贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > 10,000 dreams interpreted >


10,000 dreams interpreted-第81章

小说: 10,000 dreams interpreted 字数: 每页4000字

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win a husband rich in worldly goods and wise in travel。

If the peaches prove to be green and knotty; she will meet

with unkindness from relatives and ill health will steal

away her attractions。

'151' See Orchard。


For persons dreaming of peacocks; there lies below the brilliant

and flashing ebb and flow of the stream of pleasure and riches;

the slums of sorrow and failure; which threaten to mix with its

clearness at the least disturbing influence。

For a woman to dream that she owns peacocks; denotes that she

will be deceived in her estimate of man's honor。

To hear their harsh voices while looking upon their proudly spread plumage;

denotes that some beautiful and well…appearing person will work you discomfort

and uneasiness of mind。


To dream of pearls; is a forerunner of good business and trade

and affairs of social nature。

If a young woman dreams that her lover sends her gifts of pearls;

she will indeed be most fortunate; as there will be occasions of

festivity and pleasure for her; besides a loving and faithful affianced

devoid of the jealous inclinations so ruinous to the peace of lovers。

If she loses or breaks her pearls; she will suffer indescribable

sadness and sorrow through bereavement or misunderstandings。

To find herself admiring them; she will covet and strive for love

or possessions with a pureness of purpose。


To dream of eating pears; denotes poor success and debilitating health。

To admire the golden fruit upon graceful trees; denotes that fortune

will wear a more promising aspect than formerly。

To dream of gathering them; denotes pleasant surprises will follow

quickly upon disappointment。

To preserve them; denotes that you will take reverses philosophically。

Baking them; denotes insipid love and friendships。


Dreaming of eating peas; augurs robust health and the accumulation of wealth。

Much activity is indicated for farmers and their women folks。

To see them growing; denotes fortunate enterprises。

To plant them; denotes that your hopes are well grounded and they

will be realized。

To gather them; signifies that your plans will culminate in good and you

will enjoy the fruits of your labors。

To dream of canned peas; denotes that your brightest hopes

will be enthralled in uncertainties for a short season;

but they will finally be released by fortune。

To see dried peas; denotes that you are overtaxing your health。

To eat dried peas; foretells that you will; after much success;

suffer a slight decrease in pleasure or wealth。


For a young woman to dream of a pebble…strewn walk; she will be vexed

with many rivals and find that there are others with charms that attract

besides her own。  She who dreams of pebbles is selfish and should cultivate

leniency towards others' faults。


To dream of eating this appetizing nut; you will see one of your dearest

plans come to full fruition; and seeming failure prove a prosperous

source of gain。

To see them growing among leaves; signifies a long; peaceful existence。

Failure in love or business will follow in proportion as the pecan is decayed。

If they are difficult to crack and the fruit is small; you will succeed

after much trouble and expense; but returns will be meagre。


To dream of a pelican; denotes a mingling of disappointments with successes。

To catch one; you will be able to overcome disappointing influences。

To kill one; denotes that you will cruelly set aside the rights of others。

To see them flying; you are threatened with changes; which will impress

you with ideas of uncertainty as to good。


To dream of a pen; foretells you are unfortunately being

led into serious complications by your love of adventure。

If the pen refuses to write; you will be charged with a serious

breach of morality。


To dream that you have penalties imposed upon you; foretells that you

will have duties that will rile you and find you rebellious。

To pay a penalty; denotes sickness and financial loss。

To escape the payment; you will be victor in some contest。


To dream of pencils; denotes favorable occupations。

For a young woman to write with one; foretells she will

be fortunate in marriage; if she does not rub out words;

in that case; she will be disappointed in her lover。


To dream of a penitentiary; denotes you will have engagements

which will; unfortunately; result in your loss。  To be an inmate

of one; foretells discontent in the home and failing business。

To escape from one; you will overcome difficult obstacles。


To dream of pennies; denotes unsatisfactory pursuits。

Business will suffer; and lovers and friends will complain

of the smallness of affection。

To lose them; signifies small deference and failures。

To find them; denotes that prospects will advance to your improvement。

To count pennies; foretells that you will be business…like and economical。


To dream of drawing a pension; foretells that you will be aided

in your labors by friends。

To fail in your application for a pension; denotes that you will lose

in an undertaking and suffer the loss of friendships。


'152' See Crowd。


To dream of pepper burning your tongue; foretells that you will suffer

from your acquaintances through your love of gossip。

To see red pepper growing; foretells for you a thrifty and an independent

partner in the marriage state。

To see piles of red pepper pods; signifies that you will aggressively

maintain your rights。

To grind black pepper; denotes that you will be victimized by the wiles

of ingenious men or women。  To see it in stands on the table; omens sharp

reproaches or quarrels。

For a young woman to put it on her food; foretells that she will be deceived

by her friends。


To dream of peppermint; denotes pleasant entertainments

and interesting affairs。

To see it growing; denotes that you will participate in some pleasure

in which there will be a dash of romance。

To enjoy drinks in which there is an effusion of peppermint; denotes that

you will enjoy assignations with some attractive and fascinating person。

To a young woman; this dream warns her against seductive pleasures。


To dream of inhaling perfume; is an augury of happy incidents。

For you to perfume your garments and person; denotes that you

will seek and obtain adulation。

Being oppressed by it to intoxication; denotes that excesses in joy

will impair your mental qualities。

To spill perfume; denotes that you will lose something which

affords you pleasure。

To break a bottle of perfume; foretells that your most cherished

wishes and desires will end disastrously; even while they promise

a happy culmination。

To dream that you are distilling perfume; denotes that your employments

and associations will be of the pleasantest character。

For a young woman to dream of perfuming her bath; foretells

ecstatic happenings。  If she receives it as a gift from a man;

she will experience fascinating; but dangerous pleasures。


To dream that you are in a perspiration; foretells that you

will come out of some difficulty; which has caused much gossip;

with new honors。


To dream of being worried over a pest of any nature; foretells that disturbing

elements will prevail in your immediate future。

To see others thus worried; denotes that you will be annoyed

by some displeasing development。


To dream of seeing new petticoats; denotes that pride in your belongings

will make you an object of raillery among your acquaintances。

To see them soiled o

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