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frederick the great and his family-第105章

小说: frederick the great and his family 字数: 每页4000字

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No; no there is no ball for me!〃 He advanced; and the adjutant dared once more to interrupt him。

〃Sire;〃 said he; 〃will not your majesty seek night…quarters?〃

Frederick raised his head; and was in the act of answering hastily; then said: 〃Yes; I need night…quarters。〃 He looked around and saw an empty peasant's house by the wayside; drew near and entered silently。



〃I will pass the night here;〃 said he; 〃the place appears deserted; we will disturb no one。〃

The king was right。 The miserable old hut was empty。 No one advanced to meet him as he entered。 In one corner of the room there was some dirty straw; in the other a wooden table and stoolthis was all。

〃It suffices for me;〃 said the king; smiling。 〃I will pass the night here。 Have you my writing materials with you?〃

〃I sent Adjutant von Goltz for them; sire; as I did not wish to leave you alone。〃

Goltz now entered with the king's portfolio; and informed him that he had brought two grenadiers to guard the house。

〃Have I still grenadiers?〃 murmured the king; in a trembling voice。 His head fell upon his breast; and he stood thus lost in deep thought for a while。 〃Gentlemen;〃 said he; at length; 〃inspect the house。 See if there is a more comfortable room than this; if not; I suppose we can manage to sleep here。 Send one of the guard for some soldiers; by whom I can forward my dispatches。〃

The adjutants bowed; and left the room。 The king was alone。 He could at last give way to his despairhis grief。

〃All; all is lost!〃 murmured the king; and a voice within him answered: 〃When all is lost; there is no escape but death! It is unworthy to continue a life without fame; without glory。 The grave alone is a resting…place for the broken…hearted; humiliated man!〃

The king listened attentively to this voice。 He had borne with patience the sorrows and deprivations of the past years; but he could not survive the ruin of his country。 His country was lost。 There was no chance of saving it; his army was gone。 The victorious enemy had taken all the neighboring provinces。 The Russians could now march undisturbed to Berlin。 They would find no resistance; for the garrison there consisted of invalids and cripples。

Berlin was lost! Prussia was lost! The king was resolved to die; for he was a king without a crown; a hero without laurels。 He wished to die; for he could not survive the destruction of his country。 But first he must arrange his affairs; make his will; and bid adieu to his friends。 The king opened the door hastily; and desired that a light should be broughtit was no easy thing to procure in this dismal; deserted village。 The adjutant succeeded at last; however; in getting a few small tallow candles; and placing them in old bottles; in the absence of candlesticks of any description; he carried them to the king。 Frederick did not observe him; he stood at the open window; gazing earnestly at the starry firmament。 The bright light aroused him; he turned; and approached the table。

〃My last letters!〃 murmured he; sinking upon the wooden stool; and opening his portfolio。

How his enemies would have rejoiced; could they have seen him in that wretched hovel! He first wrote to General Fink; to whom he wished to leave the command of his army。 He must fulfil the duties of state; before those of friendship。 It was not a letterrather an order to General Fink; and read as follows:

〃General Fink will find this a weary and tedious commission。 The army I leave is no longer in a condition to defend itself from the Russians。 Haddeck will hasten to Berlin。 Loudon also; I presume。 If you intercept them; the Russians will be in your rear; if you remain by the Oder; Haddeck will surround you。 I nevertheless believe; were Loudon to come to Berlin; you could attack and defeat him。 This; were it possible; would give you time to arrange matters; and I can assure you; time is every thing; in such desperate circumstances as ours。 Koper; my secretary; will give you the dispatches from Torgau and Dresden。 You must acquaint my brother; whom I make general…in… chief of the army; with all that passes。 In the mean time; his orders must be obeyed。 The army must swear by my nephew。 This is the only advice I am able to give。 Had I any resources; I would stand fast by you。 FREDERICK。〃 'Footnote: The king's own words。'

〃Yes; I would have stood by them;〃 murmured the king; as he folded and addressed his letter。 〃I would have borne still longer this life of oppression and privation; but now; honor demands that I should die。〃

He took another sheet of paper。 It was now no order or command; but a tender; loving; farewell letter to his friend; General Finkenstein。

〃This morning; at eleven o'clock; I attacked the enemy; we drove them back to Gudenberg。 All my men performed deeds of daring and bravery; but; at the storming of Gudenberg; a terrific number of lives were lost。 My army became separated。 I reassembled them three times; but in vain。 At last; they fled in wild disorder。 I very nearly became a prisoner; and was obliged to leave the field to the enemy。 My uniform was torn by the cannon…balls; two horses were shot underneath me; but death shunned me; I seemed to bear a charmed life; I could not die! From an army of forty…eight thousand men; there now remains three thousand。 The consequences of this battle will be more fearful than the battle itself。 It is a terrible misfortune; and I will not survive it。 There is no one to whom I can look for help。 I cannot survive my country's ruin。 Farewell!〃

〃And now;〃 said the king; when he had sealed and directed his letter; 〃now I am ready; my worldly affairs are settled。 I am at the end of my sufferings; and dare claim that last; deep rest granted by Nature to us all。 I have worked enough; suffered enough; and if; after a life of stormy disasters; I seek my grave; no one can say it was cowardly not to livefor all the weight of life rolled upon me; forced me to the ground; and the grave opened beneath my feet。 I continued to hope; when overwhelmed with defeat at every point。 Every morning brought new clouds; new sorrows。 I bore it courageously; trusting that misfortune would soon weary; the storms blow over; and a clear; cloudless sky envelop me。 I deceived myself greatly; my sorrows increased。 And now; the worst has happened; my country is lost! Who dares say I should survive this loss? To die at the proper time is also a duty。 The Romans felt this; and acted upon it。 I am a true scholar of the old masters; and wish to prove myself worthy of them。 When all is lost; the liberty to die should not be denied。 The world has nothing more to do with me; and I laugh at her weak; unjust laws。 Like Tiberius; will I live and die! Farewell; then; thou false existence; farewell; weak man! Ah! there are so many foolsso few men amongst you; I have found so many faithless friends; so many traitors; so few honest men! In the hour of misfortune they all deserted me! But; no!〃 said he; 〃one remained true。 D'Argens never deceived me; and I had almost forgotten to take leave of him。 Well; death must wait for me; while I write to D'Argens!〃

A heavenly inspiration now beamed on his countenance; his eyes shone like stars。 The holy muse had descended to comfort the despairing hero; to whisper loving and precious words to him。 Thus standing at death's portals; Frederick wrote his most beautiful poem; called 〃Ami le sort en est jete'。〃 A great wail of woe burst from his soul。 The sorrows; the grievances hid until now from all; he portrayed in touching; beautiful words to his absent friend。 lie pictured to him his sufferings; his hopes; his struggles; and finally; his determination to die。 When all this had been painted in the most glowing colors; when his wounds were laid bare; he wrote a last and touching farewell to his friend:

     〃Adieu; D'Argens! dans ce tableau;      De mon trepas tu vois la cause;      Au moins ne pense pas du neant du caveau;      Que j'aspire a l'apotheose。      Tout ce que l'amitie par ces vers propose;      C'est que tant qu'ici…bas le celeste flambeau;      Eclairera tes jours tandis que je repose;      Et lorsque le printemps paraissant de nouveau。      De son sein abondant t'offre les fleurs ecl

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