贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > david copperfield(大卫.科波维尔) >


david copperfield(大卫.科波维尔)-第24章

小说: david copperfield(大卫.科波维尔) 字数: 每页4000字

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recollection rises fresh upon me。 Once more the little room; with 
its open corner cupboard; and its square…backed chairs; and its 
angular little staircase leading to the room above; and its three 
peacock’s feathers displayed over the mantelpiece—I remember 
wondering when I first went in; what that peacock would have 
thought if he had known what his finery was doomed to come to— 
fades from before me; and I nod; and sleep。 The flute becomes 
inaudible; the wheels of the coach are heard instead; and I am on 
my journey。 The coach jolts; I wake with a start; and the flute has 
come back again; and the Master at Salem House is sitting with his 
legs crossed; playing it dolefully; while the old woman of the house 
looks on delighted。 She fades in her turn; and he fades; and all 
fades; and there is no flute; no Master; no Salem House; no David 
Copperfield; no anything but heavy sleep。 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

I dreamed; I thought; that once while he was blowing into this 
dismal flute; the old woman of the house; who had gone nearer 
and nearer to him in her ecstatic admiration; leaned over the back 
of his chair and gave him an affectionate squeeze round the neck; 
which stopped his playing for a moment。 I was in the middle state 
between sleeping and waking; either then or immediately 
afterwards; for; as he resumed—it was a real fact that he had 
stopped playing—I saw and heard the same old woman ask Mrs。 
Fibbitson if it wasn’t delicious (meaning the flute); to which Mrs。 
Fibbitson replied; ‘Ay; ay! yes!’ and nodded at the fire: to which; I 
am persuaded; she gave the credit of the whole performance。 

When I seemed to have been dozing a long while; the Master at 
Salem House unscrewed his flute into the three pieces; put them 
up as before; and took me away。 We found the coach very near at 
hand; and got upon the roof; but I was so dead sleepy; that when 
we stopped on the road to take up somebody else; they put me 
inside where there were no passengers; and where I slept 
profoundly; until I found the coach going at a footpace up a steep 
hill among green leaves。 Presently; it stopped; and had come to its 

A short walk brought us—I mean the Master and me—to Salem 
House; which was enclosed with a high brick wall; and looked very 
dull。 Over a door in this wall was a board with SALEM HOUSE 
upon it; and through a grating in this door we were surveyed when 
we rang the bell by a surly face; which I found; on the door being 
opened; belonged to a stout man with a bull…neck; a wooden leg; 
overhanging temples; and his hair cut close all round his head。 

‘The new boy;’ said the Master。 

The man with the wooden leg eyed me all over—it didn’t take 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

long; for there was not much of me—and locked the gate behind 
us; and took out the key。 We were going up to the house; among 
some dark heavy trees; when he called after my conductor。 ‘Hallo!’ 

We looked back; and he was standing at the door of a little 
lodge; where he lived; with a pair of boots in his hand。 

‘Here! The cobbler’s been;’ he said; ‘since you’ve been out; Mr。 
Mell; and he says he can’t mend ’em any more。 He says there ain’t 
a bit of the original boot left; and he wonders you expect it。’ 

With these words he threw the boots towards Mr。 Mell; who 
went back a few paces to pick them up; and looked at them (very 
disconsolately; I was afraid); as we went on together。 I observed 
then; for the first time; that the boots he had on were a good deal 
the worse for wear; and that his stocking was just breaking out in 
one place; like a bud。 

Salem House was a square brick building with wings; of a bare 
and unfurnished appearance。 All about it was so very quiet; that I 
said to Mr。 Mell I supposed the boys were out; but he seemed 
surprised at my not knowing that it was holiday…time。 That all the 
boys were at their several homes。 That Mr。 Creakle; the 
proprietor; was down by the sea…side with Mrs。 and Miss Creakle; 
and that I was sent in holiday…time as a punishment for my 
misdoing; all of which he explained to me as we went along。 

I gazed upon the schoolroom into which he took me; as the 
most forlorn and desolate place I had ever seen。 I see it now。 A 
long room with three long rows of desks; and six of forms; and 
bristling all round with pegs for hats and slates。 Scraps of old 
copy…books and exercises litter the dirty floor。 Some silkworms’ 
houses; made of the same materials; are scattered over the desks。 
Two miserable little white mice; left behind by their owner; are 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

running up and down in a fusty castle made of pasteboard and 
wire; looking in all the corners with their red eyes for anything to 
eat。 A bird; in a cage very little bigger than himself; makes a 
mournful rattle now and then in hopping on his perch; two inches 
high; or dropping from it; but neither sings nor chirps。 There is a 
strange unwholesome smell upon the room; like mildewed 
corduroys; sweet apples wanting air; and rotten books。 There 
could not well be more ink splashed about it; if it had been roofless 
from its first construction; and the skies had rained; snowed; 
hailed; and blown ink through the varying seasons of the year。 

Mr。 Mell having left me while he took his irreparable boots 
upstairs; I went softly to the upper end of the room; observing all 
this as I crept along。 Suddenly I came upon a pasteboard placard; 
beautifully written; which was lying on the desk; and bore these 
words: ‘Take care of him。 He bites。’ 

I got upon the desk immediately; apprehensive of at least a 
great dog underneath。 But; though I looked all round with anxious 
eyes; I could see nothing of him。 I was still engaged in peering 
about; when Mr。 Mell came back; and asked me what I did up 

‘I beg your pardon; sir;’ says I; ‘if you please; I’m looking for the 

‘Dog?’ he says。 ‘What dog?’ 

‘Isn’t it a dog; sir?’ 

‘Isn’t what a dog?’ 

‘That’s to be taken care of; sir; that bites。’ 

‘No; Copperfield;’ says he; gravely; ‘that’s not a dog。 That’s a 
boy。 My instructions are; Copperfield; to put this placard on your 
back。 I am sorry to make such a beginning with you; but I must do 

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David Copperfield 114 

it。’ With that he took me down; and tied the placard; which was 
neatly constructed for the purpose; on my shoulders like a 
knapsack; and wherever I went; afterwards; I had the consolation 
of carrying it。 

What I suffered from that placard; nobody can imagine。 
Whether it was possible for people to see me or not; I always 
fancied that somebody was reading it。 It was no relief to turn 
round and find nobody; for wherever my back was; there I 
imagined somebody always to be。 That cruel man with the wooden 
leg aggravated my sufferings。 He was in authority; and if he ever 
saw me leaning against a tree; or a wall; or the house; he roared 
out from his lodge door in a stupendous voice; ‘Hallo; you sir! You 
Copperfield! Show that badge conspicuous; or I’ll report you!’ The 
playground was a bare gravelled yard; open to all the back of the 
house and the offices; and I knew that the servants read it; and the 
butcher read it; and the baker read it; that everybody; in a word; 
who came backwards and forwards to the house; of a morning 
when I was ordered to walk there; read that I was to be taken care 
of; for I bit; I recollect that I positively began to have a dread of 
myself; as a kind of wild boy who did bite。 

There was an old door in this playground; on which the boys 
had a custom of carving their names。 It was completely covered 
with such inscriptions。 In my dread of the end of the vacation and 
their coming back; I could not read a boy’s name; without 
inquiring in what tone and with what emphasis he would read; 
‘Take care of him。 He bites。’ There was one boy—a certain J。 
Steerforth—who cut his name very deep and very often; who; I 

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