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an historical mystery-第49章

小说: an historical mystery 字数: 每页4000字

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/berlingot/; with Laurence and a servant who spoke German。 Not far
from Nancy they overtook Mademoiselle Goujet and Gothard; who had
preceded them in an excellent carriage; which the marquis took; giving
them in exchange the /berlingot/。

Talleyrand was right。 At Strasburg the commissary…general of police
refused to countersign the passport of the travellers; and gave them
positive orders to return。 By that time the marquis and Laurence were
leaving France by way of Besancon with the diplomatic passport。

Laurence crossed Switzerland in the first days of October; without
paying the slightest attention to that glorious land。 She lay back in
the carriage in the torpor which overtakes a criminal on the eve of
his execution。 To her eyes all nature was shrouded in a seething
vapor; even common things assumed fantastic shapes。 The one thought;
〃If I do not succeed they will kill themselves;〃 fell upon her soul
with reiterated blows; as the bar of the executioner fell upon the
victim's members when tortured on the wheel。 She felt herself
breaking; she lost her energy in this terrible waiting for the cruel
moment; short and decisive; when she should find herself face to face
with that man on whom the fate of the condemned depended。 She chose to
yield to her depression rather than waste her strength uselessly。 The
marquis; who was incapable of understanding this resolve of firm
minds; which often assumes quite diverse aspects (for in such moments
of tension certain superior minds give way to surprising gaiety);
began to fear that he might never bring Laurence alive to the
momentous interview; solemn to them only; and yet beyond the ordinary
limits of private life。 To Laurence; the necessity of humiliating
herself before that man; the object of her hatred and contempt; meant
the sacrifice of all her noblest feelings。

〃After this;〃 she said; 〃the Laurence who survives will bear no
likeness to her who is now to perish。〃

The travellers could not fail to be aware of the vast movement of men
and material which surrounded them the moment they entered Prussia。
The campaign of Jena had just begun。 Laurence and the marquis beheld
the magnificent divisions of the French army deploying and parading as
if at the Tuileries。 In this display of military power; which can be
adequately described only with the words and images of the Bible; the
proportions of the Man whose spirit moved these masses grew gigantic
to Laurence's imagination。 Soon; the cry of victory resounded in her
ears。 The Imperial arms had just obtained two signal advantages。 The
Prince of Prussia had been killed the evening before the day on which
the travellers arrived at Saalfeld on their endeavor to overtake
Napoleon; who was marching with the rapidity of lightning。

At last; on the 13th of October (date of ill…omen) Mademoiselle de
Cinq…Cygne was skirting a river in the midst of the Grand Army; seeing
nought but confusion; sent hither and thither from one village to
another; from division to division; frightened at finding herself
alone with one old man tossed about in an ocean of a hundred and fifty
thousand armed men facing a hundred and fifty thousand more。 Weary of
watching the river through the hedges of the muddy road which she was
following along a hillside; she asked its name of a passing soldier。

〃That's the Saale;〃 he said; showing her the Prussian army; grouped in
great masses on the other side of the stream。

Night came on。 Laurence beheld the camp…fires lighted and the glitter
of stacked arms。 The old marquis; whose courage was chivalric; drove
the horses himself (two strong beasts bought the evening before); his
servant sitting beside him。 He knew very well he should find neither
horses nor postilions within the lines of the army。 Suddenly the bold
equipage; an object of great astonishment to the soldiers; was stopped
by a gendarme of the military gendarmerie; who galloped up to the
carriage; calling out to the marquis: 〃Who are you? where are you
going? what do you want?〃

〃The Emperor;〃 replied the Marquis de Chargeboeuf; 〃I have an
important dispatch for the Grand…marechal Duroc。〃

〃Well; you can't stay here;〃 said the gendarme。

Mademoiselle de Cinq…Cygne and the marquis were; however; compelled to
remain where they were on account of the darkness。

〃Where are we?〃 she asked; stopping two officers whom she saw passing;
whose uniforms were concealed by cloth overcoats。

〃You are among the advanced guard of the French army;〃 answered one of
the officers。 〃You cannot stay here; for if the enemy makes a movement
and the artillery opens you will be between two fires。〃

〃Ah!〃 she said; with an indifferent air。

Hearing that 〃Ah!〃 the other officer turned and said: 〃How did that
woman come here?〃

〃We are waiting;〃 said Laurence; 〃for a gendarme who has gone to find
General Duroc; a protector who will enable us to speak to the

〃Speak to the Emperor!〃 exclaimed the first officer; 〃how can you
think of such a thingon the eve of a decisive battle?〃

〃True;〃 she said; 〃I ought to speak to him on the morrowvictory
would make him kind。〃

The two officers stationed themselves at a little distance and sat
motionless on their horses。 The carriage was now surrounded by a mass
of generals; marshals; and other officers; all extremely brilliant in
appearance; who appeared to pay deference to the carriage merely
because it was there。

〃Good God!〃 said the marquis to Mademoiselle de Cinq…Cygne; 〃I am
afraid you spoke to the Emperor。〃

〃The Emperor?〃 said a colonel; beside them; 〃why there he is!〃
pointing to the officer who had said; 〃How did that woman get here?〃
He was mounted on a white horse; richly caparisoned; and wore the
celebrated gray top…coat over his green uniform。 He was scanning with
a field…glass the Prussian army massed beyond the Saale。 Laurence
understood then why the carriage remained there; and why the Emperor's
escort respected it。 She was seized with a convulsive tremorthe hour
had come! She heard the heavy sound of the tramp of men and the clang
of their arms as they arrived at a quick step on the plateau。 The
batteries had a language; the caissons thundered; the brass glittered。

〃Marechal Lannes will take position with his whole corps in the
advance; Marechal Lefebvre and the Guard will occupy this hill;〃 said
the other officer; who was Major…general Berthier。

The Emperor dismounted。 At his first motion Roustan; his famous
mameluke; hastened to hold his horse。 Laurence was stupefied with
amazement; she had never dreamed of such simplicity。

〃I shall pass the night on the plateau;〃 said the Emperor。

Just then the Grand…marechal Duroc; whom the gendarme had finally
found; came up to the Marquis de Chargeboeuf and asked the reason of
his coming。 The marquis replied that a letter from the Prince de
Talleyrand; of which he was the bearer; would explain to the marshal
how urgent it was that Mademoiselle de Cinq…Cygne and himself should
obtain an audience of the Emperor。

〃His Majesty will no doubt dine at his bivouac;〃 said Duroc; taking
the letter; 〃and when I find out what your object is; I will let you
know if you can see him。 Corporal;〃 he said to the gendarme;
〃accompany this carriage; and take it close to that hut at the rear。〃

Monsieur de Chargeboeuf followed the gendarme and stopped his horses
behind a miserable cabin; built of mud and branches; surrounded by a
few fruit…trees; and guarded by pickets of infantry and cavalry。

It may be said that the majesty of war appeared here in all its
grandeur。 From this height the lines of the two armies were visible in
the moonlight。 After an hour's waiting; the time being occupied by the
incessant coming and going of the aides…de…camp; Duroc himself came
for Mademoiselle de Cinq…Cygne and the marquis; and made them enter
the hut; the floor of which was of battened earth like that of a

Before a table with the remains of dinner; and before a fire made of
green wood which smoked; Napoleon was seated in a clumsy chair。 His
muddy boots gave evidence of a long tramp across country。 He had taken
off the famous top…coat; and his equally famous green unifor

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