贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > the portygee >


the portygee-第23章

小说: the portygee 字数: 每页4000字

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Sunday School gave an automobile excursion and box…luncheon party
at High Point Light down at Trumet。  As Rachel Ellis said; it was
pretty early for picnickin'; but if the Almighty's season was ahead
of time there didn't seem to be any real good reason why one of his
Sunday schools shouldn't be。  And; which was the principal excuse
for the hurry; the hotel busses could be secured; which would not
be the case after the season opened。

Albert went to the picnic。  He was not very keen on going; but his
grandfather had offered him a holiday for the purpose; and it was
one of his principles never to refuse a chance to get away from
that office。  Besides; a number of the young people of his age were
going; and Gertie Kendrick had been particularly insistent。

〃You just MUST come; Al;〃 she said。  〃It won't be any fun at all if
you don't come。〃

It is possible that Gertie found it almost as little fun when he
did come。  He happened to be in one of his moods that day;
〃Portygee streaks;〃 his grandfather termed these moods; and told
Olive that they were 〃that play…actor breakin' out in him。〃  He
talked but little during the ride down in the bus; refused to sing
when called upon; and; after dinner; when the dancing in the
pavilion was going on; stepped quietly out of the side door and
went tramping along the edge of the bluff; looking out over the sea
or down to the beach; where; one hundred and fifty feet below; the
big waves were curling over to crash into a creamy mass of froth
and edge the strand with lacy ripples。

The high clay bluffs of Trumet are unique。  No other part of the
Cape shows anything just like them。  High Point Light crowns their
highest and steepest point and is the flashing beacon the rays of
which spell 〃America〃 to the incoming liner Boston bound。

Along the path skirting the edge of the bluff Albert strolled; his
hands in his pockets and his thoughts almost anywhere except on the
picnic and the picnickers of the South Harniss Congregational
Church。  His particular mood on this day was one of discontent and
rebellion against the fate which had sentenced him to the assistant
bookkeeper's position in the office of Z。 Snow and Co。  At no time
had he reconciled himself to the idea of that position as a
permanent one; some day; somehow he was going to break away and
domarvelous things。  But occasionally; and usually after a
disagreeable happening in the office; he awoke from his youthful
day dreams of glorious futures to a realization of the dismal to…

The happening which had brought about realization in this instance
was humorous in the eyes of two…thirds of South Harniss's
population。  They were chuckling over it yet。  The majority of
the remaining third were shocked。  Albert; who was primarily
responsible for the whole affair; was neither amused nor shocked;
he was angry and humiliated。

The Reverend Seabury Calvin; of Providence; R。 I。; had arrived in
town and opened his summer cottage unusually early in the season。
What was quite as important; Mrs。 Seabury Calvin had arrived with
him。  The Reverend Calvin; whose stay was in this case merely
temporary; was planning to build an addition to his cottage porch。
Mrs。 Calvin; who was the head of the summer 〃Welfare Workers;〃
whatever they were; had called a meeting at the Calvin house to
make Welfare plans for the season。

The lumber for the new porch was ordered of Z。 Snow and Co。  The
Reverend Calvin ordered it himself in person。  Albert received the

〃I wish this delivered to…morrow without fail;〃 said Mr。 Calvin。
Albert promised。

But promises are not always easy to keep。  One of Z。 Snow and Co。's
teams was busy hauling lumber for the new schoolhouse at Bayport。
The other Issachar had commandeered for deliveries at Harniss
Center and refused to give up his claim。  And Laban Keeler; as it
happened; was absent on one of his 〃vacations。〃  Captain Zelotes
was attending a directors' meeting at Osham and from there was
going to Boston for a day's stay。

〃The ship's in your hands; Al;〃 he had said to his grandson。  〃Let
me see how you handle her。〃

So; in spite of Albert's promise; the Calvin lumber was not
delivered on time。  The Reverend gentleman called to ask why。  His
manner was anything but receptive so far as excuses were concerned。

