贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > robert falconer >


robert falconer-第88章

小说: robert falconer 字数: 每页4000字

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apprehension; his keenest irony fell; as he said; like water on a

duck's back; and in respect of her he had; therefore; no weapon of

offence to strike terror withal。  Her dulness was her defence。  He

liked Robert。  When he saw him; he wakened up; laid hold of him by

the button; and drew him in。

'Come in; lad;' he said; 'an' tak a pinch。  I'm waitin' for Merson。'

As he spoke he took from his pocket his mull; made of the end of a

ram's horn; and presented it to Robert; who accepted the pledge of

friendship。  While he was partaking; MacGregor drew himself with

some effort upon the counter; saying in a half…comical;

half…admonitory tone;

'Weel; and hoo's the mathematics; Robert?'

'Thrivin';' answered Robert; falling into his humour。

'Weel; that's verra weel。  Duv ye min'; Robert; hoo; whan ye was

aboot the age o' aucht year aul'; ye cam to me ance at my shop aboot

something yer gran'mither; honest woman; wantit; an' I; by way o'

takin' my fun o' ye; said to ye; 〃Robert; ye hae grown desperate;

ye're a man clean; ye hae gotten the breeks on。〃  An' says ye; 〃Ay;

Mr。 MacGregor; I want naething noo but a watch an' a wife〃?'

'I doobt I've forgotten a' aboot it; Mr。 MacGregor;' answered

Robert。 'But I've made some progress; accordin' to your story; for

Dr。 Anderson; afore I cam hame; gae me a watch。  An' a fine crater

it is; for it aye does its best; an' sae I excuse its shortcomin's。'

'There's just ae thing; an' nae anither;' returned the manufacturer;

'that I cannot excuse in a watch。  Gin a watch gangs ower fest; ye

fin' 't oot。  Gin she gangs ower slow; ye fin' 't oot; an' ye can

aye calculate upo' 't correck eneuch for maitters sublunairy; as Mr。

Maccleary says。  An' gin a watch stops a'thegither; ye ken it's

failin'; an' ye ken whaur it sticks; an' a' 'at ye say 's 〃Tut; tut;

de'il hae 't for a watch!〃  But there's ae thing that God nor man

canna bide in a watch; an' that's whan it stan's still for a

bittock; an' syne gangs on again。  Ay; ay! tic; tic; tic! wi' a fair

face and a leein' hert。  It wad gar ye believe it was a' richt; and

time for anither tum'ler; whan it's twal o'clock; an' the kirkyaird

fowk thinkin' aboot risin'。  Fegs; I had a watch o' my father's; an'

I regairdit it wi' a reverence mair like a human bein': the second

time it played me that pliskie; I dang oot its guts upo' the

loupin'…on…stane at the door o' the chop。  But lat the watch sit:

whaur's the wife?  Ye canna be a man yet wantin' the wifeby yer

ain statement。'

'The watch cam unsoucht; Mr。 MacGregor; an' I'm thinkin' sae maun

the wife;' answered Robert; laughing。

'Preserve me for ane frae a wife that comes unsoucht;' returned the

weaver。 'But; my lad; there may be some wives that winna come whan

they are soucht。  Preserve me frae them too!Noo; maybe ye dinna

ken what I meanbut tak ye tent what ye're aboot。  Dinna ye think

'at ilka bonnie lass 'at may like to haud a wark wi' ye 's jist

ready to mairry ye aff han' whan ye say; 〃Noo; my dawtie。〃An' ae

word mair; Robert: Young men; especially braw lads like yersel'; 's

unco ready to fa' in love wi' women fit to be their mithers。  An'

sae ye see'

