贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > resurrection(复活) >



小说: resurrection(复活) 字数: 每页4000字

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shone white in the moonlight; in front the black shadow of the
garden wall was visible through the tangled branches of the

Nekhludoff gazed at the roof; the moonlit garden; and the shadows
of the poplar; and drank in the fresh; invigorating air。

〃How delightful; how delightful; oh; God; how delightful〃 he
said; meaning that which was going on in his soul。



Maslova reached her cell only at six in the evening; tired and
footsore; having; unaccustomed as she was to walking; gone 10
miles on the stony road that day。 She was crushed by the
unexpectedly severe sentence and tormented by hunger。 During the
first interval of her trial; when the soldiers were eating bread
and hard…boiled eggs in her presence; her mouth watered and she
realised she was hungry; but considered it beneath her dignity to
beg of them。 Three hours later the desire to eat had passed; and
she felt only weak。 It was then she received the unexpected
sentence。 At first she thought she had made a mistake; she could
not imagine herself as a convict in Siberia; and could not
believe what she heard。 But seeing the quiet; business…like faces
of judges and jury; who heard this news as if it were perfectly
natural and expected; she grew indignant; and proclaimed loudly
to the whole Court that she was not guilty。 Finding that her cry
was also taken as something natural and expected; and feeling
incapable of altering matters; she was horror…struck and began to
weep in despair; knowing that she must submit to the cruel and
surprising injustice that had been done her。 What astonished her
most was that young menor; at any rate; not old menthe same
men who always looked so approvingly at her (one of them; the
public prosecutor; she had seen in quite a different humour) had
condemned her。 While she was sitting in the prisoners' room
before the trial and during the intervals; she saw these men
looking in at the open door pretending they had to pass there on
some business; or enter the room and gaze on her with approval。
And then; for some unknown reason; these same men had condemned
her to hard labour; though she was innocent of the charge laid
against her。 At first she cried; but then quieted down and sat
perfectly stunned in the prisoners' room; waiting to be led back。
She wanted only two things nowtobacco and strong drink。 In this
state Botchkova and Kartinkin found her when they were led into
the same room after being sentenced。 Botchkova began at once to
scold her; and call her a 〃convict。〃

〃Well! What have you gained? justified yourself; have you? What
you have deserved; that you've got。 Out in Siberia you'll give up
your finery; no fear!〃

Maslova sat with her hands inside her sleeves; hanging her head
and looking in front of her at the dirty floor without moving;
only saying: 〃I don't bother you; so don't you bother me。 I don't
bother you; do I?〃 she repeated this several times; and was
silent again。 She did brighten up a little when Botchkova and
Kartinkin were led away and an attendant brought her three

〃Are you Maslova?〃 he asked。 〃Here you are; a lady sent it you;〃
he said; giving her the money。

〃A ladywhat lady?〃

〃You just take it。 I'm not going to talk to you。〃

This money was sent by Kitaeva; the keeper of the house in which
she used to live。 As she was leaving the court she turned to the
usher with the question whether she might give Maslova a little
money。 The usher said she might。 Having got permission; she
removed the three…buttoned Swedish kid glove from her plump;
white hand; and from an elegant purse brought from the back folds
of her silk skirt took a pile of coupons; 'in Russia coupons cut
off interest…bearing papers are often used as money' just cut
off from the interest…bearing papers which she had earned in her
establishment; chose one worth 2 roubles and 50 copecks; added
two 20 and one 10…copeck coins; and gave all this to the usher。
The usher called an attendant; and in his presence gave the

〃Belease to giff it accurately;〃 said Carolina Albertovna

The attendant was hurt by her want of confidence; and that was
why he treated Maslova so brusquely。 Maslova was glad of the
money; because it could give her the only thing she now desired。
〃If I could but get cigarettes and take a whiff!〃 she said to
herself; and all her thoughts centred on the one desire to smoke
and drink。 She longed for spirits so that she tasted them and
felt the strength they would give her; and she greedily breathed
in the air when the fumes of tobacco reached her from the door of
a room that opened into the corridor。 But she had to wait long;
for the secretary; who should have given the order for her to go;
forgot about the prisoners while talking and even disputing with
one of the advocates about the article forbidden by the censor。

At last; about five o'clock; she was allowed to go; and was led
away through the back door by her escort; the Nijni man and the
Tchoovash。 Then; still within the entrance to the Law Courts; she
gave them 50 copecks; asking them to get her two rolls and some
cigarettes。 The Tchoovash laughed; took the money; and said; 〃All
right; I'll get 'em;〃 and really got her the rolls and the
cigarettes and honestly returned the change。 She was not allowed
to smoke on the way; and; with her craving unsatisfied; she
continued her way to the prison。 When she was brought to the gate
of the prison; a hundred convicts who had arrived by rail were
being led in。 The convicts; bearded; clean…shaven; old; young;
Russians; foreigners; some with their heads shaved and rattling
with the chains on their feet; filled the anteroom with dust;
noise and an acid smell of perspiration。 Passing Maslova; all the
convicts looked at her; and some came up to her and brushed her
as they passed。

〃Ay; here's a wencha fine one;〃 said one。

〃My respects to you; miss;〃 said another; winking at her。 One
dark man with a moustache; the rest of his face and the back of
his head clean shaved; rattling with his chains and catching her
feet in them; sprang near and embraced her。

〃What! don't you know your chum? Come; come; don't give yourself
airs;〃 showing his teeth and his eyes glittering when she pushed
him away。

〃You rascal! what are you up to?〃 shouted the inspector's
assistant; coming in from behind。 The convict shrank back and
jumped away。 The assistant assailed Maslova。

〃What are you here for?〃

Maslova was going to say she had been brought back from the Law
Courts; but she was so tired that she did not care to speak。

〃She has returned from the Law Courts; sir;〃 said one of the
soldiers; coming forward with his fingers lifted to his cap。

〃Well; hand her over to the chief warder。 I won't have this sort
of thing。〃

〃Yes; sir。〃

〃Sokoloff; take her in!〃 shouted the assistant inspector。

The chief warder came up; gave Maslova a slap on the shoulder;
and making a sign with his head for her to follow led her into
the corridor of the women's ward。 There she was searched; and as
nothing prohibited was found on her (she had hidden her box of
cigarettes inside a roll) she was led to the cell she had left in
the morning。



The cell in which Maslova was imprisoned was a large room 21 feet
long and 10 feet broad; it had two windows and a large stove。
Two…thirds of the space were taken up by shelves used as beds。
The planks they were made of had warped and shrunk。 Opposite the
door hung a dark…coloured icon with a wax candle sticking to it
and a bunch of everlastings hanging down from it。 By the door to
the right there was a dark spot on the floor on which stood a
stinking tub。 The inspection had taken place and the women were
locked up for the night。

The occupants of this room were 15 persons; including three
children。 It was still quite light。 Only two of the women were
lying down: a consumptive woman imprisoned for theft; and an
idiot who spent most of her time in sleep and who was arrested
because she had no passport。 The consumptive woman was not
asleep; but lay with wide open eyes; her cloak folded under her
head; trying to keep bac

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