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frederick the great and his family-第172章

小说: frederick the great and his family 字数: 每页4000字

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 to him for redress; but waits until it pleases him to hear; he is not a good king。〃

〃The man is right;〃 said the king; 〃I will listen to him immediately。〃

He hastily advanced to the door and opened it。 Without stood an old man; poorly dressed; with a pale; thin face; from whose features despair and sorrow spoke plainly enough to be understood by all。 When his great; sunken eyes fell upon the king; he cried; joyfully; 〃God be thanked; there is the king!〃 The king motioned to him to approach; and the old man sprang forward with a cry of delight。

〃Come into the room;〃 said the king; 〃and now tell me what you wish from me?〃

〃Justice; your majesty; nothing but justice。 I have been through the war; and I am without bread。 I have nothing to live upon; and I have twice petitioned your majesty for a situation which is now vacant。〃

〃And I refused it to you; because I had promised it to another。〃

〃They told me that your majesty would refuse me this situation。〃 cried the man; despairingly。 〃But I cannot believe it; for your majesty owes it to me; and you are usually a just king。 Hasten; your majesty; to perform your duty; and justify yourself from a suspicion which is unworthy of your kingly fame。〃

The king measured him with a flashing glance; which the pale; despairing suppliant bore with bold composure。

〃By what authority;〃 asked the king; in a thundering voice; as he approached the man; with his arm raised threateningly〃by what authority do you dare speak to me in such a tone? and on what do you ground your shameless demands?〃

〃On this; your majesty; that I must starve if you refuse my request。 That is the most sacred of all claims; and to whom on earth dare I turn with it if not to my king?〃

There lay in these words a sorrow so heart…breaking; a plaint so despairing in the voice; that the king was involuntarily much moved。 He let fall his uplifted arm; and the expression of his countenance became gentle and tender。

〃I see that you are very unhappy and despairing;〃 he said; kindly; 〃you were right to come to me。 You shall have the place for which you asked。 I will arrange it。 Come here to…morrow to the Councillor Muller。 I will give you some money; that you may not starve until then。〃

He silenced the delighted man's expressions of gratitude; and ringing his bell he summoned Deesen; who kept his purse; in order to give the man a gold piece。 But Deesen did not appear; and the second chamberlain announced in an embarrassed manner that lie was not in the palace。 The king commanded him to give the man the promised gold piece and then to return to him。

〃Where is Deesen?〃 asked the king; as the chamberlain returned。

〃Sire; I do not know;〃 he stammered; his eyes sinking beneath the piercing glance of the king。

〃You do know!〃 said the king; gravely。 〃Deesen has positive orders from me to remain in the anteroom; because I might need him。 If he dares to disobey my orders; he must have a powerful reason; and you know it。 Out with it! I will know it。〃

〃If your majesty commands; I must speak;〃 said the chamberlain; sighing。 〃Your majesty will not permit us to be married; but we were made with hearts; and we sometimes fall in love。〃

〃Deesen is in love; then?〃 said the king。

〃Yes; your majesty; he loves a beautiful girl in Potsdam; whose name is Maria Siegert。 And although he cannot marry her; she has consented to be his beloved。 And as to…day was the great report day; Deesen thought that your majesty would not need him; and that he had time to go to Potsdam to visit his sweetheart。 He seems to have been delayed。 That is the reason; your majesty; that Deesen is not in the anteroom。〃

〃Very well;〃 said the king; 〃as soon as Deesen returns he must come to my library。 I forbid you; however; to repeat one word of this conversation。〃

〃Ah; your majesty; I am well pleased that I need not do it; for Deesen is very passionate; and if he learns that I have betrayed his secret he is capable of giving me a box on the ear。〃

〃Which would; perhaps; be very wholesome for you;〃 said the king; as he turned toward his library。

A quarter of an hour later; Deesen entered the library with a heated; anxious face。

The king; who was reading his beloved Lucretius while he paced the floor; turned his great; piercing eyes with a questioning expression on the anxious face of his attendant。 〃I called for you; and you did not come;〃 said the king。

〃I beg your majesty to pardon me;〃 stammered Deesen。

〃Where were you?〃

〃I was in my room writing a letter; sire。〃

〃Ah; a letter。 You were no doubt writing to that beautiful barmaid at the hotel of the Black Raven at Amsterdam; who declined the attentions of the servant of the brothers Zoller。〃

This reference to the journey to Amsterdam showed Deesen that the king was not very angry。 He dared; therefore; to raise his eyes to those of the king; and to look pleadingly at him。

〃Sit down。〃 said the king; pointing to the writing…table。 〃I called you because I wished to dictate a letter for you to write。 Sit down and take a pen。〃

Deesen seated himself at the table; and the king began walking up and down as before; his hands and book behind him。

〃Are you ready?〃 asked the king。

〃I am ready; sire;〃 returned Deesen; dipping his pen into the ink。 〃Write then;〃 commanded the king; as he placed himself immediately in front of Deesen〃write; then; first the heading: 'My beloved'〃

Deesen started; and glanced inquiringly at the king。 Frederick looked earnestly at him; and repeated; 〃'My beloved'〃

Deesen uttered a sigh; and wrote。

〃Have you written that?〃 asked the king。

〃Yes; sire; I have it'My beloved。'〃

〃Well; then; proceed。 'My beloved; that old bear; the king' Write;〃 said the king; interrupting himself as he saw that Deesen grew pale and trembled; and could scarcely hold the pen〃write without hesitation; or expect a severe punishment。〃

〃Will your majesty have the kindness to dictate? I am ready to write every thing;〃 said Deesen; as he wiped his brow。

〃Now then; quickly;〃 ordered the king; and he dictated?'That old bear; the king; counts every hour against me that I spend so charmingly with you。 That my absence may be shorter in the future; and less observed by the old scold; I wish you to rent a room near here in the suburbs of Brandenburg; where we can meet more conveniently than in the city。 I remain yours until death。〃


〃Have you finished?〃 asked the king。

〃Yes; sire; I have finished;〃 groaned Deesen。

〃Then fold the letter and seal it; and write the address 'To the unmarried Maria Siegert; Yunker Street; Potsdam。'〃

〃Mercy; sire; mercy!〃 cried Deseen; springing up and throwing himself at the feet of the king。 〃I see that your majesty knows all… …that I have been betrayed。〃

〃You have betrayed yourself; for to…day is the tenth time that I have called for you when you were absent。 Now send your letter off; and see that your Siegert gets a room here。 If; however; you are again absent when I call; I will send your beautiful Maria to Spandau; and dismiss you。 Go; now; and dispatch your letter。〃

Deesen hurried off; and the king looked smilingly after him for a moment; and was on the point of returning to his reading; when his attention was attracted by the approach of a carriage。

〃Ah;〃 he murmured anxiously; 〃I fear that I shall be disturbed again by some cousin; who has come to rob me of my time by hypocritical professions of love。〃

He looked anxiously toward the door。 It was soon opened; and a servant announced Prince Henry。

The king's countenance cleared; and he advanced to meet his brother with a bright smile。 But his greeting was not returned; and the prince did not appear to see the extended hand of the king。 A heavy cloud lay upon his browhis cheeks were colorless and his lips compressed; as if he wished to suppress the angry and indignant words which his flashing eyes expressed。

〃Ah; my brother;〃 said the king; sadly; 〃it seems that you have come to announce a misfortune。〃

〃No;〃 said the prince; 〃I only came; your majesty; to recall a conversation which I held with you ten years ago in this same room; on this very spot。〃

〃Ten years ago?〃 said the king。 〃That was at the time of your marriage

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