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david copperfield(大卫.科波维尔)-第89章

小说: david copperfield(大卫.科波维尔) 字数: 每页4000字

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complete。 Finally; her handsome features looked down on her 
darling from a portrait on the wall; as if it were even something to 
her that her likeness should watch him while he slept。 

I found the fire burning clear enough in my room by this time; 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

and the curtains drawn before the windows and round the bed; 
giving it a very snug appearance。 I sat down in a great chair upon 
the hearth to meditate on my happiness; and had enjoyed the 
contemplation of it for some time; when I found a likeness of Miss 
Dartle looking eagerly at me from above the chimney…piece。 

It was a startling likeness; and necessarily had a startling look。 
The painter hadn’t made the scar; but I made it; and there it was; 
coming and going; now confined to the upper lip as I had seen it at 
dinner; and now showing the whole extent of the wound inflicted 
by the hammer; as I had seen it when she was passionate。 

I wondered peevishly why they couldn’t put her anywhere else 
instead of quartering her on me。 To get rid of her; I undressed 
quickly; extinguished my light; and went to bed。 But; as I fell 
asleep; I could not forget that she was still there looking; ‘Is it 
really; though? I want to know’; and when I awoke in the night; I 
found that I was uneasily asking all sorts of people in my dreams 
whether it really was or not—without knowing what I meant。 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

Chapter 21 


There was a servant in that house; a man who; I 
understood; was usually with Steerforth; and had come 
into his service at the University; who was in appearance 
a pattern of respectability。 I believe there never existed in his 
station a more respectable…looking man。 He was taciturn; soft…
footed; very quiet in his manner; deferential; observant; always at 
hand when wanted; and never near when not wanted; but his 
great claim to consideration was his respectability。 He had not a 
pliant face; he had rather a stiff neck; rather a tight smooth head 
with short hair clinging to it at the sides; a soft way of speaking; 
with a peculiar habit of whispering the letter S so distinctly; that 
he seemed to use it oftener than any other man; but every 
peculiarity that he had he made respectable。 If his nose had been 
upside…down; he would have made that respectable。 He 
surrounded himself with an atmosphere of respectability; and 
walked secure in it。 It would have been next to impossible to 
suspect him of anything wrong; he was so thoroughly respectable。 
Nobody could have thought of putting him in a livery; he was so 
highly respectable。 To have imposed any derogatory work upon 
him; would have been to inflict a wanton insult on the feelings of a 
most respectable man。 And of this; I noticed—the women…servants 
in the household were so intuitively conscious; that they always 
did such work themselves; and generally while he read the paper 
by the pantry fire。 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

Such a self…contained man I never saw。 But in that quality; as in 
every other he possessed; he only seemed to be the more 
respectable。 Even the fact that no one knew his Christian name; 
seemed to form a part of his respectability。 Nothing could be 
objected against his surname; Littimer; by which he was known。 
Peter might have been hanged; or Tom transported; but Littimer 
was perfectly respectable。 

It was occasioned; I suppose; by the reverend nature of 
respectability in the abstract; but I felt particularly young in this 
man’s presence。 How old he was himself; I could not guess—and 
that again went to his credit on the same score; for in the calmness 
of respectability he might have numbered fifty years as well as 

Littimer was in my room in the morning before I was up; to 
bring me that reproachful shaving…water; and to put out my 
clothes。 When I undrew the curtains and looked out of bed; I saw 
him; in an equable temperature of respectability; unaffected by the 
east wind of January; and not even breathing frostily; standing my 
boots right and left in the first dancing position; and blowing 
specks of dust off my coat as he laid it down like a baby。 

I gave him good morning; and asked him what o’clock it was。 
He took out of his pocket the most respectable hunting…watch I 
ever saw; and preventing the spring with his thumb from opening 
far; looked in at the face as if he were consulting an oracular 
oyster; shut it up again; and said; if I pleased; it was half past eight。 

‘Mr。 Steerforth will be glad to hear how you have rested; sir。’ 

‘Thank you;’ said I; ‘very well indeed。 Is Mr。 Steerforth quite 

‘Thank you; sir; Mr。 Steerforth is tolerably well。’ Another of his 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

characteristics—no use of superlatives。 A cool calm medium 

‘Is there anything more I can have the honour of doing for you; 
sir? The warning…bell will ring at nine; the family take breakfast at 
half past nine。’ 

‘Nothing; I thank you。’ 

‘I thank you; sir; if you please’; and with that; and with a little 
inclination of his head when he passed the bed…side; as an apology 
for correcting me; he went out; shutting the door as delicately as if 
I had just fallen into a sweet sleep on which my life depended。 

Every morning we held exactly this conversation: never any 
more; and never any less: and yet; invariably; however far I might 
have been lifted out of myself over…night; and advanced towards 
maturer years; by Steerforth’s companionship; or Mrs。 
Steerforth’s confidence; or Miss Dartle’s conversation; in the 
presence of this most respectable man I became; as our smaller 
poets sing; ‘a boy again’。 

He got horses for us; and Steerforth; who knew everything; 
gave me lessons in riding。 He provided foils for us; and Steerforth 
gave me lessons in fencing—gloves; and I began; of the same 
master; to improve in boxing。 It gave me no manner of concern 
that Steerforth should find me a novice in these sciences; but I 
never could bear to show my want of skill before the respectable 
Littimer。 I had no reason to believe that Littimer understood such 
arts himself; he never led me to suppose anything of the kind; by 
so much as the vibration of one of his respectable eyelashes; yet 
whenever he was by; while we were practising; I felt myself the 
greenest and most inexperienced of mortals。 

I am particular about this man; because he made a particular 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

effect on me at that time; and because of what took place 

The week passed away in a most delightful manner。 It passed 
rapidly; as may be supposed; to one entranced as I was; and yet it 
gave me so many occasions for knowing Steerforth better; and 
admiring him more in a thousand respects; that at its close I 
seemed to have been with him for a much longer time。 A dashing 
way he had of treating me like a plaything; was more agreeable to 
me than any behaviour he could have adopted。 It reminded me of 
our old acquaintance; it seemed the natural sequel of it; it showed 
me that he was unchanged; it relieved me of any uneasiness I 
might have felt; in comparing my merits with his; and measuring 
my claims upon his friendship by any equal standard; above all; it 
was a familiar; unrestrained; affectionate demeanour that he used 
towards no one else。 As he had treated me at school differently 
from all the rest; I joyfully believed that he treated me in life 
unlike any other friend he had。 I believed that I was nearer to his 
heart than any other friend; and my own heart warmed with 
attachment to him。 He made up his mind to go with me into the 
country; and the day arrived for our departure。 He had been 
doubtful at first whether to take Littimer or not; but decided to 
leave him at home。 The respectable creature; satisfied with his lot 
whatever it was; arranged our portmanteaux on the little carriage 
that was to take us into London; as if they were intended to 

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