贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > the moon and sixpence(月球和六便士) >


the moon and sixpence(月球和六便士)-第60章

小说: the moon and sixpence(月球和六便士) 字数: 每页4000字

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enough to have come down to see me。                I asked her what she thought was 

the    matter   with   him。    She   would     not  answer。     I   pressed    her;  angrily 

perhaps; but she looked down   on the ground and   began to cry。                    Then   I 

shrugged my shoulders; after all; perhaps it was my duty to go; and in a 

very bad temper I bade her lead the way。〃 

     His temper was certainly no better when he arrived; perspiring freely 

and thirsty。     Ata was on the look…out for him; and came a little way along 

the path to meet him。 

     〃Before   I   see   anyone   give   me   something   to   drink   or   I   shall   die   of 

thirst;〃 he cried out。      〃

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