贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > david copperfield(大卫.科波维尔) >


david copperfield(大卫.科波维尔)-第38章

小说: david copperfield(大卫.科波维尔) 字数: 每页4000字

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David Copperfield 

If ever child were stricken with sincere grief; I was。 But I 
remember that this importance was a kind of satisfaction to me; 
when I walked in the playground that afternoon while the boys 
were in school。 When I saw them glancing at me out of the 
windows; as they went up to their classes; I felt distinguished; and 
looked more melancholy; and walked slower。 When school was 
over; and they came out and spoke to me; I felt it rather good in 
myself not to be proud to any of them; and to take exactly the 
same notice of them all; as before。 

I was to go home next night; not by the mail; but by the heavy 
night…coach; which was called the Farmer; and was principally 
used by country…people travelling short intermediate distances 
upon the road。 We had no story…telling that evening; and Traddles 
insisted on lending me his pillow。 I don’t know what good he 
thought it would do me; for I had one of my own: but it was all he 
had to lend; poor fellow; except a sheet of letter…paper full of 
skeletons; and that he gave me at parting; as a soother of my 
sorrows and a contribution to my peace of mind。 

I left Salem House upon the morrow afternoon。 I little thought 
then that I left it; never to return。 We travelled very slowly all 
night; and did not get into Yarmouth before nine or ten o’clock in 
the morning。 I looked out for Mr。 Barkis; but he was not there; and 
instead of him a fat; short…winded; merry…looking; little old man in 
black; with rusty little bunches of ribbons at the knees of his 
breeches; black stockings; and a broad…brimmed hat; came puffing 
up to the coach window; and said: 

‘Master Copperfield?’ 

‘Yes; sir。’ 

‘Will you come with me; young sir; if you please;’ he said; 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

opening the door; ‘and I shall have the pleasure of taking you 

I put my hand in his; wondering who he was; and we walked 
away to a shop in a narrow street; on which was written OMER; 
&c。 It was a close and stifling little shop; full of all sorts of clothing; 
made and unmade; including one window full of beaver…hats and 
bonnets。 We went into a little back…parlour behind the shop; where 
we found three young women at work on a quantity of black 
materials; which were heaped upon the table; and little bits and 
cuttings of which were littered all over the floor。 There was a good 
fire in the room; and a breathless smell of warm black crape—I did 
not know what the smell was then; but I know now。 

The three young women; who appeared to be very industrious 
and comfortable; raised their heads to look at me; and then went 
on with their work。 Stitch; stitch; stitch。 At the same time there 
came from a workshop across a little yard outside the window; a 
regular sound of hammering that kept a kind of tune: Rat—tat…tat; 
Rat—tat…tat; Rat—tat…tat; without any variation。 

‘Well;’ said my conductor to one of the three young women。 
‘How do you get on; Minnie?’ 

‘We shall be ready by the trying…on time;’ she replied gaily; 
without looking up。 ‘Don’t you be afraid; father。’ 

Mr。 Omer took off his broad…brimmed hat; and sat down and 
panted。 He was so fat that he was obliged to pant some time before 
he could say: 

‘That’s right。’ 

‘Father!’ said Minnie; playfully。 ‘What a porpoise you do grow!’ 

‘Well; I don’t know how it is; my dear;’ he replied; considering 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

about it。 ‘I am rather so。’ 

‘You are such a comfortable man; you see;’ said Minnie。 ‘You 
take things so easy。’ 

‘No use taking ’em otherwise; my dear;’ said Mr。 Omer。 

‘No; indeed;’ returned his daughter。 ‘We are all pretty gay here; 
thank Heaven! Ain’t we; father?’ 

‘I hope so; my dear;’ said Mr。 Omer。 ‘As I have got my breath 
now; I think I’ll measure this young scholar。 Would you walk into 
the shop; Master Copperfield?’ 