He was interrupted by the entrance of a girl。  She had a shawl over

her head; notwithstanding it was summer weather; and crept in

hesitatingly; as if she were not quite at one with herself as to her

coming purchase。  Approaching a boy behind the counter on the

opposite side of the shop; she asked for something; and he proceeded

to serve her。  Robert could not help thinking; from the one glimpse

of her face he had got through the dusk; that he had seen her

before。  Suddenly the vision of an earthen floor with a pool of

brown sunlight upon it; bare feet; brown hair; and soft eyes;

mingled with a musk odour wafted from Arabian fairyland; rose before

him: it was Jessie Hewson。

'I ken that lassie;' he said; and moved to get down from the counter

on which he too had seated himself。

'Na; na;' whispered the manufacturer; laying; like the Ancient

Mariner; a brown skinny hand of restraint upon Robert's arm'na;

na; never heed her。  Ye maunna speyk to ilka lass 'at ye ken。Poor

thing! she's been doin' something wrang; to gang slinkin' aboot i'

the gloamin' like a baukie (bat); wi' her plaid ower her heid。

Dinna fash wi' her。'

'Nonsense!' returned Robert; with indignation。 'What for shouldna I

speik till her?  She's a decent lassiea dochter o' James Hewson;

the cottar at Bodyfauld。  I ken her fine。'

He said this in a whisper; but the girl seemed to hear it; for she

left the shop with a perturbation which the dimness of the late

twilight could not conceal。  Robert hesitated no longer; but

followed her; heedless of the louder expostulations of MacGregor。

She was speeding away down the street; but he took longer strides

than she; and was almost up with her; when she drew her shawl closer

about her head; and increased her pace。

'Jessie!' said Robert; in a tone of expostulation。  But she made no

answer。  Her head sunk lower on her bosom; and she hurried yet

faster。  He gave a long stride or two and laid his hand on her

shoulder。  She stood still; trembling。

'Jessie; dinna ye ken meRobert Faukner?  Dinna be feart at me。

What's the maitter wi' ye; 'at ye winna speik till a body?  Hoo's

a' the fowk at hame?'

She burst out crying; cast one look into Robert's face; and fled。

What a change was in that face?  The peach…colour was gone from her

cheek; it was pale and thin。  Her eyes were hollow; with dark

shadows under them; the shadows of a sad sunset。  A foreboding of

the truth arose in his heart; and the tears rushed up into his eyes。

The next moment the eidolon of Mary St。 John; moving gracious and

strong; clothed in worship and the dignity which is its own defence;

appeared beside that of Jessie Hewson; her bowed head shaken with

sobs; and her weak limbs urged to ungraceful flight。  As if walking

in the vision of an eternal truth; he went straight to Captain

Forsyth's door。

'I want to speak to Miss St。 John; Isie;' said Robert。

'She'll be doon in a minit。'

'But isna yer mistress i' the drawin'…room?I dinna want to see


'Ow; weel;' said the girl; who was almost fresh from the country;

'jist rin up the stair; an' chap at the door o' her room。'

With the simplicity of a child; for what a girl told him to do must

be right; Robert sped up the stair; his heart going like a

fire…engine。  He had never approached Mary's room from this side;

but instinct or something else led him straight to her door。  He


'Come in;' she said; never doubting it was the maid; and Robert


She was brushing her hair by the light of a chamber candle。  Robert

was seized with awe; and his limbs trembled。  He could have kneeled

before hernot to beg forgiveness; he did not think of thatbut to

worship; as a man may worship a woman。  It is only a strong; pure

heart like Robert's that ever can feel all the inroad of the divine

mystery of womanhood。  But he did not kneel。  He had a duty to

perform。  A flush rose in Miss St。 John's face; and sank away;

leaving it pale。  It was not that she thought once of her own

condition; with her hair loose on her shoulders; but; able only to

conjecture what had brought him thither; she could not but regard

Robert's presence with dismay。  She stood with her ivory brush in

her right hand uplifted; and a great handful of hair in her left。

She was soon relieved; however; although what with his contemplated

intercession; the dim vision of Mary's lovely face between the

masses of her hair; and the lavender odour that filled the

roomperhaps also a faint suspicion of impropriety sufficient to

give force to the restRobert was thrown back into the abyss of his

mother…tongue; and out of this abyss talked like a Behemoth。

'Robert!' said Mary; in a tone which; had he not been so eager after

his end; he might have 

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