贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > 10,000 dreams interpreted >


10,000 dreams interpreted-第66章

小说: 10,000 dreams interpreted 字数: 每页4000字

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denotes jealousy toward some beloved object; but demonstrations

will convince you of the absurdity of the charge。

To eat lemons; foretells humiliation and disappointments。

Green lemons; denotes sickness and contagion。

To see shriveled lemons; denotes divorce; if married;

and separation; to lovers。


To dream that you are lending money; foretells difficulties in meeting

payments of debts and unpleasant influence in private。

To lend other articles; denotes impoverishment through generosity。

To refuse to lend things; you will be awake to your interests

and keep the respect of friends。

For others to offer to lend you articles; or money; denotes prosperity

and close friendships。


If you dream of lentils; it denotes quarrels and unhealthy surroundings。

For a young woman; this dream portends dissatisfaction with her lover;

but parental advice will cause her to accept the inevitable。


To dream of a leopard attacking you; denotes that while the future seemingly

promises fair; success holds many difficulties through misplaced confidence。

To kill one; intimates victory in your affairs。

To see one caged; denotes that enemies will surround but fail

to injure you。

To see leopards in their native place trying to escape from you;

denotes that you will be embarrassed in business or love;

but by persistent efforts you will overcome difficulties。

To dream of a leopard's skin; denotes that your interests will be endangered

by a dishonest person who will win your esteem。


To dream that you are infected with this dread disease; foretells sickness;

by which you will lose money and incur the displeasure of others。

If you see others afflicted thus; you will meet discouraging

prospects and love will turn into indifference。


To dream that you see a registered letter; foretells that some money

matters will disrupt long…established relations。

For a young woman to dream that she receives such a letter;

intimates that she will be offered a competency; but it will

not be on strictly legal; or moral grounds; others may play

towards her a dishonorable part。

To the lover; this bears heavy presentments of disagreeable mating。

His sweetheart will covet other gifts than his own。

To dream of an anonymous letter; denotes that you will receive injury

from an unsuspected source。

To write one; foretells that you will be jealous of a rival;

whom you admit to be your superior。

To dream of getting letters bearing unpleasant news; denotes difficulties

or illness。  If the news is of a joyous character; you will have many

things to be thankful for。  If the letter is affectionate; but is written

on green; or colored; paper; you will be slighted in love and business。

Despondency will envelop you。  Blue ink; denotes constancy and affection;

also bright fortune。

Red colors in a letter; imply estrangements through suspicion and jealousy;

but this may be overcome by wise maneuvering of the suspected party。

If a young woman dreams that she receives a letter from her lover and places

it near her heart; she will be worried very much by a good…looking rival。

Truthfulness is often rewarded with jealousy。

If you fail to read the letter; you will lose something either

in a business or social way。

Letters nearly always bring worry。

To have your letter intercepted; rival enemies are working to defame you。

To dream of trying to conceal a letter from your sweetheart or wife;

intimates that you are interested in unworthy occupations。

To dream of a letter with a black border; signifies distress

and the death of some relative。

To receive a letter written on black paper with white ink;

denotes that gloom and disappointment will assail you; and friendly

interposition will render small relief。  If the letter passes between

husband and wife; it means separation under sensational charges。

If lovers; look for quarrels and threats of suicide。

To business people; it denotes enviousness and covetousness。

To dream that you write a letter; denotes that you will be hasty

in condemning some one on suspicion; and regrets will follow。

A torn letter; indicates that hopeless mistakes may ruin your reputation。

To receive a letter by hand; denotes that you are acting ungenerously

towards your companions or sweetheart; and you also are not upright

in your dealings。

To dream often of receiving a letter from a friend; foretells his arrival;

or you will hear from him by letter or otherwise。


If you dream of a letter…carrier coming with your letters; you will soon

receive news of an unwelcome and an unpleasant character。

To hear his whistle; denotes the unexpected arrival of a visitor。

If he passes without your mail; disappointment and sadness will befall you。

If you give him letters to mail; you will suffer injury through

envy or jealousy。

To converse with a letter…carrier; you will implicate yourself

in some scandalous proceedings。


To see a letter…file in your dreams; is significant of important news;

which will cause you an irksome journey。  For a woman; this dream implies

distressful news and unfaithful friends。


To see lettuce growing green and thrifty; denotes that you will enjoy

some greatly desired good; after an unimportant embarrassment。

If you eat lettuce; illness will separate you from your lover or companion;

or perhaps it may be petty jealousy。

For a woman to dream of sowing lettuce; portends she will be the cause

of her own early sickness or death。

To gather it; denotes your superabundant sensitiveness;

and that your jealous disposition will cause you unmitigated

distress and pain。

To buy lettuce; denotes that you will court your own downfall。


To dream of thinking people are liars; foretells you will lose

faith in some scheme which you had urgently put forward。

For some one to call you a liar; means you will have vexations

through deceitful persons。

For a woman to think her sweetheart a liar; warns her that her unbecoming

conduct is likely to lose her a valued friend。


To dream that you are in a library; denotes that you will grow

discontented with your environments and associations and seek

companionship in study and the exploration of ancient customs。

To find yourself in a library for other purpose than study;

foretells that your conduct will deceive your friends; and where

you would have them believe that you had literary aspirations;

you will find illicit assignations。


A dream of lice contains much waking worry and distress。

It often implies offensive ailments。

Lice on stock; foretells famine and loss。

To have lice on your body; denotes that you will conduct yourself

unpleasantly with your acquaintances。

To dream of catching lice; foretells sickness; and that you

will cultivate morbidity。


To dream of a license; is an omen of disputes and loss。

Married women will exasperate your cheerfulness。  For a woman

to see a marriage license; foretells that she will soon enter

unpleasant bonds; which will humiliate her pride。


To dream of being in a life…boat; denotes escape from threatened evil。

To see a life…boat sinking; friends will contribute to your distress。

To be lost in a life…boat; you will be overcome with trouble;

in which your friends will be included to some extent。

If you are saved; you will escape a great calamity。

_Life…insurance Man_。

To see life…insurance men in a dream; means that you are soon

to meet a stranger who will contribute to your business interests;

and change in your home life is foreshadowed; as interests

will be mutual。

If they appear distorted o

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