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a history of science-4-第58章

小说: a history of science-4 字数: 每页4000字

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to the character of their monuments; are assured a permanency of fame that can almost defy time itself。 It would be nothing strange; but rather in keeping with their previous mutations of fortune; if the names of Asurnazirpal and Asurbanipal should be familiar as household words to future generations that have forgotten the existence of an Alexander; a Caesar; and a Napoleon。  For when Macaulay's prospective New Zealander explores the ruins of the British Museum the records of the ancient Assyrians will presumably still be there unscathed; to tell their story as they have told it to our generation; though every manuscript and printed book may have gone the way of fragile textures。

But the past of the Assyrian sculptures is quite necromantic enough without conjuring for them a necromantic future。 The story of their restoration is like a brilliant romance of history。  Prior to the middle of this century the inquiring student could learn in an hour or so all that was known in fact and in fable of the renowned city of Nineveh。  He had but to read a few chapters of the Bible and a few pages of Diodorus to exhaust the important literature on the subject。 If he turned also to the pages of Herodotus and Xenophon; of Justin and Aelian; these served chiefly to confirm the suspicion that the Greeks themselves knew almost nothing more of the history of their famed Oriental forerunners。 The current fables told of a first King Ninus and his wonderful queen Semiramis; of Sennacherib the conqueror; of the effeminate Sardanapalus; who neglected the warlike ways of his ancestors but perished gloriously at the last; with Nineveh itself; in a self…imposed holocaust。  And that was all。 How much of this was history; how much myth; no man could say; and for all any one suspected to the contrary; no man could ever know。 And to…day the contemporary records of the city are before us in such profusion as no other nation of antiquity; save Egypt alone; can at all rival。  Whole libraries of Assyrian books are at hand that were written in the seventh century before our era。 These; be it understood; are the original books themselves; not copies。  The author of that remote time appeals to us directly; hand to eye; without intermediary transcriber。 And there is not a line of any Hebrew or Greek manuscript of a like age that has been preserved to us; there is little enough that can match these ancient books by a thousand years。 When one reads Moses or Isaiah; Homer; Hesiod; or Herodotus; he is but following the transcriptionoften unquestionably faulty and probably never in all parts perfectof successive copyists of later generations。  The oldest known copy of the Bible; for example; dates probably from the fourth century A。D。; a thousand years or more after the last Assyrian records were made and read and buried and forgotten。

There was at least one king of Assyrianamely; Asurbanipal; whose palace boasted a library of some ten thousand volumesa library; if you please; in which the books were numbered and shelved systematically; and classified and cared for by an official librarian。  If you would see some of the documents of this marvellous library you have but to step past the winged lions of Asurnazirpal and enter the Assyrian hall just around the corner from the Rosetta Stone。  Indeed; the great slabs of stone from which the lions themselves are carved are in a sense books; inasmuch as there are written records inscribed on their surface。 A glance reveals the strange characters in which these records are written; graven neatly in straight lines across the stone; and looking to casual inspection like nothing so much as random flights of arrow…heads。 The resemblance is so striking that this is sometimes called the arrow…head character; though it is more generally known as the wedge or cuneiform character。 The inscriptions on the flanks of the lions are; however; only makeshift books。  But the veritable books are no farther away than the next room beyond the hall of Asurnazirpal。  They occupy part of a series of cases placed down the centre of this room。 Perhaps it is not too much to speak of this collection as the most extraordinary set of documents of all the rare treasures of the British Museum; for it includes not books alone; but public and private letters; business announcements; marriage contractsin a word; all the species of written records that enter into the every…day life of an intelligent and cultured community。

But by what miracle have such documents been preserved through all these centuries?  A glance makes the secret evident。 It is simply a case of time…defying materials。  Each one of these Assyrian documents appears to be; and in reality is; nothing more or less than an inscribed fragment of brick; having much the color and texture of a weathered terra…cotta tile of modern manufacture。  These slabs are usually oval or oblong in shape; and from two or three to six or eight inches in length and an inch or so in thickness。  Each of them was originally a portion of brick…clay; on which the scribe indented the flights of arrowheads with some sharp…cornered instrument; after which the document was made permanent by baking。 They are somewhat fragile; of course; as all bricks are; and many of them have been more or less crumbled in the destruction of the palace at Nineveh; but to the ravages of mere time they are as nearly invulnerable as almost anything in nature。 Hence it is that these records of a remote civilization have been preserved to us; while the similar records of such later civilizations as the Grecian have utterly perished; much as the flint implements of the cave…dweller come to us unchanged; while the iron implements of a far more recent age have crumbled away。


After all; then; granted the choice of materials; there is nothing so very extraordinary in the mere fact of preservation of these ancient records。 To be sure; it is vastly to the credit of nineteenth…century enterprise to have searched them out and brought them back to light。 But the real marvel in connection with them is the fact that nineteenth…century scholarship should have given us; not the material documents themselves; but a knowledge of their actual contents。 The flight of arrow…heads on wall or slab or tiny brick have surely a meaning; but how shall we guess that meaning?  These must be words; but what words?  The hieroglyphics of the Egyptians were mysterious enough in all conscience; yet; after all; their symbols have a certain suggestiveness; whereas there is nothing that seems to promise a mental leverage in the unbroken succession of these cuneiform dashes。 Yet the Assyrian scholar of to…day can interpret these strange records almost as readily and as surely as the classical scholar interprets a Greek manuscript。  And this evidences one of the greatest triumphs of nineteenth…century scholarship; for within almost two thousand years no man has lived; prior to our century; to whom these strange inscriptions would not have been as meaningless as they are to the most casual stroller who looks on them with vague wonderment here in the museum to…day。 For the Assyrian language; like the Egyptian; was veritably a dead language; not; like Greek and Latin; merely passed from practical every…day use to the closet of the scholar; but utterly and absolutely forgotten by all the world。 Such being the case; it is nothing less than marvellous that it should have been restored。

It is but fair to add that this restoration probably never would have been effected; with Assyrian or with Egyptian; had the language in dying left no cognate successor; for the powers of modern linguistry; though great; are not actually miraculous。  But; fortunately; a language once developed is not blotted out in toto; it merely outlives its usefulness and is gradually supplanted; its successor retaining many traces of its origin。  So; just as Latin; for example; has its living representatives in Italian and the other Romance tongues; the language of Assyria is represented by cognate Semitic languages。 As it chances; however; these have been of aid rather in the later stages of Assyrian study than at the very outset; and the first clew to the message of the cuneiform wr

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