贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > paul the peddler >


paul the peddler-第23章

小说: paul the peddler 字数: 每页4000字

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confounded racket?  My nerves won't get over it for a week。〃

〃I didn't think of the bell;〃 said Paul; 〃I am not much used to


〃What will we do with him?〃 asked James; looking to Mr。 Piper

for counsel。

〃You'd better take him downstairs; and see if his story is

correct;〃 said the nervous gentleman; with returning good sense。

〃I'll do it;〃 said James; to whom the very obvious suggestion

seemed marked by extraordinary wisdom; and he grasped Paul

roughly by the arm。

〃You needn't hold me;〃 said our hero; shaking off the grasp。  〃I

haven't any intention of running away。  I want to find out; if I

can; what has become of the man that swindled me。〃

James looked doubtfully at Mr。 Piper。

〃I don't think he means to run away;〃 said that gentleman。  〃I

begin to think his story is correct。  And hark you; my young

friend; if you ever get locked up in a hotel room again; just see

if there is a bell before you make such a confounded racket。〃

〃Yes; sir; I will;〃 said Paul; half…smiling; 〃but I'll take care

not to get locked up again。  It won't be easy for anybody to play

that trick on me again。〃

The party filed downstairs to the office and Paul told his story

to the bookkeeper。

〃Have you seen Mr。 Montgomery go out?〃 asked our hero。

〃Yes; he went out half an hour ago; or perhaps more。  He left his

key at the desk; but said nothing。  He seemed to be in a hurry。〃

〃You didn't notice in what direction he went?〃


Of course no attempt was made to detain Paul。  There could be no

case against him。  He went out of the hotel; and looked up and

down Broadway in a state of indecision。  He did not mean to sit

down passively and submit to the swindle。  But he had no idea in

what direction to search for Mr。 Felix Montgomery。



Paul stood in the street irresolute。  He looked hopelessly up and

down Broadway; but of course the jeweler from Syracuse was not to

be seen。  Seeking for him in a city containing hundreds of

streets and millions of inhabitants was about as discouraging as

hunting for a needle in a haystack。  But difficult as it was;

Paul was by no means ready to give up the search。  Indeed;

besides the regret he felt at the loss; he was mortified at

having been so easily outwitted。

〃He's taken me in just as if I was a country boy;〃 thought Paul。 

〃I dare say he's laughing at me now。  I'd like to get even with


Finally he decided to go to Tiffany's; and ask them to detain any

one who might bring in the ring and offer it for sale。  He at

once acted upon this thought; and; hailing a Broadway stage; for

no time was to be lost; soon reached his destination。  Entering

the store; he walked up to the counter and addressed the clerk to

whom he had before shown the ring。

〃Do you remember my offering you a diamond ring for sale this

morning?〃 he asked。

〃Yes; I remember it very well。  Have you got it with you?〃

〃No; it has been stolen from me。〃

〃Indeed!  How was that?〃 asked the clerk; with interest。

〃I met in the cars a well…dressed man; who called himself a

jeweler from Syracuse。  He examined the ring; and offered me more

than Mr。 Tiffany; but asked me to bring it to him at Lovejoy's

Hotel。  When I got there; he drugged me with chloroform; and when

I recovered he was gone。〃

〃You have been unlucky。  There are plenty of such swindlers

about。  You should have been careful about displaying the ring

before strangers。〃

〃I was showing it to a friend。〃

〃Have you notified the police?〃

〃Not yet。  I came here to let you know; because I thought the

thief might bring it in here to sell。〃

〃Very likely。  Give me a description of him。〃

Paul described Mr。 Felix Montgomery to the best of his ability。

〃I think I should know him from your description。  I will speak

to Mr。 Tiffany; and he will no doubt give orders to detain any

person who may offer the ring for sale。〃

〃Thank you。〃

〃If you will give me your address; we will notify you in case the

ring is brought in。〃

Paul left his address; and went out of the store; feeling that he

had taken one step toward the recovery of his treasure。  He next

visited the police headquarters; and left a detailed description

of the man who had relieved him of the ring and of the

circumstances attending the robbery。  Then he went home。

His mother looked up as he entered。

〃Well; Paul?〃 she said; inquiringly。

〃I've got bad news; mother;〃 he said。

〃What is it?  Tell me quick!〃  she said; nervously。

〃The ring has been stolen from me。〃

〃How did it happen; Paul?〃

〃First; I must tell you how much the ring is worth。  I went up to

Tiffany's; and showed the ring to Mr。 Tiffany himself。  He told

me that he would give me two hundred and fifty dollars for it; if

I would satisfy him that I had a right to sell it。〃

〃Two hundred and fifty dollars!〃  repeated Mrs。 Hoffman; in


〃Yes; the diamond is very large and pure。〃

〃Two hundred and fifty dollars would be a great help to us。〃

〃Yes; mother; that is what makes me feel so bad about being

swindled out of it。〃

〃Tell me how it happened。  Is there no chance of recovering it?〃

〃A little。  I shall do what I can。  I have already notified the

police; and Mr。 Tiffany。〃

〃You have not told me yet how you lost it。〃

When Paul had told the story; his mother asked; 〃Did you mention

it in the cars that you had offered it at Tiffany's?〃

〃Yes; and I mentioned his offer。〃

〃Perhaps the thief would be cautious about going there; for that

very reason。  He might think the ring would be recognized。〃

〃He would go to a large place; thinking that so valuable a ring

would be more readily purchased there。〃

〃He might go to Ball & Black's。〃

〃That is true。〃

〃It would be well to give notice there also。〃

〃I will go up there at once。  I only wish I could meet Mr。 Felix

Montgomery; I don't think he would find it so easy to outreach me

a second time。〃

〃Take some dinner first; Paul。〃

〃Then I must hurry it down; mother; I don't want to run the risk

of getting too late to Ball & Black's。  I can't help thinking

what a splendid thing it would be if we had the two hundred and

fifty dollars。  I would buy out Barry's stand; and I would get a

sewing…machine for you; and we could live much more comfortably。 

It makes me mad to think I let that villain take me in so!  He

must think me jolly green。〃

〃Anybody might have been deceived; Paul。  You mustn't blame

yourself too much for that。〃

Leaving Paul on his way to Ball & Black's; we return to Mr。 Felix

Montgomery; as we shall continue to call him; though he had no

right to the name。  After stupefying Paul; as already described;

he made his way downstairs; and; leaving his key at the desk;

went out。

〃I hope my young friend will enjoy himself upstairs;〃 he chuckled

to himself。  〃He's quite welcome to the use of the room till

to…morrow morning。  It's paid for in advance; and I don't think I

shall find it convenient to stop there。〃

He took the ring from his vest pocket and glanced at it


〃It's a beauty;〃 he murmured; complacently。  〃I never saw a

handsomer ring of the size。  What was it the boy said he was

offered for it?  Two hundred and fifty dollars!  That'll give me

a lift; and it doesn't come any too soon。  My money is pretty


He walked across the City Hall Park; and at Barclay street

entered a University place car。

〃Evenin' paper; mister?〃 said a ragged newsboy; whose garments

were constructed on the most approved system of ventilation。

〃What have you got?〃

〃Evenin' Post; Mail; Express!〃

〃Give me an Express。  Here's ten cents。〃

〃I haven't got but three cents change; mister。〃

〃Never mind the change;〃 said Mr。 Montgomery; in a fit of

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