applause of dancers and bystanders was instantaneous and

hearty; her only contribution to it was a slight parting of her

thin red lips in a half…incredulous smile。  In the silence that

followed the applause; as Enriquez walked pantingly away; I heard

her saying; half to herself; 〃Certainly a most extraordinary

creature!〃  In my indignation I could not help turning suddenly

upon her and looking straight into her eyes。  They were brown; with

that peculiar velvet opacity common to the pupils of nearsighted

persons; and seemed to defy internal scrutiny。  She only repeated

carelessly; 〃Isn't he?〃 and added: 〃Please see if you can find

Jocasta。  I suppose we ought to be going now; and I dare say he

won't be doing it again。  Ah! there she is。  Good gracious; child!

what have you got there?〃

It was Enriquez' rose which Jocasta had picked up; and was timidly

holding out toward her mistress。

〃Heavens! I don't want it。  Keep it yourself。〃

I walked with them to the door; as I did not fancy a certain

glitter in the black eyes of the Senoritas Manuela and Pepita; who

were watching her curiously。  But I think she was as oblivious of

this as she was of Enriquez' particular attentions。  As we reached

the street I felt that I ought to say something more。

〃You know;〃 I began casually; 〃that although those poor people meet

here in this public way; their gathering is really quite a homely

pastoral and a national custom; and these girls are all honest;

hardworking peons or servants enjoying themselves in quite the old

idyllic fashion。〃

〃Certainly;〃 said the young girl; half…abstractedly。  〃Of course

it's a Moorish dance; originally brought over; I suppose; by those

old Andalusian immigrants two hundred years ago。  It's quite Arabic

in its suggestions。  I have got something like it in an old

CANCIONERO I picked up at a bookstall in Boston。  But;〃 she added;

with a gasp of reminiscent satisfaction; 〃that's not like HIM!  Oh;

no! HE is decidedly original。  Heavens! yes。〃

I turned away in some discomfiture to join Enriquez; who was calmly

awaiting me; with a cigarette in his mouth; outside the sala。  Yet

he looked so unconscious of any previous absurdity that I hesitated

in what I thought was a necessary warning。  He; however; quickly

precipitated it。  Glancing after the retreating figures of the two

women; he said: 〃Thees mees from Boston is return to her house。

You do not accompany her?  I shall。  Behold meI am there。〃  But I

linked my arm firmly in his。  Then I pointed out; first; that she

was already accompanied by a servant; secondly; that if I; who knew

her; had hesitated to offer myself as an escort; it was hardly

proper for him; a perfect stranger; to take that liberty; that Miss

Mannersley was very punctilious of etiquette; which he; as a

Castilian gentleman; ought to appreciate。

〃But will she not regard lofethe admiration excessif?〃 he said;

twirling his thin little mustache meditatively。

〃No; she will not;〃 I returned sharply; 〃and you ought to

understand that she is on a different level from your Manuelas and


〃Pardon; my friend;〃 he said gravely; 〃thees women are ever the

same。  There is a proverb in my language。  Listen: 'Whether the

sharp blade of the Toledo pierce the satin or the goatskin; it

shall find behind it ever the same heart to wound。'  I am that

Toledo bladepossibly it is you; my friend。  Wherefore; let us

together pursue this girl of Boston on the instant。〃

But I kept my grasp on Enriquez' arm; and succeeded in restraining

his mercurial impulses for the moment。  He halted; and puffed

vigorously at his cigarette; but the next instant he started

forward again。  〃Let us; however; follow with discretion in the

rear; we shall pass her house; we shall gaze at it; it shall touch

her heart。〃

Ridiculous as was this following of the young girl we had only just

parted from; I nevertheless knew that Enriquez was quite capable of

attempting it alone; and I thought it better to humor him by

consenting to walk with him in that direction; but I felt it

necessary to say:

〃I ought to warn you that Miss Mannersley already looks upon your

performances at the sala as something outre and peculiar; and if I

were you I shouldn't do anything to deepen that impression。〃

〃You are saying she ees shock?〃 said Enriquez; gravely。

I felt I could not conscientiously say that she was shocked; and he

saw my hesitation。  〃Then she have jealousy of the senoritas;〃 he

observed; with insufferable complacency。  〃You observe!  I have

already said。  It is ever so。〃

I could stand it no longer。  〃Look here; Harry;〃 I said; 〃if you

must know it; she looks upon you as an acrobata paid performer。〃

〃Ah!〃his black eyes sparkled〃the torero; the man who fights the

bull; he is

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