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troilus and criseyde-第24章

小说: troilus and criseyde 字数: 每页4000字

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Yet were al lost; that dar I wel seyn; certes;

But…if thy grace passed our desertes。

‘And for thou me; that coude leest deserve

Of hem that nombred been un…to thy grace;

Hast holpen; ther I lykly was to sterve;  1270

And me bistowed in so heygh a place

That thilke boundes may no blisse pace;

I can no more; but laude and reverence

Be to thy bounte and thyn excellence!'

And therwith…al Criseyde anoon he kiste;  1275

Of which; certeyn; she felte no disese;

And thus seyde he; ‘Now wolde god I wiste;

Myn herte swete; how I yow mighte plese!

What man;' quod he; ‘was ever thus at ese

As I; on whiche the faireste and the beste  1280

That ever I say; deyneth hir herte reste。

‘Here may men seen that mercy passeth right;

The experience of that is felt in me;

That am unworthy to so swete a wight。

But herte myn; of your benignitee;  1285

So thenketh; though that I unworthy be;

Yet mot I nede amenden in som wyse;

Right thourgh the vertu of your heyghe servyse。

‘And for the love of god; my lady dere;

Sin god hath wrought me for I shal yow serve;  1290

As thus I mene; that ye wol be my stere;

To do me live; if that yow liste; or sterve;

So techeth me how that I may deserve

Your thank; so that I; thurgh myn ignoraunce;

Ne do no…thing that yow be displesaunce。  1295

‘For certes; fresshe wommanliche wyf;

This dar I seye; that trouthe and diligence;

That shal ye finden in me al my lyf;

Ne wol not; certeyn; breken your defence;

And if I do; present or in absence;  1300

For love of god; lat slee me with the dede;

If that it lyke un…to your womanhede。'

‘Y…wis;' quod she; ‘myn owne hertes list;

My ground of ese; and al myn herte dere;

Graunt mercy; for on that is al my trist;  1305

But late us falle awey fro this matere;

For it suffyseth; this that seyd is here。

And at o word; with…outen repentaunce;

Wel…come; my knight; my pees; my suffisaunce!'

Of hir delyt; or Ioyes oon the leste  1310

Were impossible to my wit to seye;

But iuggeth; ye that han ben at the feste;

Of swich gladnesse; if that hem liste pleye!

I can no more; but thus thise ilke tweye

That night; be…twixen dreed and sikernesse;  1315

Felten in love the grete worthinesse。

O blisful night; of hem so longe y…sought;

How blithe un…to hem bothe two thou were!

Why ne hadde I swich on with my soule y…bought;

Ye; or the leeste Ioye that was there?  1320

A…wey; thou foule daunger and thou fere;

And lat hem in this hevene blisse dwelle;

That is so heygh; that al ne can I telle!

But sooth is; though I can not tellen al;

As can myn auctor; of his excellence;  1325

Yet have I seyd; and; god to…forn; I shal

In every thing al hoolly his sentence。

And if that I; at loves reverence;

Have any word in eched for the beste;

Doth therwith…al right as your…selven leste。  1330

For myne wordes; here and every part;

I speke hem alle under correccioun

Of yow; that feling han in loves art;

And putte it al in your discrecioun

To encrese or maken diminucioun  1335

Of my langage; and that I yow bi…seche;

But now to purpos of my rather speche。

Thise ilke two; that ben in armes laft;

So looth to hem a…sonder goon it were;

That ech from other wende been biraft;  1340

Or elles; lo; this was hir moste fere;

That al this thing but nyce dremes were;

For which ful ofte ech of hem seyde; ‘O swete;

Clippe ich yow thus; or elles I it mete?'

And; lord! So he gan goodly on hir see;  1345

That never his look ne bleynte from hir face;

And seyde; ‘O dere herte; may it be

That it be sooth; that ye ben in this place?'

‘Ye; herte myn; god thank I of his grace!'

Quod tho Criseyde; and therwith…al him kiste;  1350

That where his spirit was; for Ioye he niste。

This Troilus ful ofte hir eyen two

Gan for to kisse; and seyde; ‘O eyen clere;

It were ye that wroughte me swich wo;

Ye humble nettes of my lady dere!  1355

Though ther be mercy writen in your chere;

God wot; the text ful hard is; sooth; to finde;

How coude ye with…outen bond me binde?'

