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a far country-第87章

小说: a far country 字数: 每页4000字

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One of them was our United States Senator; Theodore Watling。  He; as it
turned out; had been summoned from Washington。  Of course I saw him
frequently; having from time to time to go to Washington on various
errands connected with legislation。  Though spruce and debonnair as ever;
in the black morning coat he invariably wore; he appeared older than he
had on the day when I had entered his office。  He greeted me warmly; as

〃Hugh; I'm glad to see you here;〃 he said; with a slight emphasis on the
last word。  My legal career was reaching its logical climax; the climax
he had foreseen。  And he added; to the banker; that he had brought me up。

〃Then he was trained in a good school;〃 remarked that personage; affably。

Mr。 Barbour; the president of our Railroad; was present; and nodded to me
kindly; also a president of a smaller road。  In addition; there were two
New York attorneys of great prominence; whom I had met。  The banker's own
special lieutenant of the law; Mr。 Clement T。 Grolier; for whom I looked;
was absent; but it was forthwith explained that he was offering; that
morning; a resolution of some importance in the Convention of his Church;
but that he would be present after lunch。

〃I have asked you to come here; Mr。 Paret;〃 said the banker; 〃not only
because I know something personally of your legal ability; but because I
have been told by Mr。 Scherer and Mr。 Barbour that you happen to have
considerable knowledge of the situation we are discussing; as well as
some experience with cases involving that statute somewhat hazy to lay
minds; the Sherman anti…trust law。〃

A smile went around the table。  Mr。 Watling winked at me; I nodded; but
said nothing。  The banker was not a man to listen to superfluous words。
The keynote of his character was despatch。。。。

The subject of the conference; like many questions bitterly debated and
fought over in their time; has in the year I write these words come to be
of merely academic interest。  Indeed; the very situation we discussed
that day has been cited in some of our modern text…books as a classic
consequence of that archaic school of economics to which the name of
Manchester is attached。  Some half dozen or so of the railroads running
through the anthracite coal region had pooled their interests;an
extremely profitable proceeding。  The public paid。  We deemed it quite
logical that the public should payhaving been created largely for that
purpose; and very naturally we resented the fact that the meddling Person
who had got into the White House without asking anybody's leave;who
apparently did not believe in the infallibility of our legal Bible; the
Constitution;should maintain that the anthracite roads had formed a
combination in restraint of trade; should lay down the preposterous
doctrineso subversive of the Rights of Manthat railroads should not
own coal mines。  Congress had passed a law to meet this contention; suit
had been brought; and in the lower court the government had won。

As the day wore on our numbers increased; we were joined by other lawyers
of renown; not the least of whom was Mr。 Grolier himself; fresh from his
triumph over religious heresy in his Church Convention。  The note of the
conference became tinged with exasperation; and certain gentlemen seized
the opportunity to relieve their pent…up feelings on the subject of the
President and his slavish advisers;some of whom; before they came under
the spell of his sorcery; had once been sound lawyers and sensible men。
With the exception of the great Banker himself; who made few comments;
Theodore Watling was accorded the most deference; as one of the leaders
of that indomitable group of senators who had dared to stand up against
popular clamour; his opinions were of great value; and his tactical
advice was listened to with respect。  I felt more pride than ever in my
former chief; who had lost none of his charm。  While in no way minimizing
the seriousness of the situation; his wisdom was tempered; as always;
with humour; he managed; as it were; to neutralize the acid injected into
the atmosphere by other gentlemen present; he alone seemed to bear no
animus against the Author of our troubles; suave and calm; good natured;
he sometimes brought the company into roars of laughter and even
succeeded in bringing occasional smiles to the face of the man who had
summoned uswhen relating some characteristic story of the queer genius
whom the fates (undoubtedly as a practical joke) had made the chief
magistrate of the United States of America。  All geniuses have
weaknesses; Mr。 Wading had made a study of the President's; and more than
once had lured him into an impasse。  The case had been appealed to the
Supreme Court; and Mr。 Wading; with remarkable conciseness and
penetration; reviewed the characteristics of each and every member of
that tribunal; all of whom he knew intimately。  They were; of course; not
subject to 〃advice;〃 as were some of the gentlemen who sat on our state
courts; no sane and self…respecting American would presume to 〃approach〃
them。  Nevertheless they were human; and it were wise to take account; in
the conduct of the case; of the probable bias of each individual。

The President; overstepping his constitutional; Newtonian limits; might
propose laws; Congress might acquiesce in them; but the Supreme Court;
after listening to lawyers like Grolier (and he bowed to the attorney);
made them: made them; he might have added; without responsibility to any
man in our unique Republic that scorned kings and apotheosized lawyers。
A Martian with a sense of humour witnessing a stormy session of Congress
would have giggled at the thought of a few tranquil gentlemen in another
room of the Capitol waiting to decide what the people's representatives
meantor whether they meant anything。。。。

For the first time since I had known Theodore Watling; however; I saw him
in the shadow of another individual; a man who; like a powerful magnet;
continually drew our glances。  When we spoke; we almost invariably
addressed him; his rare words fell like bolts upon the consciousness。
There was no apparent rift in that personality。

When; about five o'clock; the conference was ended and we were dismissed;
United States Senator; railroad presidents; field…marshals of the law;
the great banker fell into an eager conversation with Grolier over the
Canon on Divorce; the subject of warm debate in the convention that day。
Grolier; it appeared; had led his party against the theological liberals。
He believed that law was static; but none knew better its plasticity;
that it was infallible; but none so well as he could find a text on
either side。  His reputation was not of the popular; newspaper sort; but
was known to connoisseurs; editors; financiers; statesmen and judges;to
those; in short; whose business it is to make themselves familiar with
the instruments of power。  He was the banker's chief legal adviser; the
banker's rapier of tempered steel; sheathed from the vulgar view save
when it flashed forth on a swift errand。

〃I'm glad to be associated with you in this case; Mr。 Paret;〃 Mr。 Grolier
said modestly; as we emerged into the maelstrom of Wall Street。  〃If you
can make it convenient to call at my office in the morning; we'll go over
it a little。  And I'll see you in a day or two in Washington; Watling。
Keep your eye on the bull;〃 he added; with a twinkle; 〃and don't let him
break any more china than you can help。  I don't know where we'd be if it
weren't for you fellows。〃

By 〃you fellows;〃 he meant Mr。 Watling's distinguished associates in the

Mr。 Watling and I dined together at a New York club。  It was not a dinner
of herbs。  There was something exceedingly comfortable about that club;
where the art of catering to those who had earned the right to be catered
to came as near perfection as human things attain。  From the great;
heavily curtained dining…room the noises of the city had been carefully
excluded; the dust of the Avenue; the squalour and smells of the brown
stone fronts and laddered tenements of those gloomy districts lying a
pistol…shot east and west。  We had a vintage champagne;

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