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frederick the great and his family-第53章

小说: frederick the great and his family 字数: 每页4000字

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Before anyone had time to answer the queen's painful questions; the door was opened; and the king's ministers entered; beside them was to be seen the pale; terrified countenance of Count Leuke; the king's chamberlain。

Slowly and silently these gentlemen passed through the room and approached the queen。

〃We have come;〃 said Count Hoymb; bowing lowly; 〃to take leave of your majesty。〃

The queen fell slightly back; and gazed in terror at the four ministers standing before her with bowed heads。

〃Has the king; my husband; sent for you? Are you come to take leave of me before starting to Konigstein?〃

〃No; your majesty; we come because we have been dismissed from our offices by the King of Prussia。〃

The queen did not answer; but gazed wildly at the sad countenances about her; and now she fixed a searching glance upon the royal chamberlain。

〃Well; and you?〃 said she。 〃Have you a message for me from my husband? Are you from Konigstein?〃

〃Yes; your majesty; I come from Konigstein。 But I am not a bearer of pleasant news。 I am sent to Dresden by the King of Poland to request of the King of Prussia passports for himself and Count Bruhl。 The king wishes to visit Warsaw; and is therefore desirous of obtaining these passports。〃

〃Ah!〃 said the queen; sighing; 〃to think that my husband requires permission to travel in his own kingdom; and that he must receive it from our enemy! Well; have you obeyed the king's command; Count Leuke? Have you been to the King of Prussia and received the passports?〃

〃I was with the King of Prussia;〃 said the count; in a faltering voice。

〃Well; what more?〃

〃He refused me! He does not give his consent to this visit。〃

〃Listen; listen!〃 said the queen; wildly; 〃hear the fresh insult thrown at our crown! Can God hear this and not send His lightning to destroy this heretical tyrant? Ah; I will raise my voice; it shall be a cry of woe and lamentation; and shall resound throughout all Europe; it shall reach every throne; and every one shall hear my voice calling out: 'Woe! woe! woe to us all; our thrones are tottering; they will surely fall if we do not ruin this evil…doer who threatens us all!'〃

With a fearful groan; the queen fell fainting into the arms of Countess Ogliva。 But the sorrows and humiliations of this day were not the only ones experienced by Maria Josephine from her victorious enemy。

It is true her cry for help resounded throughout Europe。 Preparations for war were made in many places; but her allies were not able to prevent the fearful blow that was to be the ruin of Saxony。 Though the Dauphine of France; daughter of the wretched Maria Josephine; and the mother of the unfortunate King of France; Louis XVI。; threw herself at the feet of Louis XV。; imploring for help for her mother's tottering kingdom; the French troops came too late to prevent this disaster。 Even though Maria Theresa; Empress of Austria; and niece to the Queen of Saxony; as her army were in want of horses; gave up all her own to carry the cannon。 The Austrian cannon was of as little help to Saxony as the French troops。

Starvation was a more powerful ally to Prussia than Austria; France; Russia; and Sweden were to Saxony; for in the Saxon camp also a cry of woe resounded。

It was hunger that compelled the brave Saxon General Rutrosky to capitulate。 It was the same cause that forced the King of Saxony to bind himself to the fearful stipulations which the victorious King of Prussia; after having tried in vain for many years to gain an ally in Saxony; made。

In the valley of Lilienstein the first of that great drama; whose scenes are engraved in blood in the book of history; was performed; and for whose further developments many sad; long years were necessary。

In the valley of Lilienstein the Saxon army; compelled to it by actual starvation; gave up their arms; and as these true; brave soldiers; weeping over their humiliation; with one hand laid down their weapons; the other was extended toward their enemies for bread。

Lamentation and despair reigned in the camp at Lilienstein; and there; at a window of the castle of Konigstein; stood the Prince… Elector of Saxony; with his favorite Count Bruhl; witnesses to their misery。

After these fearful humiliations; by which Frederick punished the Saxons for their many intrigues; by which he revenged himself for their obstinate; enmity; their proud superiorityafter these humiliations; after their complete defeat; the King of Prussia was no longer opposed to the King of Saxony's journey。 He sent him the desired passports; he even extended their number; and not only sent one to the king and to Count Bruhl; but also to the Countess Bruhl; with the express command to accompany her husband。 He also sent a pass to Countess Ogliva; compelling this bigoted woman to leave her mistress。

And when the queen again raised her cry of woe; to call her allies to her aid; the King of Prussia answered her with the victorious thunder of the battle of Losovitz; the first battle fought in this war; and in which the Prussians; led by their king; performed wonders of bravery; and defeated for the third time the tremendous Austrian army; under the command of General Brown。

〃Never;〃 says Frederick; 〃since I have had the honor to command the Prussian troops; have they performed such deeds of daring as to… day。〃

The Austrians; in viewing these deeds; cried out:

〃We have found again the old Prussians!〃

And still they fought so bravely; that the Prussians remarked in amazement: 〃These cannot be the same Austrians!〃

This was the first act of that great drama enacted by the European nations; and of which King Frederick II。 was the hero。




The sun was just setting; throwing its crimson glow upon the waters of the Rhine; which appeared to flow like a river of blood between the green meadows on either side of it。

From the little village of Brunen; whose red chimneys were visible above a group of oak and beech trees; the sound of the evening bell was heard; reminding the pious peasants; engaged in cutting and garnering their golden corn; of the hour for devotion。

With the sweet sounds of the bell mingled the joyous mountain yodel of the cowherd; who had just descended the little hill yonder; with his herd straying here and there; in picturesque confusion。 Upon the green meadow in the foreground; the flocks of the village were pasturing; strictly guarded by a large white dog; whose stern; martial glance not the slightest movement among his army contrary to discipline; escaped。 As soon as one of the sheep committed to his care left the fold and approached the field where the reapers were mowing the corn; which was bound at once in sheaves by busy maidens; the stern Phylax barking; growling; and snarling; rushed after the audacious wanderer who sought to appease the anger of his inexorable overseer by a speedy return。

The old shepherd; sitting not far off upon a little wooden stool; with his long; silver hair falling about him; was engaged in weaving a graceful basket of some meadow roots; at every bark of his Phylax he looked up and smiled his approval at his faithful steward; occasionally he gazed across the meadow at the reapers and busy maidens; then there came upon his venerable old countenance an expression of great interest。 And well he might be pleased with what he saw there; for that tall; sturdy youth; standing in the wagon; waiting with outstretched arms to catch the sheaves which are skilfully thrown him; that youth with the bright rosy face; the sparkling eye; the full red lip; upon which there is always a merry smile; the ivory white teeththat youth is his beloved son; Charles Henry。 And yonder maiden; not far from the wagon; binding up the corn; in whose tall; proud form; in spite of her plain peasant…gown; there is something imposing; that maiden with the youthful; blooming; lovely face; is his son's betrothed; whom all in the village called the beautiful Anna Sophia; and for whose love Charles Henry was envied by all the village boys。 It is true she was a penniless orphan; but in her busy; industrious hands there was a better and surer treasure than in a purse of gold; and her ability 

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