贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > 10,000 dreams interpreted >


10,000 dreams interpreted-第104章

小说: 10,000 dreams interpreted 字数: 每页4000字

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To dream of seeing a tower; denotes that you will aspire to high elevations。

If you climb one; you will succeed in your wishes; but if the tower crumbles

as you descend; you will be disappointed in your hopes。

'228' See Ladder。


To see toys in dreams; foretells family joys; if whole and new;

but if broken; death will rend your heart with sorrow。

To see children at play with toys; marriage of a happy nature is indicated。

To give away toys in your dreams; foretells you will be ignored

in a social way by your acquaintances。


To dream of trading; denotes fair success in your enterprise。

If you fail; trouble and annoyances will overtake you。


To dream of a tragedy; foretells misunderstandings

and grievious disappointments。

To dream that you are implicated in a tragedy; portends that a calamity

will plunge you into sorrow and peril。


To see a train of cars moving in your dreams; you will soon have cause

to make a journey。

To be on a train and it appears to move smoothly along; though there

is no track; denotes that you will be much worried over some affair

which will eventually prove a source of profit to you。

To see freight trains in your dreams; is an omen of changes which will tend

to your elevation。

To find yourself; in a dream; on top of a sleeping car; denotes you will

make a journey with an unpleasant companion; with whom you will spend

money and time that could be used in a more profitable and congenial way;

and whom you will seek to avoid。


To see a traitor in your dream; foretells you will have enemies working

to despoil you。  If some one calls you one; or if you imagine yourself one;

there will be unfavorable prospects of pleasure for you。


To dream of the transfiguration; foretells that your faith in man's

own nearness to God will raise you above trifling opinions;

and elevate you to a worthy position; in which capacity you will

be able to promote the well being of the ignorant and persecuted。

To see yourself transfigured; you will stand high in the esteem

of honest and prominent men。


To dream of setting a trap; denotes that you will use intrigue to carry

out your designs

If you are caught in a trap; you will be outwitted by your opponents。

If you catch game in a trap; you will flourish in whatever vocation

you may choose。

To see an empty trap; there will be misfortune in the immediate future。

An old or broken trap; denotes failure in business; and sickness

in your family may follow。


To dream of traveling; signifies profit and pleasure combined。

To dream of traveling through rough unknown places; portends

dangerous enemies; and perhaps sickness。  Over bare or rocky steeps;

signifies apparent gain; but loss and disappointment will swiftly follow。

If the hills or mountains are fertile and green; you will be eminently

prosperous and happy。

To dream you travel alone in a car; denotes you may possibly

make an eventful journey; and affairs will be worrying。

To travel in a crowded car; foretells fortunate adventures;

and new and entertaining companions。

'229' See Journey。


To see trays in your dream; denotes your wealth will be foolishly

wasted; and surprises of unpleasant nature will shock you。

If the trays seem to be filled with valuables; surprises will come

in the shape of good fortune。


To dream that you find treasures; denotes that you will be greatly

aided in your pursuit of fortune by some unexpected generosity。

If you lose treasures; bad luck in business and the inconstancy

of friends is foretold。


To dream of trees in new foliage; foretells a happy consummation of hopes

and desires。  Dead trees signal sorrow and loss。

To climb a tree is a sign of swift elevation and preferment。

To cut one down; or pull it up by the roots; denotes that you

will waste your energies and wealth foolishly。

To see green tress newly felled; portends unhappiness coming unexpectedly

upon scenes of enjoyment; or prosperity。

'230' See Forest。


To see trenches in dreams; warns you of distant treachery。

You will sustain loss if not careful in undertaking new enterprises;

or associating with strangers。

To see filled trenches; denotes many anxieties are gathering around you。

'231' See Ditch。


To dream of a triangle; foretells separation from friends;

and love affairs will terminate in disagreements。


To see tripe in a dream; means sickness and danger。

To eat tripe; denotes that you will be disappointed in some serious matter。


To dream of seeing triplets; foretells success in affairs

where failure was feared。

For a man to dream that his wife has them; signifies a pleasant

termination to some affair which has been long in dispute。

To hear newly…born triplets crying; signifies disagreements

which will be hastily reconciled to your pleasure。

For a young woman to dream that she has triplets; denotes that she will suffer

loss and disappointment in love; but will succeed to wealth。


To see trophies in a dream; signifies some pleasure or fortune

will come to you through the endeavors of mere acquaintances。

For a woman to give away a trophy; implies doubtful

pleasures and fortune。


To dream of trousers; foretells that you will be tempted

to dishonorable deeds。

If you put them on wrong side out; you will find that a fascination

is fastening its hold upon you。


To dream of seeing trout; is significant of growing prosperity。

To eat some; denotes that you will be happily conditioned。

To catch one with a hook; foretells assured pleasure and competence。

If it falls back into the water; you will have a short season of happiness。

To catch them with a seine; is a sign of unparalleled prosperity。

To see them in muddy water shows that your success in love will bring

you to grief and disappointments。


To dream of a trowel; denotes you will experience reaction

in unfavorable business; and will vanquish poverty。  To see one

rusty or broken; unavoidable ill luck is fast approaching you。


To dream of a trumpet; denotes that something of unusual interest

is about to befall you。

To blow a trumpet; signifies that you will gain your wishes。


To dream of trunks; foretells journeys and ill luck。  To pack your trunk;

denotes that you will soon go on a pleasant trip。

To see the contents of a trunk thrown about in disorder; foretells quarrels;

and a hasty journey from which only dissatisfaction will accrue。

Empty trunks foretell disappointment in love and marriage。

For a drummer to check his trunk; is an omen of advancement and comfort。

If he finds that his trunk is too small for his wares; he will soon

hear of his promotion; and his desires will reach gratification。

For a young woman to dream that she tries to unlock her trunk

and can't; signifies that she will make an effort to win some

wealthy person; but by a misadventure she will lose her chance。

If she fails to lock her trunk; she will be disappointed in making

a desired trip。


To see a truss in your dream; your ill health and unfortunate

business engagements are predicted。


To dream of trusts; foretells indifferent success in trade or law。

If you imagine you are a member of a trust; you will be successful

in designs of a speculative nature。


To dream of seeing a tub full of water; denotes domestic contentment。

An empty tub proclaims unhappiness and waning of fortune。

A broken tub

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