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the history-第107章

小说: the history 字数: 每页4000字

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de than one man… for Aristagoras; though he failed to impose on Cleomenes the Lacedaemonian; succeeded with the Athenians; who were thirty thousand。 Won by his persuasions; they voted that twenty ships should be sent to the aid of the Ionians; under the command of Melanthius; one of the citizens; a man of mark in every way。 These ships were the beginning of mischief both to the Greeks and to the barbarians。     Aristagoras sailed away in advance; and when he reached Miletus; devised a plan; from which no manner of advantage could possibly accrue to the Ionians;… indeed; in forming it; he did not aim at their benefit; but his sole wish was to annoy King Darius。 He sent a messenger into Phrygia to those Paeonians who had been led away captive by Megabazus from the river Strymon; and who now dwelt by themselves in Phrygia; having a tract of land and a hamlet of their own。 This man; when he reached the Paeonians; spoke thus to them:…     〃Men of Paeonia; Aristagoras; king of Miletus; has sent me to you; to inform you that you may now escape; if you choose to follow the advice he proffers。 All Ionia has revolted from the king; and the way is open to you to return to your own land。 You have only to contrive to reach the sea…coast; the rest shall be our business。〃     When the Paeonians heard this; they were exceedingly rejoiced; and; taking with them their wives and children; they made all speed to the coast; a few only remaining in Phrygia through fear。 The rest; having reached the sea; crossed over to Chios; where they had just landed; when a great troop of Persian horse came following upon their heels; and seeking to overtake them。 Not succeeding; however; they sent a message across to Chios; and begged the Paeonians to come back again。 These last refused; and were conveyed by the Chians from Chios to Lesbos; and by the Lesbians thence to Doriscus; from which place they made their way on foot to Paeonia。     The Athenians now arrived with a fleet of twenty sail; and brought also in their company five triremes of the Eretrians; which had joined the expedition; not so much out of goodwill towards Athens; as to pay a debt which they already owed to the people of Miletus。 For in the old war between the Chalcideans and Eretrians; the Milesians fought on the Eretrian side throughout; while the Chalcideans had the help of the Samian people。 Aristagoras; on their arrival; assembled the rest of his allies; and proceeded to attack Sardis; not however leading the army in person; but appointing to the command his own brother Charopinus and Hermophantus; one of the citizens; while he himself remained behind in Miletus。     The Ionians sailed with this fleet to Ephesus; and; leaving their ships at Coressus in the Ephesian territory; took guides from the city; and went up the country with a great host。 They marched along the course of the river Cayster; and; crossing over the ridge of Tmolus; came down upon Sardis and took it; no man opposing them;… the whole city fell into their hands; except only the citadel; which Artaphernes defended in person; having with him no contemptible force。     Though; however; they took the city; they did not succeed in plundering it; for; as the houses in Sardis were most of them built of reeds; and even the few which were of brick had a reed thatching for their roof; one of them was no sooner fired by a soldier than the flames ran speedily from house to house; and spread over the whole place。 As the fire raged; the Lydians and such Persians as were in the city; inclosed on every side by the flames; which had seized all the skirts of the town; and finding themselves unable to get out; came in crowds into the market…place; and gathered themselves upon the banks of the Pactolus This stream; which comes down from Mount Tmolus; and brings the Sardians a quantity of gold…dust; runs directly through the market place of Sardis; and joins the Hermus; before that river reaches the sea。 So the Lydians and Persians; brought together in this way in the market…place and about the Pactolus; were forced to stand on their defence; and the Ionians; when they saw the enemy in part resisting; in part pouring towards them in dense crowds; took fright; and drawing off to the ridge which is called Tmolus when night came; went back to their ships。     Sardis however was burnt; and; among other buildings; a temple of the native goddess Cybele was destroyed; which was the reason afterwards alleged by the Persians for setting on fire the temples of the Greeks。 As soon as what had happened was known; all the Persians who were stationed on this side the Halys drew together; and brought help to the Lydians。 Finding however; when they arrived; that the Ionians had already withdrawn from Sardis; they set off; and; following close upon their track; came up with them at Ephesus。 The Ionians drew out against them in battle array; and a fight ensued; wherein the Greeks had very greatly the worse。 Vast numbers were slain by the Persians: among other men of note; they killed the captain of the Eretrians; a certain Eualcidas; a man who had gained crowns at the Games; and received much praise from Simonides the Cean。 Such as made their escape from the battle; dispersed among the several cities。     So ended this encounter。 Afterwards the Athenians quite forsook the Ionians; and; though Aristagoras besought them much by his ambassadors; refused to give him any further help。 Still the Ionians; notwithstanding this desertion; continued unceasingly their preparations to carry on the war against the Persian king; which their late conduct towards him had rendered unavoidable。 Sailing into the Hellespont; they brought Byzantium; and all the other cities in that quarter; under their sway。 Again; quitting the Hellespont; they went to Caria; and won the greater part of the Carians to their side; while Caunus; which had formerly refused to join with them; after the burning of Sardis; came over likewise。     All the Cyprians too; excepting those of Amathus; of their own proper motion espoused the Ionian cause。 The occasion of their revolting from the Medes was the following。 There was a certain Onesilus; younger brother of Gorgus; king of Salamis; and son of Chersis; who was son of Siromus; and grandson of Evelthon。 This man had often in former times entreated Gorgus to rebel against the king; but; when he heard of the revolt of the Ionians; he left him no peace with his importunity。 As; however; Gorgus would not hearken to him; he watched his occasion; and when his brother had gone outside the town; he with his partisans closed the gates upon him。 Gorgus; thus deprived of his city; fled to the Medes; and Onesilus; being now king of Salamis; sought to bring about a revolt of the whole of Cyprus。 All were prevailed on except the Amathusians; who refused to listen to him; whereupon Onesilus sate down before Amathus; and laid siege to it。     While Onesilus was engaged in the siege of Amathus; King Darius received tidings of the taking and burning of Sardis by the Athenians and Ionians; and at the same time he learnt that the author of the league; the man by whom the whole matter had been Planned and contrived; was Aristagoras the Milesian。 It is said that he no sooner understood what had happened; than; laying aside all thought concerning the Ionians; who would; he was sure; pay dear for their rebellion; he asked; 〃Who the Athenians were?〃 and; being informed; called for his bow; and placing an arrow on the string; shot upward into the sky; saying; as he let fly the shaft… 〃Grant me; Jupiter; to revenge myself on the Athenians!〃 After this speech; he bade one of his servants every day; when his dinner was spread; three times repeat these words to him… 〃Master; remember the Athenians。〃     Then he summoned into his presence Histiaeus if Miletus; whom he had kept at his court for so long a time; and on his appearance addressed him thus 〃I am told; O Histiaeus; that thy lieutenant; to whom thou hast given Miletus in charge; has raised a rebellion against me。 He has brought men from the other continent to contend with me; and; prevailing on the Ionians… whose conduct I shall know how to recompense… to join with this force; he has robbed me of Sardis! Is this as it should be; t

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