贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > 10,000 dreams interpreted >


10,000 dreams interpreted-第71章

小说: 10,000 dreams interpreted 字数: 每页4000字

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If a sailor dreams of a mast; he will soon sail on an eventful trip。


To dream that you have a master; is a sign of incompetency on your part

to command others; and you will do better work under the leadership

of some strong…willed person。

If you are a master; and command many people under you;

you will excel in judgment in the fine points of life;

and will hold high positions and possess much wealth。


Keep away from mats in your dreams; as they will usher you

into sorrow and perplexities。


To dream of matches; denotes prosperity and change when least expected。

To strike a match in the dark; unexpected news and fortune is foreboded。


To dream of matting; foretells pleasant prospects and cheerful news

from the absent。  If it is old or torn; you will have vexing things

come before you。


To dream of a mattress; denotes that new duties and responsibilities

will shortly be assumed。

To sleep on a new mattress; signifies contentment with present surroundings。

To dream of a mattress factory; denotes that you will be connected

in business with thrifty partners and will soon amass wealth。


To dream of a mausoleum; indicates the sickness; death; or trouble

of some prominent friend。

To find yourself inside a mausoleum; foretells your own illness。


To dream of the month of May; denotes prosperous times;

and pleasure for the young。

To dream that nature appears freakish; denotes sudden sorrow

and disappointment clouding pleasure。

_May Bugs_。

To dream of May bugs; denotes an ill…tempered companion where a congenial

one was expected。


To dream of meadows; predicts happy reunions under bright promises

of future prosperity。


To dream of meals; denotes that you will let trifling matters

interfere with momentous affairs and business engagements。

'123' See Eating。


To dream that you have measles; denotes much worry; and anxious

care will interfere with your business affairs。

To dream that others have this disease; denotes that you will be troubled

over the condition of others。


For a woman to dream of raw meat; denotes that she will

meet with much discouragement in accomplishing her aims。

If she sees cooked meat; it denotes that others will obtain

the object for which she will strive。

'124' See Beef。


To dream of a mechanic; denotes change in your dwelling place

and a more active business。  Advancement in wages usually follows

after seeing mechanics at work on machinery。


To dream of medals; denotes honors gained by application and industry。

To lose a medal; denotes misfortune through the unfaithfulness of others。


To dream of medicine; if pleasant to the taste; a trouble will

come to you; but in a short time it will work for your good;

but if you take disgusting medicine; you will suffer a protracted

illness or some deep sorrow or loss will overcome you。

To give medicine to others; denotes that you will work to injure

some one who trusted you。


To dream that you feel melancholy over any event; is a sign of disappointment

in what was thought to be favorable undertakings。

To dream that you see others melancholy; denotes unpleasant interruption

in affairs。  To lovers; it brings separation。


To dream of melons; denotes ill health and unfortunate ventures in business。

To eat them; signifies that hasty action will cause you anxiety。

To see them growing on green vines; denotes that present troubles

will result in good fortune for you。


To dream that you make memoranda; denotes that you will engage

in an unprofitable business; and much worry will result for you。

To see others making a memorandum; signifies that some person

will worry you with appeals for aid。

To lose your memorandum; you will experience a slight loss in trade。

To find a memorandum; you will assume new duties that will cause much

pleasure to others。


To dream of a memorial; signifies there will be occasion for you to show

patient kindness; as trouble and sickness threatens your relatives。


To dream of visiting a menagerie; denotes various troubles。


For a woman to dream of mendicants; she will meet with disagreeable

interferences in her plans for betterment and enjoyment。


To dream of mending soiled garments; denotes that you will undertake

to right a wrong at an inopportune moment; but if the garment be clean;

you will be successful in adding to your fortune。

For a young woman to dream of mending; foretells that she will be a systematic

help to her husband。


To dream of mercury; is significant of unhappy changes through the constant

oppression of enemies。  For a woman to be suffering from mercurial poison;

foretells she will be deserted by and separated from her family。


To dream being merry; or in merry company; denotes that pleasant events

will engage you for a time; and affairs will assume profitable shapes。


To dream of being entangled in the meshes of a net; or other

like constructions; denotes that enemies will oppress you in time

of seeming prosperity。  To a young woman; this dream foretells that her

environments will bring her into evil and consequent abandonment。

If she succeeds in disengaging herself from the meshes; she will

narrowly escape slander。


To dream of receiving a message; denotes that changes will take

place in your affairs。

To dream of sending a message; denotes that you will be placed

in unpleasant situations。


To dream of seeing anything metamorphose; denotes that sudden

changes will take place in your life; for good or bad;

as the metamorphose was pleasant or frightful。


To dream of mice; foretells domestic troubles and the insincerity of friends。

Business affairs will assume a discouraging tone。

To kill mice; denotes that you will conquer your enemies。

To let them escape you; is significant of doubtful struggles。

For a young woman to dream of mice; warns her of secret enemies;

and that deception is being practised upon her。  If she

should see a mouse in her clothing; it is a sign of scandal

in which she will figure。


To dream of a microscope; denotes you will experience failure

or small returns in your enterprises。


To see a midwife in your dreams; signifies unfortunate sickness

with a narrow escape from death。

For a young woman to dream of such a person; foretells that distress

and calumny will attend her。


To dream you see or pass a mile…post; foretells that you

will be assailed by doubtful fears in business or love。

To see one down; portends accidents are threatening to give

disorder to your affairs。


To dream of drinking milk; denotes abundant harvest to the farmer and

pleasure in the home; for a traveler; it foretells a fortunate voyage。

This is a very propitious dream for women。

To see milk in large quantities; signifies riches and health。

To dream of dealing in milk commercially; denotes great increase in fortune。

To give milk away; shows that you will be too benevolent for the good

of your own fortune。

To spill milk; denotes that you will experience a slight loss

and suffer temporary unhappiness at the hands of friends。

To dream of impure milk; denotes that you will be tormented

with petty troubles。

To dream of sour milk; denotes that you will be disturbed

over the distress of friends。

To dream of

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