贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > 10,000 dreams interpreted >


10,000 dreams interpreted-第101章

小说: 10,000 dreams interpreted 字数: 每页4000字

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of some journey to be made。

To have a misunderstanding with one; shows that you will be disappointed

in the outcome of some scheme。

For one to take your measure; denotes that you will have

quarrels and disagreements。


To dream that you wear a talisman; implies you will have

pleasant companions and enjoy favors from the rich。

For a young woman to dream her lover gives her one; denotes she

will obtain her wishes concerning marriage。


To dream of talking; denotes that you will soon hear of the sickness

of relatives; and there will be worries in your affairs。

To hear others talking loudly; foretells that you will be accused

of interfering in the affairs of others。  To think they are talking

about you; denotes that you are menaced with illness and disfavor。


To dream of tallow; forebodes that your possessions of love and wealth

will quickly vanish。


To dream of a tambourine; signifies you will have enjoyment in some unusual

event which will soon take place。


To dream of a tank; foretells you will be prosperous and satisfied beyond

your expectations。  To see a leaking tank; denotes loss in your affairs。


To dream of a tannery; denotes contagion and other illness。

Loss in trade is portended。

To dream that you are a tanner; denotes that you will have to engage in work

which is not to your taste; but there will be others dependent upon you。

To buy leather from a tannery; foretells that you will be successful

in your undertakings; but will not make many friends。


To dream of tape; denotes your work will be wearisome and unprofitable。

For a woman to buy it; foretells she will find misfortune laying

oppression upon her。


To dream of seeing rich tapestry; foretells that luxurious living

will be to your liking; and if the tapestries are not worn or ragged;

you will be able to gratify your inclinations。

If a young woman dreams that her rooms are hung with tapestry;

she will soon wed some one who is rich and above her in standing。


To dream you see a tapeworm; or have one; denotes disagreeable

prospects for health or for pleasure。


If you see tar in dreams; it warns you against pitfalls and designs

of treacherous enemies。

To have tar on your hands or clothing; denotes sickness and grief。


To see a tarantula in your dream; signifies enemies are about to overwhelm you

with loss。  To kill one; denotes you will be successful after much ill…luck。


To dream of a target; foretells you will have some affair

demanding your attention from other more pleasant ones。

For a young woman to think she is a target; denotes her reputation

is in danger through the envy of friendly associates。


To see tassels in a dream; denotes you will reach the height

of your desires and ambition。  For a young woman to lose them;

denotes she will undergo some unpleasant experience。


To see your body appearing tattooed; foretells that some difficulty

will cause you to make a long and tedious absence from your home。

To see tattooes on others; foretells that strange loves will make

you an object of jealousy。

To dream you are a tattooist; is a sign that you will estrange yourself

from friends because of your fancy for some strange experience。


To dream that you pay your taxes; foretells you will

succeed in destroying evil influences rising around you。

If others pay them; you will be forced to ask aid of friends。

If you are unable to pay them; you will be unfortunate in

experiments you are making。


To dream that you are brewing tea; foretells that you will be guilty

of indiscreet actions; and will feel deeply remorseful。

To see your friends drinking tea; and you with them; denotes that social

pleasures will pall on you; and you will seek to change your feelings

by serving others in their sorrows。

To see dregs in your tea; warns you of trouble in love;

and affairs of a social nature。

To spill tea; is a sign of domestic confusion and grief。

To find your tea chest empty; unfolds much disagreeable gossip and news。

To dream that you are thirsty for tea; denotes that you will be surprised

with uninvited guests。


To dream of teacups; foretells that affairs of enjoyment will be

attended by you。  For a woman to break or see them broken; omens her

pleasure and good fortune will be marred by a sudden trouble。

To drink wine from one; foretells fortune and pleasure will be

combined in the near future。


To dream you see a teakettle; implies sudden news which will be likely

to distress you。  For a woman to pour sparkling; cold water from a teakettle;

she will have unexpected favor shown her。


To dream that you are in tears; denotes that some affliction

will soon envelope you。

To see others shedding tears; foretells that your sorrows will affect

the happiness of others;


To find yourself teasing any person while dreaming; denotes that you will

be loved and sought after because of your cheerful and amiable manners。

Your business will be eventually successful。

To dream of being teased; denotes that you will win the love of merry

and well…to…do persons。

For a young woman to dream of being teased; foretells that she will

form a hasty attachment; but will not be successful in consummating

an early marriage。


An ordinary dream of teeth augurs an unpleasant contact with sickness;

or disquieting people。

If you dream that your teeth are loose; there will be failures

and gloomy tidings。

If the doctor pulls your tooth; you will have desperate illness; if not fatal;

it will be lingering。

To have them filled; you will recover lost valuables after much uneasiness。

To clean or wash your teeth; foretells that some great struggle

will be demanded of you in order to preserve your fortune。

To dream that you are having a set of teeth made; denotes that severe

crosses will fall upon you; and you will strive to throw them aside。

If you lose your teeth; you will have burdens which will crush your pride

and demolish your affairs。

To dream that you have your teeth knocked out; denotes sudden misfortune。

Either your business will suffer; or deaths or accidents will come

close to you。

To examine your teeth; warns you to be careful of your affairs;

as enemies are lurking near you。

If they appear decayed and snaggled; your business or health

will suffer from intense strains。

To dream of spitting out teeth; portends personal sickness;

or sickness in your immediate family。

Imperfect teeth is one of the worst dreams。  It is full of mishaps

for the dreamer。  A loss of estates; failure of persons to carry

out their plans and desires; bad health; depressed conditions

of the nervous system for even healthy persons。

For one tooth to fall out; foretells disagreeable news; if two;

it denotes unhappy states that the dreamer will be plunged

into from no carelessness on his part。  If three fall out;

sickness and accidents of a very serious nature will follow。

Seeing all the teeth drop out; death and famine usually will prevail。

If the teeth are decayed and you pull them out; the same; only yourself;

is prominent in the case。

To dream of tartar or any deposit falling off of the teeth and leaving them

sound and white; is a sign of temporary indisposition; which will pass;

leaving you wiser in regard to conduct; and you will find enjoyment

in the discharge of duty。

To admire your teeth for their whiteness and beauty; foretells that

pleasant occupations and much happiness will be experienced through

the fulfilment of wishes

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