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david copperfield(大卫.科波维尔)-第130章

小说: david copperfield(大卫.科波维尔) 字数: 每页4000字

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line of business。 When a party’s ill; we can’t ask how the party is。’ 

The difficulty had not occurred to me; though I had had my 
apprehensions too; when I went in; of hearing the old tune。 On its 
being mentioned; I recognized it; however; and said as much。 

‘Yes; yes; you understand;’ said Mr。 Omer; nodding his head。 
‘We dursn’t do it。 Bless you; it would be a shock that the generality 
of parties mightn’t recover; to say “Omer and Joram’s 
compliments; and how do you find yourself this morning?”—or 
this afternoon—as it may be。’ 

Mr。 Omer and I nodded at each other; and Mr。 Omer recruited 
his wind by the aid of his pipe。 

‘It’s one of the things that cut the trade off from attentions they 
could often wish to show;’ said Mr。 Omer。 ‘Take myself。 If I have 
known Barkis a year; to move to as he went by; I have known him 
forty years。 But I can’t go and say; “how is he?”’ 

I felt it was rather hard on Mr。 Omer; and I told him so。 

‘I’m not more self…interested; I hope; than another man;’ said 
Mr。 Omer。 ‘Look at me! My wind may fail me at any moment; and 
it ain’t likely that; to my own knowledge; I’d be self…interested 
under such circumstances。 I say it ain’t likely; in a man who knows 
his wind will go; when it does go; as if a pair of bellows was cut 
open; and that man a grandfather;’ said Mr。 Omer。 

I said; ‘Not at all。’ 

‘It ain’t that I complain of my line of business;’ said Mr。 Omer。 
‘It ain’t that。 Some good and some bad goes; no doubt; to all 
callings。 What I wish is; that parties was brought up stronger…

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 


Mr。 Omer; with a very complacent and amiable face; took 
several puffs in silence; and then said; resuming his first point: 

‘Accordingly we’re obleeged; in ascertaining how Barkis goes 
on; to limit ourselves to Em’ly。 She knows what our real objects 
are; and she don’t have any more alarms or suspicions about us; 
than if we was so many lambs。 Minnie and Joram have just 
stepped down to the house; in fact (she’s there; after hours; 
helping her aunt a bit); to ask her how he is tonight; and if you was 
to please to wait till they come back; they’d give you full 
partic’lers。 Will you take something? A glass of srub and water; 
now? I smoke on srub and water; myself;’ said Mr。 Omer; taking 
up his glass; ‘because it’s considered softening to the passages; by 
which this troublesome breath of mine gets into action。 But; Lord 
bless you;’ said Mr。 Omer; huskily; ‘it ain’t the passages that’s out 
of order! “Give me breath enough;” said I to my daughter Minnie; 
“and I’ll find passages; my dear。”’ 

He really had no breath to spare; and it was very alarming to 
see him laugh。 When he was again in a condition to be talked to; I 
thanked him for the proffered refreshment; which I declined; as I 
had just had dinner; and; observing that I would wait; since he was 
so good as to invite me; until his daughter and his son…in…law came 
back; I inquired how little Emily was? 

‘Well; sir;’ said Mr。 Omer; removing his pipe; that he might rub 
his chin: ‘I tell you truly; I shall be glad when her marriage has 
taken place。’ 

‘Why so?’ I inquired。 

‘Well; she’s unsettled at present;’ said Mr。 Omer。 ‘It ain’t that 
she’s not as pretty as ever; for she’s prettier—I do assure you; she 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

is prettier。 It ain’t that she don’t work as well as ever; for she does。 
She was worth any six; and she is worth any six。 But somehow she 
wants heart。 If you understand;’ said Mr。 Omer; after rubbing his 
chin again; and smoking a little; ‘what I mean in a general way by 
the expression; “A long pull; and a strong pull; and a pull 
altogether; my hearties; hurrah!” I should say to you; that that 
was—in a general way—what I miss in Em’ly。’ 

