贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > 10,000 dreams interpreted >


10,000 dreams interpreted-第19章

小说: 10,000 dreams interpreted 字数: 每页4000字

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and lingering illness。

For some one to pull your beard; denotes that you will run a narrow

risk if you do not lose property。

To comb and admire it; shows that your vanity will grow with prosperity;

making you detestable in the sight of many of your former companions。

For a young woman to admire a beard; intimates her desire to leave celibacy;

but she is threatened with an unfortunate marriage。


It bodes no good to dream of being beaten by an angry person;

family jars and discord are signified。

To beat a child; ungenerous advantage is taken by you of another;

perhaps the tendency will be to cruelly treat a child。


Beauty in any form is pre…eminently good。  A beautiful woman brings

pleasure and profitable business。  A well formed and beautiful child;

indicates love reciprocated and a happy union。


To dream of seeing beavers; foretells that you will obtain

comfortable circumstances by patient striving。  If you dream

of killing them for their skins; you will be accused of fraud

and improper conduct toward the innocent。


A bed; clean and white; denotes peaceful surcease of worries。

For a woman to dream of making a bed; signifies a new lover

and pleasant occupation。

To dream of being in bed; if in a strange room; unexpected friends

will visit you。  If a sick person dreams of being in bed;

new complications will arise; and; perhaps; death。

To dream that you are sleeping on a bed in the open air; foretells that you

will have delightful experiences; and opportunity for improving your fortune。

For you to see negroes passing by your bed; denotes exasperating circumstances

arising; which will interfere with your plans。

To see a friend looking very pale; lying in bed; signifies strange and woeful

complications will oppress your friends; bringing discontent to yourself。

For a mother to dream that her child wets a bed;

foretells she will have unusual anxiety; and persons sick;

will not reach recovery as early as may be expected。

For persons to dream that they wet the bed; denotes sickness;

or a tragedy will interfere with their daily routine of business。


Seen in your dreams; they indicate continued sickness and unhappy states。

Fatalities are intimated if you see them in profusion。

To see bedbugs simulating death; foretells unhappiness caused by illness。

To mash them; and water appears instead of blood; denotes alarming but not

fatal illness or accident。  To see bedbugs crawling up white walls; and you

throw scalding water upon them; denotes grave illness will distress you;

but there will be useless fear of fatality。

If the water fails to destroy them; some serious complication

with fatal results is not improbable。

_Bed Fellow_。

To dream that you do not like your bed fellow; foretells that

some person who has claims upon you; will censure and make

your surroundings unpleasant generally。

If you have a strange bed fellow; your discontent will worry all who come

near you。  If you think you have any kind of animal in bed with you;

there will be unbounded ill luck overhanging you。


To see one newly furnished; a happy change for the dreamer。

Journeys to distant places; and pleasant companions。


If raw and bloody; cancers and tumors of a malignant nature will attack

the subject。  Be on your guard as to bruises and hurts of any kind。

To see; or eat cooked beef; anguish surpassing human aid is before you。

Loss of life by horrible means will occur。  Beef properly served under

pleasing surroundings denotes harmonious states in love and business;

if otherwise; evil is foreboded; though it may be of a trifling nature。


Fateful of disappointments if drinking from a bar。  To see others drinking;

work of designing intriguers will displace your fairest hopes。

To habitue's of this beverage; harmonious prospectives are foreshadowed;

if pleasing; natural and cleanly conditions survive。  The dream occurrences

frequently follow in the actual。


Bees signify pleasant and profitable engagements。

For an officer; it brings obedient subjects and healthful environments。

To a preacher; many new members and a praying congregation。

To business men; increase in trade。  To parents; much pleasure

from dutiful children。  If one stings; loss or injury will bear

upon you from a friendly source。


To dream of seeing them on your person; denotes poverty and small ills。

To kill them is good。


To see them growing abundantly; harvest and peace will obtain in the land;

eating them with others; is full of good tidings。

If they are served in soiled or impure dishes; distressful awakenings

will disturb you。


To see an old; decrepit beggar; is a sign of bad management;

and unless you are economical; you will lose much property。

Scandalous reports will prove detrimental to your fame。

To give to a beggar; denotes dissatisfaction with present surroundings。

To dream that you refuse to give to a beggar is altogether bad。


To dream of being beheaded; overwhelming defeat or failure

in some undertaking will soon follow。

To see others beheaded; if accompanied by a large flow of blood;

death and exile are portended。


To see one; indicates disastrous losses and the early dissolution

of a dear relative。

To see one; strewn with flowers in a church; denotes an unfortunate marriage。


Strategic moves will bring success in commercial circles。

Women will find rivals in society; vain and fruitless efforts

will be made for places in men's affections。

Taking it; denotes misery and failure to meet past debts。


Fortune is hurrying after you。  Questions of importance will be settled

amicably among disputants。  To see him looking sad some sorrowful event

or misfortune may soon follow。


Working a bellows; denotes a struggle; but a final triumph over poverty

and fate by energy and perseverance。

To dream of seeing a bellows; distant friends are longing to see you。

To hear one; occult knowledge will be obtained by the help

of powerful means。  One fallen into disuse; portends you have

wasted energies under misguiding impulses。


To hear bells tolling in your dreams; death of distant friends will occur;

and intelligence of wrong will worry you。

Liberty bells; indicate a joyous victory over an opponent。


It is bad to dream of seeing a swollen mortifying belly;

it indicates desperate sickness。

To see anything moving on the belly; prognosticates humiliation

and hard labor。

To see a healthy belly; denotes insane desires。

'21' See Abdomen。


To dream that you have a new style belt; denotes you are soon to meet and

make engagements with a stranger; which will demoralize your prosperity。

If it is out of date; you will be meritedly censured for rudeness。


Distrust debtors and confidants if you dream of sitting on one。

If you see others doing so; happy reunions between friends who have been

separated through misunderstandings are suggested。


After this dream; pleasures of consolation from the knowledge of duties

well performed; and the health of the young is assured。


To dream of the bereavement of a child; warns you that your plans will meet

with quick frustration; and where you expect success there will be failure。

Bereavement of relatives; or friends; denotes disappointment

in well matured plans and a poor outlook for the future。


Betting on races; beware of engaging in new undertakings。

Enemies are trying to divert your attention from legitimate business。


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