贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > phenomenology of mind >


phenomenology of mind-第165章

小说: phenomenology of mind 字数: 每页4000字

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objectivity of imaginative thought; but in becoming concrete actual self; reflecting itself into self;
and being Subject。 This; then; is the process which spirit realizes in its communion; this is its life。
What this self…revealing spirit is in and for itself; is therefore not brought out by the rich content of
its life being; so to say; untwined and reduced to its original and primitive strands; to the ideas; for
instance; presented before the minds of the first imperfect religious communion; or even to what
the actual human being 'incarnating the Divine Spirit' has spoken。(9) This reversion to the primitive
is based on the instinct to get at the notion; the ultimate principle; but it confuses the origin; in the
sense of the immediate; existence of the first historical appearance; with the simplicity of the
notion。 By thus impoverishing the life of spirit; by clearing away the idea of the communion and its
action with regard to its idea; there arises; therefore; not the notion; but bare externality and
particularity; merely the historical manner in which spirit once upon a time appeared; the soulless
recollection of a presumably (gemeinten) individual historical figure and its past。(10)

Spirit is content of its consciousness to begin with in the form of pure substance; in other words; it
is content of its pure consciousness。 This element of thought is the process of descending into
existence; or individuality。 The middle term between these two is their synthetic connexion; the
consciousness of passing into otherness; the process of imaginative presentation as such。 The third
stage is the return from this presentation and from that otherness; in other words; it is the element
of self…consciousness itself。

These three moments constitute the life of spirit。 Its resolution in imaginative thought consists in its
taking on a determinate mode of being; this determinateness; however; is nothing but one of its
moments。 Its detailed process thus consists in spreading its nature out in each of its moments as in
an element in which it lives: and in so far as each of these spheres completes itself in itself; this
reflexion into itself is at the same time the transition into another sphere of its being。 Imaginative
presentation constitutes the middle term between pure thought and self…consciousness as such; and
is merely one of the determinate forms。 At the same time however; as has been shown; the
character belonging to such presentation — that of being 〃synthetic connexion〃 — is spread over all
these elements and is their common characteristic。

The content itself; which we have to consider; has partly been met with already; as the idea of the
〃unhappy〃 and the 〃believing〃 consciousness。 In the case of the 〃unhappy〃 consciousness;
however; the content has the characteristic of being produced from consciousness and for which it
yearns; a content wherein the spirit can never be satiated nor find rest because the content is not
yet its own content inherently and essentially; or in the sense of being its substance。 In the case of
the 〃believing〃 consciousness; again; this content was regarded as the impersonal Being of the
World; as the essentially objective content of imaginative thought — a pictorial thinking that seeks
to escape the actual world altogether; and consequently has not the certainty of
self…consciousness; a certainty which is cut off from it; partly as being conceit of knowledge; partly
as being pure insight。 The consciousness of the religious communion; on the other hand; possesses
the content as its substance; just as the content is the certainty the communion has of its own spirit。

            (3)。 The Deevelopment of the Notion of Revealed Religion

Spirit; represented at first as substance in the element of pure thought; is; thus; primarily the eternal
essential Being; simple; self…identical; which does not; however; have this abstract meaning of
essential Being; but the meaning of Absolute Spirit。 Yet spirit consists; not in being a meaning; not
in being the inner; but in being the actual; the real。 〃Simple eternal essential Being〃 would;
therefore; be spirit merely in empty phrase; if we remained at the level of pictorial thought; and
went no further than the expression of 〃simple eternal essential Being〃。 〃Simple essential Being〃;
however; because it is abstraction; is in point of fact the inherently negative; is indeed the negativity
of reflective thought; or negativity as found in Being per se; i。e。 it is absolute distinction from itself;
is pure process of becoming its other。 Qua essential Being; it is merely implicit; or for us: but since
this purity of form is just abstraction or negativity; it is for itself; it is the self; the notion。 It is thus
objective; and since pictorial thinking apprehends and expresses as an event what has just been
expressed as the necessity of the notion; it will be said that the eternal Being begets for itself an
other。 But in this otherness it has likewise; ipso facto; returned into itself again; for the distinction
is distinction in itself; i。e。 the distinction is directly distinguished merely from itself; and is thus the
unity returned into itself。

There are thus three moments to be distinguished: Essential Being; explicit Self…existence; which is
the express otherness of essential Being; and for which that Being is object; and Self…existence or
Self…knowledge in that other。 The essential Being beholds only itself in its Self…existence; in its
objective otherness。 In thus emptying itself; in this kenosis; it is merely within itself: the independent
Self…existence which excludes itself from essential Being is the knowledge of itself on the part of
essential Being。 It is the 〃Word〃; the Logos; which when spoken empties the speaker of himself;
outwardizes him; and leaves him behind emptied; but is as immediately perceived; and only this act
of self…perceiving himself is the actual existence of the 〃Word〃。 Hence; then; the distinctions which
are set up are just as immediately resolved as they are made; and are just as directly made as they
are resolved; and the truth and the reality consist precisely in this self …closed circular process。

This movement within itself expresses the absolute Being qua Spirit。 Absolute Being; when not
grasped as Spirit; is merely the abstract void; just as spirit which is not grasped as this process is
merely an empty word。 Since its moments are grasped purely as moments; they are notions in
restless activity; which are merely in being inherently their own opposite; and in finding their rest in
the whole。 But the pictorial thought of the religious communion is not this notional thinking; it has
the content without its necessity; and instead of the form of the notion it brings into the realm of
pure consciousness the natural relations of Father and Son。 Since it thus; even when thinking;
proceeds by way of figurative ideas; absolute Being is indeed revealed to it; but the moments of
this Being; owing to this 'externally' synthetic pictorial thinking; partly fall of themselves apart from
one another; so that they are not related to each other through their own very notion; while; partly
again; this figurative thinking retreats from the pure object it deals with; and takes up a merely
external relation towards it。 The object is externally revealed to it from an alien source; and in this
thought of Spirit it does not recognize its own self; does not recognize the nature of pure
self…consciousness。 In so far as the form of figurative thinking and that way of thinking by means of
relationships derived from nature have to be transcended; and especially the method of taking the
moments of the process; which Spirit is; as isolated immovable substances or subjects; instead of
transient moments — this transcendence is to be looked at as a compulsion on the part of the
notion; in the way we formerly pointed out when dealing with another aspect。(11) But since it is
only an instinct; it mistakes its own real character; rejects the content along with the form; and;
what comes to the same thing; degrades the content into a historical imaginative idea and an
heirloom handed down by 

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