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a voyage to abyssinia-第24章

小说: a voyage to abyssinia 字数: 每页4000字

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disturbers of the public tranquillity; who had come into Aethiopia with no other intention than to abolish the ancient laws and customs of the country; to sow divisions between father and son; and preach up a revolution。

After having borne all sorts of affronts and ill…treatments; we retired to our house at Fremona; in the midst of our countrymen; who had been settling round about us a long time; imagining we should be more secure there; and that; at least during the life of the Emperor; they would not come to extremities; or proceed to open force。  I laid some stress upon the kindness which the viceroy of Tigre had shown to us; and in particular to me; but was soon convinced that those hopes had no real foundation; for he was one of the most violent of our persecutors。  He seized upon all our lands; and; advancing with his troops to Fremona; blocked up the town。  The army had not been stationed there long before they committed all sorts of disorders; so that one day a Portuguese; provoked beyond his temper at the insolence of some of them; went out with his four sons; and; wounding several of them; forced the rest back to their camp。

We thought we had good reason to apprehend an attack; their troops were increasing; our town was surrounded; and on the point of being forced。  Our Portuguese therefore thought that; without staying till the last extremities; they might lawfully repel one violence by another; and sallying out to the number of fifty; wounded about three score of the Abyssins; and had put them to the sword but that they feared it might bring too great an odium upon our cause。  The Portuguese were some of them wounded; but happily none died on either side。

Though the times were by no means favourable to us; every one blamed the conduct of the viceroy; and those who did not commend our action made the necessity we were reduced to of self…defence an excuse for it。  The viceroy's principal design was to get my person into his possession; imagining that if I was once in his power; all the Portuguese would pay him a blind obedience。  Having been unsuccessful in his attempt by open force; he made use of the arts of negotiation; but with an event not more to his satisfaction。 This viceroy being recalled; a son…in…law of the Emperor's succeeded; who treated us even worse than his predecessor had done。

When he entered upon his command; he loaded us with kindnesses; giving us so many assurances of his protection that; while the Emperor lived; we thought him one of our friends; but no sooner was our protector dead than this man pulled off his mask; and; quitting all shame; let us see that neither the fear of God nor any other consideration was capable of restraining him when we were to be distressed。  The persecution then becoming general; there was no longer any place of security for us in Abyssinia; where we were looked upon by all as the authors of all the civil commotions; and many councils were held to determine in what manner they should dispose of us。  Several were of opinion that the best way would be to kill us all at once; and affirmed that no other means were left of re…establishing order and tranquillity in the kingdom。

Others; more prudent; were not for putting us to death with so little consideration; but advised that we should be banished to one of the isles of the Lake of Dambia; an affliction more severe than death itself。  These alleged in vindication of their opinions that it was reasonable to expect; if they put us to death; that the viceroy of the Indies would come with fire and sword to demand satisfaction。  This argument made so great an impression upon some of them that they thought no better measures could be taken than to send us back again to the Indies。  This proposal; however; was not without its difficulties; for they suspected that when we should arrive at the Portuguese territories; we would levy an army; return back to Abyssinia; and under pretence of establishing the Catholic religion revenge all the injuries we had suffered。  While they were thus deliberating upon our fate; we were imploring the succour of the Almighty with fervent and humble supplications; entreating him in the midst of our sighs and tears that he would not suffer his own cause to miscarry; and that; however it might please him to dispose of our liveswhich; we prayed; he would assist us to lay down with patience and resignation worthy of the faith for which we were persecutedhe would not permit our enemies to triumph over the truth。

Thus we passed our days and nights in prayers; in affliction; and tears; continually crowded with widows and orphans that subsisted upon our charity and came to us for bread when we had not any for ourselves。

While we were in this distress we received an account that the viceroy of the Indies had fitted out a powerful fleet against the King of Mombaza; who; having thrown off the authority of the Portuguese; had killed the governor of the fortress; and had since committed many acts of cruelty。  The same fleet; as we were informed; after the King of Mombaza was reduced; was to burn and ruin Zeila; in revenge of the death of two Portuguese Jesuits who were killed by the King in the year 1604。  As Zeila was not far from the frontiers of Abyssinia; they imagined that they already saw the Portuguese invading their country。

The viceroy of Tigre had inquired of me a few days before how many men one India ship carried; and being told that the complement of some was a thousand men; he compared that answer with the report then spread over all the country; that there were eighteen Portuguese vessels on the coast of Adel; and concluded that they were manned by an army of eighteen thousand men; then considering what had been achieved by four hundred; under the command of Don Christopher de Gama; he thought Abyssinia already ravaged; or subjected to the King of Portugal。  Many declared themselves of his opinion; and the court took its measures with respect to us from these uncertain and ungrounded rumours。  Some were so infatuated with their apprehensions that they undertook to describe the camp of the Portuguese; and affirmed that they had heard the report of their cannons。

All this contributed to exasperate the inhabitants; and reduced us often to the point of being massacred。  At length they came to a resolution of giving us up to the Turks; assuring them that we were masters of a vast treasure; in hope that after they had inflicted all kinds of tortures on us; to make us confess where we had hid our gold; or what we had done with it; they would at length kill us in rage for the disappointment。  Nor was this their only view; for they believed that the Turks would; by killing us; kindle such an irreconcilable hatred between themselves and our nation as would make it necessary for them to keep us out of the Red Sea; of which they are entirely masters:  so that their determination was as politic as cruel。  Some pretend that the Turks were engaged to put us to death as soon as we were in their power。

Chapter XIII

The author relieves the patriarch and missionaries; and supports them。  He escapes several snares laid for him by the viceroy of Tigre。  They put themselves under the protection of the Prince of Bar。

Having concluded this negotiation; they drove us out of our houses; and robbed us of everything that was worth carrying away; and; not content with that; informed some banditti that were then in those parts of the road we were to travel through; so that the patriarch and some missionaries were attacked in a desert by these rovers; with their captain at their head; who pillaged his library; his ornaments; and what little baggage the missionaries had left; and might have gone away without resistance or interruption had they satisfied themselves with only robbing; but when they began to fall upon the missionaries and their companions; our countrymen; finding that their lives could only be preserved by their courage; charged their enemies with such vigour that they killed their chief and forced the rest to a precipitate flight。  But these rovers; being acquainted with the country; harassed the little caravan till it was past the borders。

Our fathers then imagined they ha

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