贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > men of iron >


men of iron-第45章

小说: men of iron 字数: 每页4000字

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It was as the Earl had said; Myles had three times given his enemy grace when victory was almost in his very grasp。 He had three times spared him; in spite of all he and those dear to him must suffer should his cruel and merciless enemy gain the victory。 It was a false and foolish generosity; partly the fault of his impulsive youthmore largely of his romantic training in the artificial code of French chivalry。 He felt that the battle was his; and so he gave his enemy these three chances to recover; as some chevalier or knight… errant of romance might have done; instead of pushing the combat to a mercifully speedy end and his foolish generosity cost him dear。

In the momentary pause that had thus stirred the Earl of Mackworth to a sudden outbreak; the Earl of Alban sat upon his panting; sweating war… horse; facing his powerful young enemy at about twelve paces distant。 He sat as still as a rock; holding his gisarm poised in front of him。 He had; as the Earl of Mackworth had said; been wounded twice; and each time with the point of the sword; so much more dangerous than a direct cut with the weapon。 One wound was beneath his armor; and no one but he knew how serious it might be; the other was under the overlapping of the epauhere; and from it a finger's…breadth of blood ran straight down his side and over the housings of his horse。 From without; the still motionless iron figure appeared calm and expressionless; within; who knows what consuming blasts of hate; rage; and despair swept his heart as with a fiery whirlwind。

As Myles looked at the motionless; bleeding figure; his breast swelled with pity。 〃My Lord;〃 said he; 〃thou art sore wounded and the fight is against thee; wilt thou not yield thee?〃

No one but that other heard the speech; and no one but Myles heard the answer that came back; hollow; cavernous; 〃Never; thou dog! Never!〃

Then in an instant; as quick as a flash; his enemy spurred straight upon Myles; and as he spurred he struck a last desperate; swinging blow; in which he threw in one final effort all the strength of hate; of fury; and of despair。 Myles whirled his horse backward; warding the blow with his shield as he did so。 The blade glanced from the smooth face of the shield; and; whether by mistake or not; fell straight and true; and with almost undiminished force; upon the neck of Myles's war…horse; and just behind the ears。 The animal staggered forward; and then fell upon its knees; and at the same instant the other; as though by the impetus of the rush; dashed full upon it with all the momentum lent by the weight of iron it carried。 The shock was irresistible; and the stunned and wounded horse was flung upon the ground; rolling over and over。 As his horse fell; Myles wrenched one of his feet out of the stirrup; the other caught for an instant; and he was flung headlong with stunning violence; his armor crashing as he fell。 In the cloud of dust that arose no one could see just what happened; but that what was done was done deliberately no one doubted。 The earl; at once checking and spurring his foaming charger; drove the iron…shod war…horse directly over Myles's prostrate body。 Then; checking him fiercely with the curb; reined him back; the hoofs clashing and crashing; over the figure beneath。 So he had ridden over the father at York; and so he rode over the son at Smithfield。

Myles; as he lay prostrate and half stunned by his fall; had seen his enemy thus driving his rearing horse down upon him; but was not able to defend himself。 A fallen knight in full armor was utterly powerless to rise without assistance; Myles lay helpless in the clutch of the very iron that was his defence。 He closed his eyes involuntarily; and then horse and rider were upon him。 There was a deafening; sparkling crash; a glimmering faintness; then another crash as the horse was reined furiously back again; and then a humming stillness。

In a moment; upon the scaffolding all was a tumult of uproar and confusion; shouting and gesticulation; only the King sat calm; sullen; impassive。 The Earl wheeled his horse and sat for a moment or two as though to make quite sure that he knew the King's mind。 The blow that had been given was foul; unknightly; but the King gave no sign either of acquiescence or rebuke; he had willed that Myles was to die。

Then the Earl turned again; and rode deliberately up to his prostrate enemy。

When Myles opened his eyes after that moment of stunning silence; it was to see the other looming above him on his war…horse; swinging his gisarm for one last mortal blowpitiless; merciless。

The sight of that looming peril brought back Myles's wandering senses like a flash of lightning。 He flung up his shield; and met the blow even as it descended; turning it aside。 It only protracted the end。

Once more the Earl of Alban raised the gisarm; swinging it twice around his head before he struck。 This time; though the shield glanced it; the blow fell upon the shoulder…piece; biting through the steel plate and leathern jack beneath even to the bone。 Then Myles covered his head with his shield as a last protecting chance for life。

For the third time the Earl swung the blade flashing; and then it fell; straight and true; upon the defenceless body; just below the left arm; biting deep through the armor plates。 For an instant the blade stuck fast; and that instant was Myles's salvation。 Under the agony of the blow he gave a muffled cry; and almost instinctively grasped the shaft of the weapon with both hands。 Had the Earl let go his end of the weapon; he would have won the battle at his leisure and most easily; as it was; he struggled violently to wrench the gisarm away from Myles。 In that short; fierce struggle Myles was dragged to his knees; and then; still holding the weapon with one hand; he clutched the trappings of the Earl's horse with the other。 The next moment he was upon his feet。 The other struggled to thrust him away; but Myles; letting go the gisarm; which he held with his left hand; clutched him tightly by the sword…belt in the intense; vise…like grip of despair。 In vain the Earl strove to beat him loose with the shaft of the gisarm; in vain he spurred and reared his horse to shake him off; Myles held him tight; in spite of all his struggles。

He felt neither the streaming blood nor the throbbing agony of his wounds; every faculty of soul; mind; body; every power of life; was centered in one intense; burning effort。 He neither felt; thought; nor reasoned; but clutching; with the blindness of instinct; the heavy; spiked; iron… headed mace that hung at the Earl's saddle…bow; he gave it one tremendous wrench that snapped the plaited leathern thongs that held it as though they were skeins of thread。 Then; grinding his teeth as with a spasm; he struck as he had never struck beforeonce; twice; thrice full upon the front of the helmet。 Crash! crash! And then; even as the Earl toppled sidelong; crash! And the iron plates split and crackled under the third blow。 Myles had one flashing glimpse of an awful face; and then the saddle was empty。

Then; as he held tight to the horse; panting; dizzy; sick to death; he felt the hot blood gushing from his side; filling his body armor; and staining the ground upon which he stood。 Still he held tightly to the saddle…bow of the fallen man's horse until; through his glimmering sight; he saw the Marshal; the Lieutenant; and the attendants gather around him。 He heard the Marshal ask him; in a voice that sounded faint and distant; if he was dangerously wounded。 He did not answer; and one of the attendants; leaping from his horse; opened the umbril of his helmet; disclosing the dull; hollow eyes; the ashy; colorless lips; and the waxy forehead; upon which stood great beads of sweat。

〃Water! water!〃 he cried; hoarsely; 〃give me to drink!〃 Then; quitting his hold upon the horse; he started blindly across the lists towards the gate of the barrier。 A shadow that chilled his heart seemed to fall upon him。 〃It is death;〃 he muttered; then he stopped; then swayed for an instant; and then toppled headlong; crashing as he fell。


But Myles was not dead。 Those who had seen his face when the umbril of the helmet was raised; and then saw him fall as he tottered

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