Mr。 Omer’s face and manner went for so much; that I could 
conscientiously nod my head; as divining his meaning。 My 
quickness of apprehension seemed to please him; and he went on: 
‘Now I consider this is principally on account of her being in an 
unsettled state; you see。 We have talked it over a good deal; her 
uncle and myself; and her sweetheart and myself; after business; 
and I consider it is principally on account of her being unsettled。 
You must always recollect of Em’ly;’ said Mr。 Omer; shaking his 
head gently; ‘that she’s a most extraordinary affectionate little 
thing。 The proverb says; “You can’t make a silk purse out of a 
sow’s ear。” Well; I don’t know about that。 I rather think you may; if 
you begin early in life。 She has made a home out of that old boat; 
sir; that stone and marble couldn’t beat。’ 

‘I am sure she has!’ said I。 

‘To see the clinging of that pretty little thing to her uncle;’ said 
Mr。 Omer; ‘to see the way she holds on to him; tighter and tighter; 
and closer and closer; every day; is to see a sight。 Now; you know; 
there’s a struggle going on when that’s the case。 Why should it be 
made a longer one than is needful?’ 

I listened attentively to the good old fellow; and acquiesced; 
with all my heart; in what he said。 

‘Therefore; I mentioned to them;’ said Mr。 Omer; in a 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

comfortable; easy…going tone; ‘this。 I said; “Now; don’t consider 
Em’ly nailed down in point of time; at all。 Make it your own time。 
Her services have been more valuable than was supposed; her 
learning has been quicker than was supposed; Omer and Joram 
can run their pen through what remains; and she’s free when you 
wish。 If she likes to make any little arrangement; afterwards; in the 
way of doing any little thing for us at home; very well。 If she don’t; 
very well still。 We’re no losers; anyhow。” For—don’t you see;’ said 
Mr。 Omer; touching me with his pipe; ‘it ain’t likely that a man so 
short of breath as myself; and a grandfather too; would go and 
strain points with a little bit of a blue…eyed blossom; like her?’ 

‘Not at all; I am certain;’ said I。 

‘Not at all! You’re right!’ said Mr。 Omer。 ‘Well; sir; her cousin— 
you know it’s a cousin she’s going to be married to?’ 

‘Oh yes;’ I replied。 ‘I know him well。’ 

‘Of course you do;’ said Mr。 Omer。 ‘Well; sir! Her cousin being; 
as it appears; in good work; and well to do; thanked me in a very 
manly sort of manner for this (conducting himself altogether; I 
must say; in a way that gives me a high opinion of him); and went 
and took as comfortable a little house as you or I could wish to 
clap eyes on。 That little house is now furnished right through; as 
neat and complete as a doll’s parlour; and but for Barkis’s illness 
having taken this bad turn; poor fellow; they would have been man 
and wife—I dare say; by this time。 As it is; there’s a 

‘And Emily; Mr。 Omer?’ I inquired。 ‘Has she become more 

‘Why that; you know;’ he returned; rubbing his double chin 
again; ‘can’t naturally be expected。 The prospect of the change 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

and separation; and all that; is; as one may say; close to her and far 
away from her; both at once。 Barkis’s death needn’t put it off 
much; but his lingering might。 Anyway; it’s an uncertain state of 
matters; you see。’ 

‘I see;’ said I。 

‘Consequently;’ pursued Mr。 Omer; ‘Em’ly’s still a little down; 
and a little fluttered; perhaps; upon the whole; she’s more so than 
she was。 Every day she seems to get fonder and fonder of her 
uncle; and more loth to part from all of us。 A kind word from me 
brings the tears into her eyes; and if you was to see her with my 
daughter Minnie’s little girl; you’d never forget it。 Bless my heart 
alive!’ said Mr。 Omer; pondering; ‘how she loves that child!’ 

Having so favourable an opportunity; it occurred to me to ask 
Mr。 Omer; before our conversation should be interrupted by the 
return of his daughter and her husband; whether he knew 
anything of Martha。 


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