贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > roughing it >


roughing it-第34章

小说: roughing it 字数: 每页4000字

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The ground was deeply carpeted with dry pine…needles; and the fire
touched them off as if they were gunpowder。  It was wonderful to see with
what fierce speed the tall sheet of flame traveled!  My coffee…pot was
gone; and everything with it。  In a minute and a half the fire seized
upon a dense growth of dry manzanita chapparal six or eight feet high;
and then the roaring and popping and crackling was something terrific。
We were driven to the boat by the intense heat; and there we remained;

Within half an hour all before us was a tossing; blinding tempest of
flame!  It went surging up adjacent ridgessurmounted them and
disappeared in the canons beyondburst into view upon higher and farther
ridges; presentlyshed a grander illumination abroad; and dove again
flamed out again; directly; higher and still higher up the mountain…side…
…threw out skirmishing parties of fire here and there; and sent them
trailing their crimson spirals away among remote ramparts and ribs and
gorges; till as far as the eye could reach the lofty mountain…fronts were
webbed as it were with a tangled network of red lava streams。  Away
across the water the crags and domes were lit with a ruddy glare; and the
firmament above was a reflected hell!

Every feature of the spectacle was repeated in the glowing mirror of the
lake!  Both pictures were sublime; both were beautiful; but that in the
lake had a bewildering richness about it that enchanted the eye and held
it with the stronger fascination。

We sat absorbed and motionless through four long hours。  We never thought
of supper; and never felt fatigue。  But at eleven o'clock the
conflagration had traveled beyond our range of vision; and then darkness
stole down upon the landscape again。

Hunger asserted itself now; but there was nothing to eat。  The provisions
were all cooked; no doubt; but we did not go to see。  We were homeless
wanderers again; without any property。  Our fence was gone; our house
burned down; no insurance。  Our pine forest was well scorched; the dead
trees all burned up; and our broad acres of manzanita swept away。  Our
blankets were on our usual sand…bed; however; and so we lay down and went
to sleep。  The next morning we started back to the old camp; but while
out a long way from shore; so great a storm came up that we dared not try
to land。  So I baled out the seas we shipped; and Johnny pulled heavily
through the billows till we had reached a point three or four miles
beyond the camp。  The storm was increasing; and it became evident that it
was better to take the hazard of beaching the boat than go down in a
hundred fathoms of water; so we ran in; with tall white…caps following;
and I sat down in the stern…sheets and pointed her head…on to the shore。
The instant the bow struck; a wave came over the stern that washed crew
and cargo ashore; and saved a deal of trouble。  We shivered in the lee of
a boulder all the rest of the day; and froze all the night through。  In
the morning the tempest had gone down; and we paddled down to the camp
without any unnecessary delay。  We were so starved that we ate up the
rest of the Brigade's provisions; and then set out to Carson to tell them
about it and ask their forgiveness。  It was accorded; upon payment of

We made many trips to the lake after that; and had many a hair…breadth
escape and blood…curdling adventure which will never be recorded in any


I resolved to have a horse to ride。  I had never seen such wild; free;
magnificent horsemanship outside of a circus as these picturesquely…clad
Mexicans; Californians and Mexicanized Americans displayed in Carson
streets every day。  How they rode!  Leaning just gently forward out of
the perpendicular; easy and nonchalant; with broad slouch…hat brim blown
square up in front; and long riata swinging above the head; they swept
through the town like the wind!  The next minute they were only a sailing
puff of dust on the far desert。  If they trotted; they sat up gallantly
and gracefully; and seemed part of the horse; did not go jiggering up and
down after the silly Miss…Nancy fashion of the riding…schools。  I had
quickly learned to tell a horse from a cow; and was full of anxiety to
learn more。  I was resolved to buy a horse。

While the thought was rankling in my mind; the auctioneer came skurrying
through the plaza on a black beast that had as many humps and corners on
him as a dromedary; and was necessarily uncomely; but he was 〃going;
going; at twenty…two!horse; saddle and bridle at twenty…two dollars;
gentlemen!〃 and I could hardly resist。

A man whom I did not know (he turned out to be the auctioneer's brother)
noticed the wistful look in my eye; and observed that that was a very
remarkable horse to be going at such a price; and added that the saddle
alone was worth the money。  It was a Spanish saddle; with ponderous
'tapidaros'; and furnished with the ungainly sole…leather covering with
the unspellable name。  I said I had half a notion to bid。  Then this
keen…eyed person appeared to me to be 〃taking my measure〃; but I
dismissed the suspicion when he spoke; for his manner was full of
guileless candor and truthfulness。  Said he:

〃I know that horseknow him well。  You are a stranger; I take it; and so
you might think he was an American horse; maybe; but I assure you he is
not。  He is nothing of the kind; butexcuse my speaking in a low voice;
other people being nearhe is; without the shadow of a doubt; a Genuine
Mexican Plug!〃

I did not know what a Genuine Mexican Plug was; but there was something
about this man's way of saying it; that made me swear inwardly that I
would own a Genuine Mexican Plug; or die。

〃Has he any othereradvantages?〃  I inquired; suppressing what
eagerness I could。

He hooked his forefinger in the pocket of my army…shirt; led me to one
side; and breathed in my ear impressively these words:

〃He can out…buck anything in America!〃

〃Going; going; goingat twenttyfour dollars and a half; gen〃

〃Twenty…seven!〃 I shouted; in a frenzy。

〃And sold!〃 said the auctioneer; and passed over the Genuine Mexican Plug
to me。

I could scarcely contain my exultation。  I paid the money; and put the
animal in a neighboring livery…stable to dine and rest himself。

In the afternoon I brought the creature into the plaza; and certain
citizens held him by the head; and others by the tail; while I mounted
him。  As soon as they let go; he placed all his feet in a bunch together;
lowered his back; and then suddenly arched it upward; and shot me
straight into the air a matter of three or four feet!  I came as straight
down again; lit in the saddle; went instantly up again; came down almost
on the high pommel; shot up again; and came down on the horse's neckall
in the space of three or four seconds。  Then he rose and stood almost
straight up on his hind feet; and I; clasping his lean neck desperately;
slid back into the saddle and held on。  He came down; and immediately
hoisted his heels into the air; delivering a vicious kick at the sky; and
stood on his forefeet。  And then down he came once more; and began the
original exercise of shooting me straight up again。  The third time I
went up I heard a stranger say:

〃Oh; don't he buck; though!〃

While I was up; somebody struck the horse a sounding thwack with a
leathern strap; and when I arrived again the Genuine Mexican Plug was not
there。  A California youth chased him up and caught him; and asked if he
might have a ride。  I granted him that luxury。  He mounted the Genuine;
got lifted into the air once; but sent his spurs home as he descended;
and the horse darted away like a telegram。  He soared over three fences
like a bird; and disappeared down the road toward the Washoe Valley。

I sat down on a stone; with a sigh; and by a natural impulse one of my
hands sought my forehead; and the other the base of my stomach。  I
believe I never appreciated; till then; the poverty of the human
machineryfor I still needed a hand or two to place elsewhere。  Pen
cannot describe how I was jolted up。  Imagination cannot conceive how
disjointed I washow internally; externally an

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