贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > david copperfield(大卫.科波维尔) >


david copperfield(大卫.科波维尔)-第3章

小说: david copperfield(大卫.科波维尔) 字数: 每页4000字

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established herself there as a single woman with one servant; and 
was understood to live secluded; ever afterwards; in an inflexible 

My father had once been a favourite of hers; I believe; but she 
was mortally affronted by his marriage; on the ground that my 
mother was ‘a wax doll’。 She had never seen my mother; but she 
knew her to be not yet twenty。 My father and Miss Betsey never 
met again。 He was double my mother’s age when he married; and 
of but a delicate constitution。 He died a year afterwards; and; as I 
have said; six months before I came into the world。 

This was the state of matters; on the afternoon of; what I may 
be excused for calling; that eventful and important Friday。 I can 
make no claim therefore to have known; at that time; how matters 
stood; or to have any remembrance; founded on the evidence of 
my own senses; of what follows。 

My mother was sitting by the fire; but poorly in health; and very 
low in spirits; looking at it through her tears; and desponding 
heavily about herself and the fatherless little stranger; who was 
already welcomed by some grosses of prophetic pins; in a drawer 
upstairs; to a world not at all excited on the subject of his arrival; 
my mother; I say; was sitting by the fire; that bright; windy March 
afternoon; very timid and sad; and very doubtful of ever coming 
alive out of the trial that was before her; when; lifting her eyes as 
she dried them; to the window opposite; she saw a strange lady 
coming up the garden。 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

My mother had a sure foreboding at the second glance; that it 
was Miss Betsey。 The setting sun was glowing on the strange lady; 
over the garden…fence; and she came walking up to the door with a 
fell rigidity of figure and composure of countenance that could 
have belonged to nobody else。 

When she reached the house; she gave another proof of her 
identity。 My father had often hinted that she seldom conducted 
herself like any ordinary Christian; and now; instead of ringing the 
bell; she came and looked in at that identical window; pressing the 
end of her nose against the glass to that extent; that my poor dear 
mother used to say it became perfectly flat and white in a moment。 

She gave my mother such a turn; that I have always been 
convinced I am indebted to Miss Betsey for having been born on a 

My mother had left her chair in her agitation; and gone behind 
it in the corner。 Miss Betsey; looking round the room; slowly and 
inquiringly; began on the other side; and carried her eyes on; like 
a Saracen’s Head in a Dutch clock; until they reached my mother。 
Then she made a frown and a gesture to my mother; like one who 
was accustomed to be obeyed; to come and open the door。 My 
mother went。 

‘Mrs。 David Copperfield; I think;’ said Miss Betsey; the 
emphasis referring; perhaps; to my mother’s mourning weeds; and 
her condition。 

‘Yes;’ said my mother; faintly。 

‘Miss Trotwood;’ said the visitor。 ‘You have heard of her; I dare 

My mother answered she had had that pleasure。 And she had a 
disagreeable consciousness of not appearing to imply that it had 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

been an overpowering pleasure。 

‘Now you see her;’ said Miss Betsey。 My mother bent her head; 
and begged her to walk in。 

They went into the parlour my mother had come from; the fire 
in the best room on the other side of the passage not being 
lighted—not having been lighted; indeed; since my father’s 
funeral; and when they were both seated; and Miss Betsey said 
nothing; my mother; after vainly trying to restrain herself; began 
to cry。 ‘Oh tut; tut; tut!’ said Miss Betsey; in a hurry。 ‘Don’t do that! 
Come; come!’ 

My mother couldn’t help it notwithstanding; so she cried until 
she had had her cry out。 

‘Take off your cap; child;’ said Miss Betsey; ‘and let me see you。’ 

My mother was too much afraid of her to refuse compliance 
with this odd request; if she had any disposition to do so。 
Therefore she did as she was told; and did it with such nervous 
hands that her hair (which was luxuriant and beautiful) fell all 
about her face。 

‘Why; bless my heart!’ exclaimed Miss Betsey。 ‘You are a very 

My mother was; no doubt; unusually youthful in appearance 
even for her years; she hung her head; as if it were her fault; poor 
thing; and said; sobbing; that indeed she was afraid she was but a 
childish widow; and would be but a childish mother if she lived。 In 
a short pause which ensued; she had a fancy that she felt Miss 
Betsey touch her hair; and that with no ungentle hand; but; 
looking at her; in her timid hope; she found that lady sitting with 
the skirt of her dress tucked up; her hands folded on one knee; 
and her feet upon the fender; frowning at the fire。 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

‘In the name of Heaven;’ said Miss Betsey; suddenly; ‘why 

‘Do you mean the house; ma’am?’ asked my mother。 

‘Why Rookery?’ said Miss Betsey。 ‘Cookery would have been 
more to the purpose; if you had had any practical ideas of life; 
either of you。’ 

‘The name was Mr。 Copperfield’s choice;’ returned my mother。 
‘When he bought the house; he liked to think that there were 
rooks about it。’ 

The evening wind made such a disturbance just now; among 
some tall old elm…trees at the bottom of the garden; that neither 
my mother nor Miss Betsey could forbear glancing that way。 As 
the elms bent to one another; like giants who were whispering 
secrets; and after a few seconds of such repose; fell into a violent 
flurry; tossing their wild arms about; as if their late confidences 
were really too wicked for their peace of mind; some 
weatherbeaten ragged old rooks’…nests; burdening their higher 
branches; swung like wrecks upon a stormy sea。 

‘Where are the birds?’ asked Miss Betsey。 

‘The—?’ My mother had been thinking of something else。 

‘The rooks—what has become of them?’ asked Miss Betsey。 

‘There have not been any since we have lived here;’ said my 
mother。 ‘We thought—Mr。 Copperfield thought—it was quite a 
large rookery; but the nests were very old ones; and the birds have 
deserted them a long while。’ 

‘David Copperfield all over!’ cried Miss Betsey。 ‘David 
Copperfield from head to foot! Calls a house a rookery when 
there’s not a rook near it; and takes the birds on trust; because he 
sees the nests!’ 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

‘Mr。 Copperfield;’ returned my mother; ‘is dead; and if you dare 
to speak unkindly of him to me—’ 

My poor dear mother; I suppose; had some momentary 
intention of committing an assault and battery upon my aunt; who 
could easily have settled her with one hand; even if my mother had 
been in far better training for such an encounter than she was that 
evening。 But it passed with the action of rising from her chair; and 
she sat down again very meekly; and fainted。 

When she came to herself; or when Miss Betsey had restored 
her; whichever it was; she found the latter standing at the window。 
The twilight was by this time shading down into darkness; and 
dimly as they saw each other; they could not have done that 
without the aid of the fire。 

‘Well?’ said Miss Betsey; coming back to her chair; as if she had 
only been taking a casual look at the prospect; ‘and when do you 

‘I am all in a tremble;’ faltered my mother。 ‘I don’t know what’s 
the matter。 I shall die; I am sure!’ 

‘No; no; no;’ said Miss Betsey。 ‘Have some tea。’ 

‘Oh dear me; dear me; do you think it will do me any good?’ 
cried my mother in a helpless manner。 

‘Of course it will;’ said Miss Betsey。 ‘It’s nothing but fancy。 
What do you call your girl?’ 

‘I don’t know that it will be a girl; yet; ma’am;’ said my mother 

‘Bless the Baby!’ exclaimed Miss Betsey; unconsciously quoting 
the second sentiment of the pincushion in the drawer upstairs; but 

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