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david copperfield(大卫.科波维尔)-第167章

小说: david copperfield(大卫.科波维尔) 字数: 每页4000字

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that quiet influence which was inseparable in my mind from 
Agnes; seemed to pervade even the city where she dwelt。 The 
venerable cathedral towers; and the old jackdaws and rooks whose 
airy voices made them more retired than perfect silence would 
have done; the battered gateways; one stuck full with statues; long 
thrown down; and crumbled away; like the reverential pilgrims 
who had gazed upon them; the still nooks; where the ivied growth 
of centuries crept over gabled ends and ruined walls; the ancient 
houses; the pastoral landscape of field; orchard; and garden; 
everywhere—on everything—I felt the same serener air; the same 
calm; thoughtful; softening spirit。 

Arrived at Mr。 Wickfield’s house; I found; in the little lower 
room on the ground floor; where Uriah Heep had been of old 
accustomed to sit; Mr。 Micawber plying his pen with great 
assiduity。 He was dressed in a legal…looking suit of black; and 
loomed; burly and large; in that small office。 

Mr。 Micawber was extremely glad to see me; but a little 
confused too。 He would have conducted me immediately into the 
presence of Uriah; but I declined。 

‘I know the house of old; you recollect;’ said I; ‘and will find my 
way upstairs。 How do you like the law; Mr。 Micawber?’ 

‘My dear Copperfield;’ he replied。 ‘To a man possessed of the 
higher imaginative powers; the objection to legal studies is the 
amount of detail which they involve。 Even in our professional 
correspondence;’ said Mr。 Micawber; glancing at some letters he 
was writing; ‘the mind is not at liberty to soar to any exalted form 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

of expression。 Still; it is a great pursuit。 A great pursuit!’ 

He then told me that he had become the tenant of Uriah Heep’s 
old house; and that Mrs。 Micawber would be delighted to receive 
me; once more; under her own roof。 

‘It is humble;’ said Mr。 Micawber; ‘—to quote a favourite 
expression of my friend Heep; but it may prove the stepping…stone 
to more ambitious domiciliary accommodation。’ 

I asked him whether he had reason; so far; to be satisfied with 
his friend Heep’s treatment of him? He got up to ascertain if the 
door were close shut; before he replied; in a lower voice: 

‘My dear Copperfield; a man who labours under the pressure of 
pecuniary embarrassments; is; with the generality of people; at a 
disadvantage。 That disadvantage is not diminished; when that 
pressure necessitates the drawing of stipendiary emoluments; 
before those emoluments are strictly due and payable。 All I can 
say is; that my friend Heep has responded to appeals to which I 
need not more particularly refer; in a manner calculated to 
redound equally to the honour of his head; and of his heart。’ 

‘I should not have supposed him to be very free with his money 
either;’ I observed。 

‘Pardon me!’ said Mr。 Micawber; with an air of constraint; ‘I 
speak of my friend Heep as I have experience。’ 

‘I am glad your experience is so favourable;’ I returned。 

‘You are very obliging; my dear Copperfield;’ said Mr。 
Micawber; and hummed a tune。 

‘Do you see much of Mr。 Wickfield?’ I asked; to change the 

‘Not much;’ said Mr。 Micawber; slightingly。 ‘Mr。 Wickfield is; I 
dare say; a man of very excellent intentions; but he is—in short; he 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

is obsolete。’ 

‘I am afraid his partner seeks to make him so;’ said I。 

‘My dear Copperfield!’ returned Mr。 Micawber; after some 
uneasy evolutions on his stool; ‘allow me to offer a remark! I am 
here; in a capacity of confidence。 I am here; in a position of trust。 
The discussion of some topics; even with Mrs。 Micawber herself 
(so long the partner of my various vicissitudes; and a woman of a 
remarkable lucidity of intellect); is; I am led to consider; 
incompatible with the functions now devolving on me。 I would 
therefore take the liberty of suggesting that in our friendly 
intercourse—which I trust will never be disturbed!—we draw a 
line。 On one side of this line;’ said Mr。 Micawber; representing it 
on the desk with the office ruler; ‘is the whole range of the human 
intellect; with a trifling exception; on the other; is that exception; 
that is to say; the affairs of Messrs Wickfield and Heep; with all 
belonging and appertaining thereunto。 I trust I give no offence to 
the companion of my youth; in submitting this proposition to his 
cooler judgement?’ 

