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an historical mystery-第22章

小说: an historical mystery 字数: 每页4000字

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soul and conscience; that your visit has alone shaken my firm belief
that these young men are living in Germany。 Between ourselves; there
is no one here; except the young countess; who does not do justice to
the eminent qualities of the First Consul。〃

〃Fox!〃 thought Corentin。 〃Well; if those young men are shot;〃 he said;
aloud; 〃it is because their friends have willed itI wash my hands of
the affair。〃

He had led the abbe to a part of the garden which lay in the
moonlight; and as he said the last words he looked at him suddenly。
The priest was greatly distressed; but his manner was that of a man
surprised and wholly ignorant。

〃Understand this; monsieur l'abbe;〃 resumed Corentin; 〃the right of
these young men to the estate of Gondreville will render them doubly
criminal in the eyes of the middle class。 I'd like to see them put
faith in God and not in his saints〃

〃Is there really a plot?〃 asked the abbe; simply。

〃Base; odious; cowardly; and so contrary to the generous spirit of the
nation;〃 replied Corentin; 〃that it will meet with universal

〃Well! Mademoiselle de Cinq…Cygne is incapable of baseness;〃 cried the

〃Monsieur l'abbe;〃 replied Corentin; 〃let me tell you this; there is
for us (meaning you and me) proof positive of her guilt; but there is
not enough for the law。 You see she took flight when we came; I sent
the mayor to warn her。〃

〃Yes; but for one who is so anxious to save them; you followed rather
closely on his heels;〃 said the abbe。

At those words the two men looked at each other; and all was said。
Each belonged to those profound anatomists of thought to whom a mere
inflexion of the voice; a look; a word suffices to reveal a soul; just
as the Indians track their enemies by signs invisible to European

〃I expected to draw something out of him; and I have only betrayed
myself;〃 thought Corentin。

〃Ha! the sly rogue!〃 thought the priest。

Midnight rang from the old church clock just as Corentin and the abbe
re…entered the salon。 The opening and shutting of doors and closets
could be heard from the bedrooms above。 The gendarmes pulled open the
beds; Peyrade; with the quick perception of a spy; handled and sounded
everything。 Such desecration excited both fear and indignation among
the faithful servants of the house; who still stood motionless about
the salon。 Monsieur d'Hauteserre exchanged looks of commiseration with
his wife and Mademoiselle Goujet。 A species of horrible curiosity kept
every one on the qui vive。 Peyrade at length came down; holding in his
hand a sandal…wood box which had probably been brought from China by
Admiral de Simeuse。 This pretty casket was flat and about the size of
a quarto volume。

Peyrade made a sign to Corentin and took him into the embrasure of a

〃I've an idea!〃 he said; 〃that Michu; who was ready to pay Marion
eight hundred thousand francs in gold for Gondreville; and who
evidently meant to shoot Malin yesterday; is the man who is helping
the Simeuse brothers。 His motive in threatening Marion and aiming at
Malin must be the same。 I thought when I saw him that he was capable
of ideas; evidently he has but one; he discovered what was going on
and he must have come here to warn them。〃

〃Probably Malin talked about the conspiracy to his friend the notary;
and Michu from his ambush overheard what was said;〃 remarked Corentin;
continuing the inductions of his colleague。 〃No doubt he has only
postponed his shot to prevent an evil he thinks worse than the loss of

〃He knew what we were the moment he laid eyes on us;〃 said Peyrade。 〃I
thought then that he was amazingly intelligent for a peasant。〃

〃That proves that he is always on his guard;〃 replied Corentin。 〃But;
mind you; my old man; don't let us make a mistake。 Treachery stinks in
the nostrils; and primitive folks do scent it from afar。〃

〃But that's our strength;〃 said the Provencal。

〃Call the corporal of Arcis;〃 cried Corentin to one of the gendarmes。
〃I shall send him at once to Michu's house;〃 he added to Peyrade。

〃Our ear; Violette; is there;〃 said Peyrade。

〃We started without getting news from him。 Two of us are not enough;
we ought to have had Sabatier with usCorporal;〃 he said; when the
gendarme appeared; taking him aside with Peyrade; 〃don't let them fool
you as they did the Troyes corporal just now。 We think Michu is in
this business。 Go to his house; put your eye on everything; and bring
word of the result。〃

〃One of my men heard horses in the forest just as they arrested the
little groom; I've four fine fellows now on the track of whoever is
hiding there;〃 replied the gendarme。

He left the room; and the gallop of his horse which echoed on the
paved courtyard died rapidly away。

〃One thing is certain;〃 said Corentin to himself; 〃either they have
gone to Paris or they are retreating to Germany。〃

He sat down; pulled a note…book from the pocket of his spencer; wrote
two orders in pencil; sealed them; and made a sign to one of the
gendarmes to come to him。

〃Be off at full gallop to Troyes; wake up the prefect; and tell him to
start the telegraph as soon as there's light enough。〃

The gendarme departed。 The meaning of this movement and Corentin's
intentions were so evident that the hearts of the household sank
within them; but this new anxiety was additional to another that was
now martyrizing them; their eyes were fixed on the sandal…wood box!
All the while the two agents were talking together they were each
taking note of those eager looks。 A sort of cold anger stirred the
unfeeling hearts of these men who relished the power of inspiring
terror。 The police man has the instincts and emotions of a hunter: but
where the one employs his powers of mind and body in killing a hare; a
partridge; or a deer; the other is thinking of saving the State; or a
king; and of winning a large reward。 So the hunt for men is superior
to the other class of hunting by all the distance that there is
between animals and human beings。 Moreover; a spy is forced to lift
the part he plays to the level and the importance of the interests to
which he is bound。 Without looking further into this calling; it is
easy to see that the man who follows it puts as much passionate ardor
into his chase as another man does into the pursuit of game。 Therefore
the further these men advanced in their investigations the more eager
they became; but the expression of their faces and their eyes
continued calm and cold; just as their ideas; their suspicions; and
their plans remained impenetrable。 To any one who watched the effects
of the moral scent; if we may so call it; of these bloodhounds on the
track of hidden facts; and who noted and understood the movements of
canine agility which led them to strike the truth in their rapid
examination of probabilities; there was in it all something actually
horrifying。 How and why should men of genius fall so low when it was
in their power to be so high? What imperfection; what vice; what
passion debases them? Does a man become a police…agent as he becomes a
thinker; writer; statesmen; painter; general; on the condition of
knowing nothing but how to spy; as the others speak; write; govern;
paint; and fight? The inhabitants of the chateau had but one wish;
that the thunderbolts of heaven might fall upon these miscreants; they
were athirst for vengeance; and had it not been for the presence; up
to this time; of the gendarmes there would undoubtedly have been an

〃No one; I suppose; has the key of this box?〃 said the cynical
Peyrade; questioning the family as much by the movement of his huge
red nose as by his words。

The Provencal noticed; not without fear; that the guards were no
longer present; he and Corentin were alone with the family。 The
younger man drew a small dagger from his pocket; and began to force
the lock of the box。 Just then the desperate galloping of a horse was
heard upon the road and then upon the pavement by the lawn; but most
horrible of all was the fall and sighing of the animal; which seemed
to drop all at once at the door of the middle tower。 A convulsion like
that which a thunderbolt might produce 

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