I preceded Mr。 Omer; in compliance with his request; and after 
showing me a roll of cloth which he said was extra super; and too 
good mourning for anything short of parents; he took my various 
dimensions; and put them down in a book。 While he was recording 
them he called my attention to his stock in trade; and to certain 
fashions which he said had ‘just come up’; and to certain other 
fashions which he said had ‘just gone out’。 

‘And by that sort of thing we very often lose a little mint of 
money;’ said Mr。 Omer。 ‘But fashions are like human beings。 They 
come in; nobody knows when; why; or how; and they go out; 
nobody knows when; why; or how。 Everything is like life; in my 
opinion; if you look at it in that point of view。’ 

I was too sorrowful to discuss the question; which would 
possibly have been beyond me under any circumstances; and Mr。 
Omer took me back into the parlour; breathing with some 
difficulty on the way。 

He then called down a little break…neck range of steps behind a 
door: ‘Bring up that tea and bread…and…butter!’ which; after some 
time; during which I sat looking about me and thinking; and 
listening to the stitching in the room and the tune that was being 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

hammered across the yard; appeared on a tray; and turned out to 
be for me。 

‘I have been acquainted with you;’ said Mr。 Omer; after 
watching me for some minutes; during which I had not made 
much impression on the breakfast; for the black things destroyed 
my appetite; ‘I have been acquainted with you a long time; my 
young friend。’ 

‘Have you; sir?’ 

‘All your life;’ said Mr。 Omer。 ‘I may say before it。 I knew your 
father before you。 He was five foot nine and a half; and he lays in 
five…and…twen…ty foot of ground。’ 

‘Rat—tat…tat; Rat—tat…tat; Rat—tat…tat;’ across the yard。 

‘He lays in five and twen…ty foot of ground; if he lays in a 
fraction;’ said Mr。 Omer; pleasantly。 ‘It was either his request or 
her direction; I forget which。’ 

‘Do you know how my little brother is; sir?’ I inquired。 

Mr。 Omer shook his head。 

‘Rat—tat…tat; Rat—tat…tat; Rat—tat…tat。’ 

‘He is in his mother’s arms;’ said he。 

‘Oh; poor little fellow! Is he dead?’ 

‘Don’t mind it more than you can help;’ said Mr。 Omer。 ‘Yes。 
The baby’s dead。’ 

My wounds broke out afresh at this intelligence。 I left the 
scarcely…tasted breakfast; and went and rested my head on 
another table; in a corner of the little room; which Minnie hastily 
cleared; lest I should spot the mourning that was lying there with 
my tears。 She was a pretty; good…natured girl; and put my hair 
away from my eyes with a soft; kind touch; but she was very 
cheerful at having nearly finished her work and being in good 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

time; and was so different from me! 

Presently the tune left off; and a good…looking young fellow 
came across the yard into the room。 He had a hammer in his hand; 
and his mouth was full of little nails; which he was obliged to take 
out before he could speak。 

‘Well; Joram!’ said Mr。 Omer。 ‘How do you get on?’ 

‘All right;’ said Joram。 ‘Done; sir。’ 

Minnie coloured a little; and the other two girls smiled at one 

‘What! you were at it by candle…light last night; when I was at 
the club; then? Were you?’ said Mr。 Omer; shutting up one eye。 

‘Yes;’ said Joram。 ‘As you said we could make a little trip of it; 
and go over together; if it was done; Minnie and me—and you。’ 

‘Oh! I thought you were going to leave me out altogether;’ said 
Mr。 Omer; laughing till he coughed。 

‘—As you was so good as to say that;’ resumed the young man; 
‘why I turned to with a will; you see。 Will you give me your opinion 
of it?’ 

‘I will;’ said Mr。 Omer; rising。 ‘My dear’; and he stopped and 
turned to me: ‘would you like to see your—’ 

‘No; father;’ Minnie interposed。 

‘I thought it might be agreeable; my dear;’ said Mr。 Omer。 ‘But 
perhaps you’re right。’ 

I can

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