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a voyage to abyssinia-第3章

小说: a voyage to abyssinia 字数: 每页4000字

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ter having been detained some time at sea; by calms and contrary winds; and somewhat harassed by the English and Dutch; who were now increased to eleven ships of war; arrived at Goa; on Saturday; the 16th of December; and the viceroy made his entry with great magnificence。

I lived here about a year; and completed my studies in divinity; in which time some letters were received from the fathers in Aethiopia; with an account that Sultan Segued; Emperor of Abyssinia; was converted to the Church of Rome; that many of his subjects had followed his example; and that there was a great want of missionaries to improve these prosperous beginnings。  Everybody was very desirous of seconding the zeal of our fathers; and of sending them the assistance they requested; to which we were the more encouraged; because the emperor's letters informed our provincial that we might easily enter his dominions by the way of Dancala; but unhappily; the secretary wrote Zeila for Dancala; which cost two of our fathers their lives。

We were; however; notwithstanding the assurances given us by the emperor; sufficiently apprised of the danger which we were exposed to in this expedition; whether we went by sea or land。  By sea; we foresaw the hazard we run of falling into the hands of the Turks; amongst whom we should lose; if not our lives; at least our liberty; and be for ever prevented from reaching the court of Aethiopia。 Upon this consideration our superiors divided the eight Jesuits chosen for this mission into two companies。  Four they sent by sea and four by land; I was of the latter number。  The four first were the more fortunate; who though they were detained some time by the Turkish bassa; were dismissed at the request of the emperor; who sent him a zebra; or wild ass; a creature of large size and admirable beauty。

As for us; who were to go by Zeila; we had still greater difficulties to struggle with:  we were entirely strangers to the ways we were to take; to the manners; and even to the names of the nations through which we were to pass。  Our chief desire was to discover some new road by which we might avoid having anything to do with the Turks。  Among great numbers whom we consulted on this occasion; we were informed by some that we might go through Melinda。 These men painted that hideous wilderness in charming colours; told us that we should find a country watered with navigable rivers; and inhabited by a people that would either inform us of the way; or accompany us in it。  These reports charmed us; because they flattered our desires; but our superiors finding nothing in all this talk that could be depended on; were in suspense what directions to give us; till my companion and I upon this reflection; that since all the ways were equally new to us; we had nothing to do but to resign ourselves to the Providence of God; asked and obtained the permission of our superiors to attempt the road through Melinda。  So of we who went by land; two took the way of Zeila; and my companion and I that of Melinda。

Those who were appointed for Zeila embarked in a vessel that was going to Caxume; where they were well received by the king; and accommodated with a ship to carry them to Zeila; they were there treated by the check with the same civility which they had met with at Caxume。  But the king being informed of their arrival; ordered them to be conveyed to his court at Auxa; to which place they were scarce come before they were thrown by the king's command into a dark and dismal dungeon; where there is hardly any sort of cruelty that was not exercised upon them。  The Emperor of Abyssinia endeavoured by large offers to obtain their liberty; but his kind offices had no other effect than to heighten the rage of the king of Zeila。  This prince; besides his ill will to Sultan Segued; which was kept up by some malcontents among the Abyssin nobility; who; provoked at the conversion of their master; were plotting a revolt; entertained an inveterate hatred against the Portuguese for the death of his grandfather; who had been killed many years before; which he swore the blood of the Jesuits should repay。  So after they had languished for some time in prison their heads were struck off。 A fate which had been likewise our own; had not God reserved us for longer labours!

Having provided everything necessary for our journey; such as Arabian habits; and red caps; calicoes; and other trifles to make presents of to the inhabitants; and taking leave of our friends; as men going to a speedy death; for we were not insensible of the dangers we were likely to encounter; amongst horrid deserts; impassable mountains; and barbarous nations; we left Goa on the 26th day of January in the year 1624; in a Portuguese galliot that was ordered to set us ashore at Pate; where we landed without any disaster in eleven days; together with a young Abyssin; whom we made use of as our interpreter。  While we stayed here we were given to understand that those who had been pleased at Goa to give us directions in relation to our journey had done nothing but tell us lies。  That the people were savage; that they had indeed begun to treat with the Portuguese; but it was only from fear; that otherwise they were a barbarous nation; who finding themselves too much crowded in their own country; had extended themselves to the sea… shore; that they ravished the country and laid everything waste where they came; that they were man…eaters; and were on that account dreadful in all those parts。  My companion and I being undeceived by this terrible relation; thought it would be the highest imprudence to expose ourselves both together to a death almost certain and unprofitable; and agreed that I should go with our Abyssin and a Portuguese to observe the country; that if I should prove so happy as to escape being killed by the inhabitants; and to discover a way; I should either return; or send back the Abyssin or Portuguese。 Having fixed upon this; I hired a little bark to Jubo; a place about forty leagues distant from Pate; on board which I put some provisions; together with my sacerdotal vestments; and all that was necessary for saying mass:  in this vessel we reached the coast; which we found inhabited by several nations:  each nation is subject to its own king; these petty monarchies are so numerous; that I counted at least ten in less than four leagues。

Chapter II

The author lands:  The difficulty of his journey。  An account of the Galles; and of the author's reception at the king's tent; Their manner of swearing; and of letting blood。  The author returns to the Indies; and finds the patriarch of Aethiopia。

On this coast we landed; with an intention of travelling on foot to Jubo; a journey of much greater length and difficulty than we imagined。  We durst not go far from our bark; and therefore were obliged to a toilsome march along the windings of the shore; sometimes clambering up rocks; and sometimes wading through the sands; so that we were every moment in the utmost danger of falling from the one; or sinking in the other。  Our lodging was either in the rocks or on the sands; and even that incommoded by continual apprehensions of being devoured by lions and tigers。  Amidst all these calamities our provisions failed us; we had little hopes of a supply; for we found neither villages; houses; nor any trace of a human creature; and had miserably perished by thirst and hunger had we not met with some fishermen's boats; who exchanged their fish for tobacco。

Through all these fatigues we at length came to Jubo; a kingdom of considerable extent; situated almost under the line; and tributary to the Portuguese; who carry on a trade here for ivory and other commodities。  This region so abounds with elephants; that though the teeth of the male only are valuable; they load several ships with ivory every year。  All this coast is much infested with ravenous beasts; monkeys; and serpents; of which last here are some seven feet in length; and thicker than an ordinary man; in the head of this serpent is found a stone about the bigness of an egg; resembling bezoar; and of great efficacy; as it is said; against all kinds of poison。  I stayed here some time to inform myself whether I might; by pursuing 

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