Therwith he gan hir faste in armes take;

And wel an hundred tymes gan he syke;  1360

Nought swiche sorwfull sykes as men make

For wo; or elles whan that folk ben syke;

But esy sykes; swiche as been to lyke;

That shewed his affeccioun with…inne;

Of swiche sykes coude he nought bilinne。  1365

Sone after this they speke of sondry thinges;

As fil to purpos of this aventure;

And pleyinge entrechaungeden hir ringes;

Of which I can nought tellen no scripture;

But wel I woot; a broche; gold and asure;  1370

In whiche a ruby set was lyk an herte;

Criseyde him yaf; and stak it on his sherte。

Lord! trowe ye; a coveitous; a wreccbe;

That blameth love and holt of it despyt;

That; of tho pens that he can mokre and kecche;  1375

Was ever yet y…yeve him swich delyt;

As is in love; in oo poynt; in som plyt?

Nay; doutelees; for also god me save;

So parfit Ioye may no nigard have!

They wol sey ‘Yis;' but lord! So that they lye;  1380

Tho bisy wrecches; ful of wo and drede!

They callen love a woodnesse or folye;

But it shal falle hem as I shal yow rede;

They shul forgo the whyte and eke the rede;

And live in wo; ther god yeve hem mischaunce;  1385

And every lover in his trouthe avaunce!

As wolde god; tho wrecches; that dispyse

Servyse of love; hadde eres al…so longe

As hadde Myda; ful of coveityse;

And ther…to dronken hadde as hoot and stronge  1390

As Crassus dide for his affectis wronge;

To techen hem that they ben in the vyce;

And loveres nought; al…though they holde hem nyce!

Thise ilke two; of whom that I yow seye;

Whan that hir hertes wel assured were;  1395

Tho gonne they to speken and to pleye;

And eek rehercen how; and whanne; and where;

They knewe hem first; and every wo and fere

That passed was; but al swich hevinesse;

I thanke it god; was tourned to gladnesse。  1400

And ever…mo; whan that hem fel to speke

Of any thing of swich a tyme agoon;

With kissing al that tale sholde breke;

And fallen in a newe Ioye anoon;

And diden al hir might; sin they were oon;  1405

For to recoveren blisse and been at ese;

And passed wo with Ioye countrepeyse。

Reson wil not that I speke of sleep;

For it accordeth nought to my matere;

God woot; they toke of that ful litel keep;  1410

But lest this night; that was to hem so dere;

Ne sholde in veyn escape in no manere;

It was biset in Ioye and bisinesse

Of al that souneth in…to gentilnesse。

But whan the cok; comune astrologer;  1415

Gan on his brest to bete; and after crowe;

And Lucifer; the dayes messager;

Gan for to ryse; and out hir bemes throwe;

And estward roos; to him that coude it knowe;

Fortuna maior; than anoon Criseyde;  1420

With herte sore; to Troilus thus seyde: 

‘Myn hertes lyf; my trist and my plesaunce;

That I was born; allas! What me is wo;

That day of us mot make desseveraunce!

For tyme it is to ryse; and hennes go;  1425

Or elles I am lost for evermo!

O night; allas! Why niltow over us hove;

As longe as whanne Almena lay by Iove?

‘O blake night; as folk in bokes rede;

That shapen art by god this world to hyde  1430

At certeyn tymes with thy derke wede;

That under that men mighte in reste abyde;

Wel oughte bestes pleyne; and folk thee chyde;

That there…as day with labour wolde us breste;

That thou thus fleest; and deynest us nought reste!  1435

‘Thou dost; allas! To shortly thyn offyce;

Thou rakel night; ther god; makere of kinde;

Thee; for thyn hast and thyn unkinde vyce;

So faste ay to our hemi…spere binde。

That never…more under the ground thou winde!  1440

For now; for thou so hyest out of Troye;

Have I forgon thus hastily my Ioye!'

This Troilus; that with tho wordes felte;

As thoughte him tho; for pietous distresse;

The blody teres from his herte melte;  1445

As he that never yet swich hevinesse

Assayed hadde; out of so greet gladne

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