贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > 10,000 dreams interpreted >


10,000 dreams interpreted-第45章

小说: 10,000 dreams interpreted 字数: 每页4000字

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To dream of buying or selling geese or duck feathers;

denotes thrift and fortune。

To dream of black feathers; denotes disappointments and unhappy amours。

For a woman to dream of seeing ostrich and other ornamental feathers;

denotes that she will advance in society; but her ways of gaining favor

will not bear imitating。


To dream of February; denotes continued ill health and gloom; generally。

If you happen to see a bright sunshiny day in this month; you will be

unexpectedly and happily surprised with some good fortune。


To dream of being feeble; denotes unhealthy occupation and mental worry。

Seek to make a change for yourself after this dream。


To dream of seeing your own feet; is omnious{sic} of despair。

You will be overcome by the will and temper of another。

To see others' feet; denotes that you will maintain your rights

in a pleasant; but determined way; and win for yourself a place

above the common walks of life。

To dream that you wash your feet; denotes that you will let others take

advantage of you。

To dream that your feet are hurting you; portends troubles

of a humiliating character; as they usually are family quarrels。

To see your feet swollen and red; you will make a sudden

change in your business by separating from your family。

This is an evil dream; as it usually foretells scandal and sensation。


To dream of climbing to the top of a fence; denotes that success

will crown your efforts。

To fall from a fence; signifies that you will undertake a project

for which you are incapable; and you will see your efforts

come to naught。

To be seated on a fence with others; and have it fall under you;

denotes an accident in which some person will be badly injured。

To dream that you climb through a fence; signifies that you will use

means not altogether legitimate to reach your desires。

To throw the fence down and walk into the other side; indicates that

you will; by enterprise and energy; overcome the stubbornest barriers

between you and success。

To see stock jumping a fence; if into your enclosure;

you will receive aid from unexpected sources; if out of your lot;

loss in trade and other affairs may follow。

To dream of building a fence; denotes that you are;

by economy and industry; laying a foundation for future wealth。

For a young woman; this dream denotes success in love affairs;

or the reverse; if she dreams of the fence falling; or that she

falls from it。


To see ferns in dreams; foretells that pleasant hours will break up

gloomy forebodings。  To see them withered; indicates that much and varied

illness in your family connections will cause you grave unrest。


To wait at a ferry for a boat and see the waters swift and muddy; you will

be baffled in your highest wishes and designs by unforeseen circumstances。

To cross a ferry while the water is calm and clear; you will be very lucky

in carrying out your plans; and fortune will crown you。


To dream of being at a festival; denotes indifference to the cold realities

of life; and a love for those pleasures that make one old before his time。

You will never want; but will be largely dependent on others。


To dream that you are stricken with this malady; signifies that you are

worrying over trifling affairs while the best of life is slipping past you;

and you should pull yourself into shape and engage in profitable work。

To dream of seeing some of your family sick with fever;

denotes temporary illness for some of them。

'68' See Illness。


To dream of a fiddle; foretells harmony in the home and many

joyful occasions abroad。

'69' See Violin。


To dream of dead corn or stubble fields; indicates to the dreamer

dreary prospects for the future。

To see green fields; or ripe with corn or grain; denotes great abundance

and happiness to all classes。

To see newly plowed fields; denotes early rise in wealth and fortunate

advancement to places of honor。

To see fields freshly harrowed and ready for planting; denotes that you

are soon to benefit by your endeavor and long struggles for success。

'70' See Cornfields and Wheat。


To dream that you encounter a fiend; forbodes reckless

living and loose morals。  For a woman; this dream signifies

a blackened reputation。

To dream of a fiend; warns you of attacks to be made on you

by false friends。  If you overcome one; you will be able

to intercept the evil designs of enemies。


To dream of hearing a fife; denotes that there will be an unexpected call

on you to defend your honor; or that of some person near to you。

To dream that you play one yourself; indicates that whatever

else may be said of you; your reputation will remain intact。

If a woman has this dream; she will have a soldier husband。


To dream that you engage in a fight; denotes that you will have unpleasant

encounters with your business opponents; and law suits threaten you。

To see fighting; denotes that you are squandering your time and money。

For women; this dream is a warning against slander and gossip。

For a young woman to see her lover fighting; is a sign of his unworthiness。

To dream that you are defeated in a fight; signifies that you

will lose your right to property。

To whip your assailant; denotes that you will; by courage and perseverance;

win honor and wealth in spite of opposition。

To dream that you see two men fighting with pistols; denotes many

worries and perplexities; while no real loss is involved in the dream;

yet but small profit is predicted and some unpleasantness is denoted。

To dream that you are on your way home and negroes attack

you with razors; you will be disappointed in your business;

you will be much vexed with servants; and home associations

will be unpleasant。

To dream that you are fighting negroes; you will be annoyed by them

or by some one of low character。


Figs; signifies a malarious condition of the system; if you are eating them;

but usually favorable to health and profit if you see them growing。

For a young woman to see figs growing; signifies that she will soon

wed a wealthy and prominent man。


To dream of figures; indicates great mental distress and wrong。

You will be the loser in a big deal if not careful of your

actions and conversation。


This is a favorable dream; denoting a peaceful and harmonious

domestic life and profitable business ventures。

To dream of eating them; signifies to the young; delightful associations

and many true friends。


To dream that you see a file; signifies that you will transact

some business which will prove unsatisfactory in the extreme。

To see files; to store away bills and other important papers;

foretells animated discussions over subjects which bear relation to

significant affairs; and which will cause you much unrest and disquiet。

Unfavorable predictions for the future are also implied in this dream。


To dream of seeing your fingers soiled or scratched;

with the blood exuding; denotes much trouble and suffering。

You will despair of making your way through life。

To see beautiful hands; with white fingers; denotes that your love will

be requited and that you will become renowned for your benevolence。

To dream that your fingers are cut clean off; you will lose wealth

and a legacy by the intervention of enemies。


To dream of soiled finger…nails; forbodes disgrace in your family

by the wild escapades of the young。

To see well…kept nails; indicates scholarly tastes and some

literary attainments; also; thrift。


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