Though I saw an uneasy change in Mr。 Micawber; which sat 
tightly on him; as if his new duties were a misfit; I felt I had no 
right to be offended。 My telling him so; appeared to relieve him; 
and he shook hands with me。 

‘I am charmed; Copperfield;’ said Mr。 Micawber; ‘let me assure 
you; with Miss Wickfield。 She is a very superior young lady; of very 
remarkable attractions; graces; and virtues。 Upon my honour;’ 
said Mr。 Micawber; indefinitely kissing his hand and bowing with 
his genteelest air; ‘I do Homage to Miss Wickfield! Hem!’ 

‘I am glad of that; at least;’ said I。 

‘If you had not assured us; my dear Copperfield; on the occasion 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

of that agreeable afternoon we had the happiness of passing with 
you; that D。 was your favourite letter;’ said Mr。 Micawber; ‘I 
should unquestionably have supposed that A。 had been so。’ 

We have all some experience of a feeling; that comes over us 
occasionally; of what we are saying and doing having been said 
and done before; in a remote time—of our having been 
surrounded; dim ages ago; by the same faces; objects; and 
circumstances—of our knowing perfectly what will be said next; as 
if we suddenly remembered it! I never had this mysterious 
impression more strongly in my life; than before he uttered those 

I took my leave of Mr。 Micawber; for the time; charging him 
with my best remembrances to all at home。 As I left him; resuming 
his stool and his pen; and rolling his head in his stock; to get it into 
easier writing order; I clearly perceived that there was something 
interposed between him and me; since he had come into his new 
functions; which prevented our getting at each other as we used to 
do; and quite altered the character of our intercourse。 

There was no one in the quaint old drawing…room; though it 
presented tokens of Mrs。 Heep’s whereabouts。 I looked into the 
room still belonging to Agnes; and saw her sitting by the fire; at a 
pretty old…fashioned desk she had; writing。 

My darkening the light made her look up。 What a pleasure to be 
the cause of that bright change in her attentive face; and the object 
of that sweet regard and welcome! 

‘Ah; Agnes!’ said I; when we were sitting together; side by side; 
‘I have missed you so much; lately!’ 

‘Indeed?’ she replied。 ‘Again! And so soon?’ 

I shook my head。 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

‘I don’t know how it is; Agnes; I seem to want some faculty of 
mind that I ought to have。 You were so much in the habit of 
thinking for me; in the happy old days here; and I came so 
naturally to you for counsel and support; that I really think I have 
missed acquiring it。’ 

‘And what is it?’ said Agnes; cheerfully。 

‘I don’t know what to call it;’ I replied。 ‘I think I am earnest and 

‘I am sure of it;’ said Agnes。 

‘And patient; Agnes?’ I inquired; with a little hesitation。 

‘Yes;’ returned Agnes; laughing。 ‘Pretty well。’ 

‘And yet;’ said I; ‘I get so miserable and worried; and am so 
unsteady and irresolute in my power of assuring myself; that I 
know I must want—shall I call it—reliance; of some kind?’ 

‘Call it so; if you will;’ said Agnes。 

‘Well!’ I returned。 ‘See here! You come to London; I rely on you; 
and I have an object and a course at once。 I am driven out of it; I 
come here; and in a moment I feel an altered person。 The 
circumstances that distressed me are not changed; since I came 
into this room; but an influence comes over me in that short 

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