〃Young man;〃 he said loftily; 〃I am accustomed to do business with
business people。  Did you or did you not promise to deliver my
order yesterday?〃

〃Why; yes sir; I promised; but we couldn't do it。  We〃

〃I don't care to know why you didn't do it。  The fact that you did
not is sufficient。  Will that order of mine be delivered to…day?〃

〃If it is a possible thing; Mr。 Calvin; it〃

〃Pardon me。  Will it be delivered?〃

The Speranza temper was rising。  〃Yes;〃 said the owner of that
temper; succinctly。

〃Does yes mean yes; in this case; or does it mean what it meant

〃I have told you why〃

〃Never mind。  Young man; if that lumber is not delivered to…day I
shall cancel the order。  Do you understand?〃

Albert swallowed hard。  〃I tell you; Mr。 Calvin; that it shall be
delivered;〃 he said。  〃And it will be。〃

But delivering it was not so easy。  The team simply could NOT be
taken off the schoolhouse job; fulfillment of a contract was
involved there。  And the other horse had gone lame and Issachar
swore by all that was solemn that the animal must not be used。

〃Let old Calvin wait till to…morrow;〃 said Issy。  〃You can use the
big team then。  And Cap'n Lote'll be home; besides。〃

But Albert was not going to let 〃old Calvin〃 wait。  That lumber was
going to be delivered; if he had to carry it himself; stick by
stick。  He asked Mr。 Price if an extra team might not be hired。

〃Ain't none;〃 said Issy。  〃Besides; where'd your granddad's profits
be if you spent money hirin' extry teams to haul that little mite
of stuff?  I've been in this business a good long spell; and I tell

He did not get a chance to tell it; for Albert walked off and left
him。  At half…past twelve that afternoon he engaged 〃Vessie〃 Young
christened Sylvester Young and a brother to the driver of the
depot wagonto haul the Calvin lumber in his rickety; fragrant old
wagon。  Simpson Mullencommonly called 〃Simp〃was to help in the

Against violent protests from Issy; who declared that Ves Young's
rattle…trap wan't fit to do nothin' but haul fish heads to the
fertilizer factory; the Calvin beams and boards were piled high on
the wagon and with Ves on the driver's seat and Simp perched; like
a disreputable carrion crow on top of the load; the equipage

〃There!〃 exclaimed Albert; with satisfaction。  〃He can't say it
wasn't delivered this time according to promise。〃

〃Godfreys!〃 snorted Issy; gazing after the departing wagon。  〃He
won't be able to say nothin' when he sees that git…upand smells
it。  Ves carts everything in that cart from dead cows to gurry
barrels。  Whew!  I'd hate to have to set on that porch when 'twas
built of that lumber。  And; unless I'm mistook; Ves and Simp had
been havin' a little somethin' strong to take; too。〃

Mr。 Price; as it happened; was not 〃mistook。〃  Mr。 Young had; as
the South Harniss saying used to be; 〃had a jug come down〃 on the
train from Boston that very morning。  The jug was under the seat of
his wagon and its contents had already been sampled by him and by
Simp。  The journey to the Calvin cottage was enlivened by frequent
stops for refreshment。

Consequently it happened that; just as Mrs。 Calvin's gathering of
Welfare Workers had reached the cake and chocolate stage in their
proceedings and just as the Reverend Mr。 Calvin had risen by
invitation to say a few words of encouragement; the westerly wind
blowing in at the open windows bore to the noses and ears of the
assembled faithful a perfume and a sound neither of which was

Above the rattle and squeak of the Young wagon turning in at the
Calvin gate arose the voices of Vessie and Simp uplifted in song。

〃'Here's to the good old whiskey; drink 'er daown;'〃 sang Mr。

     〃'Here's to the good old whiskey;
         Drink 'er daown!
       Here's to the good old whiskey;

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