贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > 10,000 dreams interpreted >


10,000 dreams interpreted-第78章

小说: 10,000 dreams interpreted 字数: 每页4000字

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To hear the pealing forth of an organ in grand anthems;

signifies lasting friendships and well…grounded fortune。

To see an organ in a church; denotes despairing separation of families;

and death; perhaps; for some of them。

If you dream of rendering harmonious music on an organ;

you will be fortunate in the way to worldly comfort; and much

social distinction will be given you。

To hear doleful singing and organ accompaniment; denotes you are nearing

a wearisome task; and probable loss of friends or position。


To see an organist in your dreams; denotes a friend will cause you much

inconvenience from hasty action。  For a young woman to dream that she

is an organist; foretells she will be so exacting in her love that she

will be threatened with desertion。


If you wear ornaments in dreams; you will have a flattering honor

conferred upon you。

If you receive them; you will be fortunate in undertakings。

Giving them away; denotes recklessness and lavish extravagance。

Losing an ornament; brings the loss either of a lover; or a good situation。


Condoling with orphans in a dream; means that the unhappy cares

of others will touch your sympathies and cause you to sacrifice

much personal enjoyment。

If the orphans be related to you; new duties will come into your life;

causing estrangement from friends ant from some person held above

mere friendly liking。


To dream of an ostrich; denotes that you will secretly amass wealth;

but at the same time maintain degrading intrigues with women。

To catch one; your resources will enable you to enjoy travel

and extensive knowledge。


To see otters diving and sporting in limpid streams is certain

to bring the dreamer waking happiness and good fortune。

You will find ideal enjoyment in an early marriage; if you

are single; wives may expect unusual tenderness from their

spouses after this dream。


Dreams in which you find yourself luxuriously reposing upon an ottoman;

discussing the intricacies of love with your sweetheart; foretells that

envious rivals will seek to defame you in the eyes of your affianced;

and a hasty marriage will be advised。

'143' See Couch。


To dream of working on an ouija board; foretells the miscarriage of plans

and unlucky partnerships。

To fail to work; one is ominous of complications; caused by substituting

pleasure for business。

If it writes fluently; you may expect fortunate results from

some well…planned enterprise。

If a negro steals it; you will meet with trials and vexations past endurance。

To recover it; foretells that grievances will meet a favorable adjustment。


For a woman to dream that her baking oven is red hot; denotes that she will

be loved by her own family and friends; for her sweet and unselfish nature。

If she is baking; temporary disappointments await her。  If the oven is broken;

she will undergo many vexations from children and servants。


To dream of an overcoat; denotes you will suffer from contrariness;

exhibited by others。  To borrow one; foretells you will be unfortunate

through mistakes made by strangers。  If you see or are wearing a handsome

new overcoat; you will be exceedingly fortunate in realizing your wishes。


For a woman to dream that she sees a man wearing over…alls;

she will be deceived as to the real character of her lover。

If a wife; she will be deceived in her husband's frequent absence;

and the real cause will create suspicions of his fidelity。


To hear the solemn; unearthly sound of the muffled voice of the owl;

warns dreamers that death creeps closely in the wake of health and joy。

Precaution should be taken that life is not ruthlessly exposed to his

unyielding grasp。  Bad tidings of the absent will surely follow this dream。

To see a dead owl; denotes a narrow escape from desperate illness or death。

To see an owl; foretells that you will be secretly maligned

and be in danger from enemies。


To see a well…fed ox; signifies that you will become a leading person

in your community; and receive much adulation from women。

To see fat oxen in green pastures; signifies fortune;

and your rise to positions beyond your expectations。

If they are lean; your fortune will dwindle; and your friends

will fall away from you。

If you see oxen well…matched and yoked; it betokens a happy and

wealthy marriage; or that you are already joined to your true mate。

To see a dead ox; is a sign of bereavement。

If they are drinking from a clear pond; or stream; you will possess

some long…desired estate; perhaps it will be in the form of a lovely

and devoted woman。  If a woman she will win the embraces of her lover。

'144' See Cattle。


If you dream that you eat oysters; it denotes that you will lose

all sense of propriety and morality in your pursuit of low pleasures;

and the indulgence of an insatiate thirst for gaining。

To deal in oysters; denotes that you will not be over…modest in your mode

of winning a sweetheart; or a fortune。

To see them; denotes easy circumstances; and many children are promised you。

_Oyster Shells_。

To see oyster shells in your dreams; denotes that you will be frustrated

in your attempt to secure the fortune of another。


‘‘_And the King said unto them; I have dreamed a dream;

and my spirit was troubled to know the dream_。''Dan。  ii。; 3。


To endeavor to pacify suffering ones; denotes that you will be

loved for your sweetness of disposition。  To a young woman;

this dream is one of promise of a devoted husband or friends。

Pacifying the anger of others; denotes that you will labor

for the advancement of others。

If a lover dreams of soothing the jealous suspicions of his sweetheart;

he will find that his love will be unfortunately placed。


To dream of seeing a packet coming in; foretells that some pleasant

recreation is in store for you。

To see one going out; you will experience slight losses and disappointments。


To see a page; denotes that you will contract a hasty union with one unsuited

to you。  You will fail to control your romantic impulses。

If a young woman dreams she acts as a page; it denotes that she

is likely to participate in some foolish escapade。


To see a pagoda in your dreams; denotes that you will soon go

on a long desired journey。

If a young woman finds herself in a pagoda with her sweetheart;

many unforeseen events will transpire before her union is legalized。

An empty one; warns her of separation from her lover。


To dream of full pails of milk; is a sign of fair prospects

and pleasant associations。

An empty pail is a sign of famine; or bad crops。

For a young woman to be carrying a pail; denotes household employment。


To dream that you are in pain; will make sure of your own unhappiness。

This dream foretells useless regrets over some trivial transaction。

To see others in pain; warns you that you are making mistakes

in your life。

_Paint and Painting_。

To see newly painted houses in dreams; foretells that you will succeed

with some devised plan。

To have paint on your clothing; you will be made unhappy by the thoughtless

criticisms of others。

To dream that you use the brush yourself; denotes that you

will be well pleased with your present occupation。

To dream of seeing beautiful paintings; denotes that friends will assume

false positions towards you; and you will find that pleasure is illusive。

For a young woman to dream of painting a picture; she will be deceived

in her lover; as he will transfer his love to anot

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