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a forgotten empire-vijayanagar-第52章

小说: a forgotten empire-vijayanagar 字数: 每页4000字

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 those of whom I have spoken; for these last are men to whom the king pays much honour; and he holds them in great favour。

This new city that the king made bears the name of his wife for love of whom he made it;'396' and the said city stands in a plain; and round it the inhabitants make their gardens as the ground suits; each one being separate。 In this city the king made a temple with many images。 It is a thing very well made; and it has some wells very well made after their fashion; its houses are not built with stories like ours; but are of only one floor; with flat; roofs and towers;'397' different from ours; for theirs go from storey to storey。 They have pillars; and are all open; with verandahs inside and out; where they can easily put people if they desire; so that they seem like houses belonging to a king。 These palaces have an enclosing wall which surrounds them all; and inside are many rows of houses。 Before you enter the place where the king is there are two gates with many guards; who prevent any one from entering except the captains and men who have business there; and between these two gates is a very large court with its verandahs round it; where these captains and other honoured people wait till the king summons them to his presence。

This king is of medium height; and of fair complexion and good figure; rather fat than thin; he has on his face signs of small…pox。 He is the most feared and perfect king that could possibly be; cheerful of disposition and very merry; he is one that seeks to honour foreigners; and receives them kindly; asking about all their affairs whatever their condition may be He is a great ruler and a man of much justice; but subject to sudden fits of rage;'398' and this is his title  〃Crisnarao Macacao;'399' king of kings; lord of the greater lords of India; lord of the three seas and of the land。〃 He has this title'400' because he is by rank a greater lord than any; by reason of what he possesses in (?) armies and territories; but it seems that he has (in fact) nothing compared to what a man like him ought to have; so gallant and perfect is he in all things。 This king was constantly at war with the king of Orya; and entered his kingdom; taking and destroying many cities and towns; he put to rout numbers of his soldiers and elephants; and took captive his son; whom he kept for a long time in this city of Bisnaga; where he died; and in order to make a treaty and (preserve) peace; the king of Orya gave him a daughter whom the king of Bisnaga married and has as his wife。

This king has twelve lawful wives; of whom there are three principal ones; the sons of each of these three being heirs of the kingdom; but not these of the others; this is (the case) when there are sons to all of them; but when there is only one son; whosesoever he may be; he is heir。 One of these principal wives is the daughter of the king of Orya; and others daughters of a king his vassal who is king of Serimgapatao; another wife is a courtezan whom in his youth he had for mistress before he became king; and she made him promise that if he came to be king he would take her to wife; and thus it came to pass that this courtezan became his wife。 For love of her he built this new city; and its name was 。。。 (SIC IN ORIG。) 。。。 Each one of these wives has her house to herself; with her maidens and women of the chamber; and women guards and all other women servants necessary; all these are women; and no man enters where they are; save only the eunuchs; who guard them。 These women are never seen by any man; except perhaps by some old man of high rank by favour of the king。 When they wish to go out they are carried in litters shut up and closed;'401' so that they cannot be seen; and all the eunuchs with them fully three or four hundred; and all other people keep a long distance from them。 They told us that each of these queens has a very large sum of money and treasure and personal ornaments; namely armlets; bracelets; seed…pearls;'402' pearls and diamonds; and that in great quantity: and they also say that each of them has sixty maidens adorned as richly as could possibly be with many jewels; and rubies and diamonds and pearls and seed…pearls。 These we afterwards saw; and stood astonished; we saw them at certain festivals which I will afterwards speak of; and of the manner in which they came。 Within; with these maidens; they say that there are twelve thousand women; for you must know that there are women who handle sword and shield; and others who wrestle; and others who blow trumpets; and others pipes; and others instruments which are different from ours; and in the same way they have women as bearers (BOOIS) and washing…folk; and for other offices inside their gates; just as the king has the officers of his household。 These three principal wives have each the same; one as much as the other; so that there may never be any discord or ill feeling between them; all of them are great friends; and each one lives by herself。 It may be gathered from this what a large enclosure there must be for these houses where so many people live; and what streets and lanes they must have。

The king lives by himself inside the palace; and when he wishes to have with him one of his wives he orders a eunuch to go and call her。 The eunuch does not enter where she is; but tells it to the female guards; who make known to the queen that there is a message from the king; and then comes one of her maidens or chamber…women and learns what is wanted; and then the queen goes where the king is; or the king comes where she is; and so passes the time as it seems good to him without any of the others knowing。 Amongst these eunuchs the king has some who are great favourites; and who sleep where he sleeps; they receive a large salary。

This king is accustomed every day to drink QUARTILHO (three…quarter pint) of oil of GINGELLY'403' before daylight; and anoints himself all over with the said oil; he covers his loins with a small cloth; and takes in his arms great weights made of earthenware; and then; taking a sword; he exercises himself with it till he has sweated out all the oil; and then he wrestles with one of his wrestlers。 After this labour he mounts a horse and gallops about the plain in one direction and another till dawn; for he does all this before daybreak。 Then he goes to wash himself; and a Brahman washes him whom he holds sacred; and who is a great favourite of his and is a man of great wealth; and after he is washed he goes to where his pagoda is inside the palace; and makes his orisons and ceremonies; according to custom。 Thence he goes to a building made in the shape of a porch without walls; which has many pillars hung with cloths right up to the top; and with the walls handsomely painted; it has on each side two figures of women very well made。 In such a building he despatches his work with those men who bear office in his kingdom; and govern his cities; and his favourites talk with them。 The greatest favourite is an old man called Temersea;'404' he commands the whole household; and to him all the great lords act as to the king。 After the king has talked with these men on subjects pleasing to him he bids enter the lords and captains who wait at the gate; and these at once enter to make their salaam to him。 As soon as they appear they make their salaam to him; and place themselves along the walls far off from him; they do not speak one to another; nor do they chew betel before him; but they place their hands in the sleeves of their tunics (CABAYAS) and cast their eyes on the ground; and if the king desires to speak to any one it is done through a second person; and then he to whom the king desires to speak raises his eyes and replies to him who questions him; and then returns to his former position。 So they remain till the king bids them go; and then they all turn to make the salaam to him and go out。 The salaam; which is the greatest courtesy that exists among them; is that they put their hands joined above their head as high as they can。 Every day they go to make the salaam to the king。

When we came to this country the king was in this new town; and there went to see him Christovao de Figueiredo'405' with all of us Portuguese that came with him;

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