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eminent victorians-第3章

小说: eminent victorians 字数: 每页4000字

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Archdeacon of Chichester。 When Mrs。 Manning prematurely died; he

was at first inconsolable; but he found relief in the distraction

of redoubled work。 How could he have guessed that one day he

would come to number that loss among 'God's special mercies? Yet

so it was to be。 In after years; the memory of his wife seemed to

be blotted from his mind; he never spoke of her; every letter;

every record; of his married life he destroyed; and when word was

sent to him that her grave was falling into ruin: 'It is best

so;' the Cardinal answered; 'let it be。 Time effaces all things。'

But; when the grave was yet fresh; the young Rector would sit

beside it; day after day; writing his sermons。


IN the meantime; a series of events was taking place in another

part of England; which was to have a no less profound effect upon

Manning's history than the merciful removal of his wife。 In the

same year in which he took up his Sussex curacy; the Tracts for

the Times had begun to appear at Oxford。 The 'Oxford Movement';

in fact; had started on its course。 The phrase is still familiar;

but its meaning has become somewhat obscured both by the lapse of

time and the intrinsic ambiguity of the subjects connected with

it。 Let us borrow for a moment the wings of Historic Imagination;

and; hovering lightly over the Oxford of the thirties; take a

rapid bird's…eye view。

For many generations the Church of England had slept the sleep of

the。。fortable。 The sullen murmurings of dissent; the loud

battle…cry of Revolution; had hardly disturbed her slumbers。

Portly divines subscribed with a sigh or a smile to the Thirty…

nine Articles; sank quietly into easy living; rode gaily to

hounds of a morning as gentlemen should; and; as gentlemen

should; carried their two bottles of an evening。 To be in the

Church was in fact simply to pursue one of those professions

which Nature and Society had decided were proper to gentlemen and

gentlemen alone。 The fervours of piety; the zeal of Apostolic

charity; the enthusiasm of self…renunciation these things were

all very well in their way and in their place; but their place

was certainly not the Church of England。 Gentlemen were neither

fervid nor zealous; and above all they were not enthusiastic。

There were; it was true; occasionally to be found within the

Church some strait…laced parsons of the high Tory school who

looked back with regret to the days of Laud or talked of the

Apostolical Succession; and there were groups of square…toed

Evangelicals who were earnest over the Atonement; confessed to a

personal love of Jesus Christ; and seemed to have arranged the

whole of their lives; down to the minutest details of act and

speech; with reference to Eternity。 But such extremes were the

rare exceptions。 The great bulk of the clergy walked calmly along

the smooth road of ordinary duty。 They kept an eye on the poor of

the parish; and they conducted the Sunday Services in a becoming

manner; for the rest; they differed neither outwardly nor

inwardly from the great bulk of the laity; to whom the Church was

a useful organisation for the maintenance of Religion; as by law


The awakening came at last; however; and it was a rude one。 The

liberal principles of the French Revolution; checked at first in

the terrors of reaction; began to make their way into England。

Rationalists lifted up their heads; Bentham and the Mills

propounded Utilitarianism; the Reform Bill was passed; and there

were rumours abroad of disestablishment。 Even Churchmen seemed to

have caught the infection。 Dr。 Whately was so bold as to assert

that; in the interpretation of Scripture; different opinions

might be permitted upon matters of doubt; and; Dr。 Arnold drew up

a disquieting scheme for allowing Dissenters into the Church;

though it is true that he did not go quite so far as to

contemplate the admission of Unitarians。

At this time; there was living in a country parish; a young

clergyman of the name of John Keble。 He had gone to Oxford at the

age of fifteen; where; after a successful academic career; he had

been made a Fellow of Oriel。 He had then returned to his father's

parish and taken up the duties of a curate。 He had a thorough

knowledge of the contents of the Prayer…book; the ways of a

Common Room; the conjugations of the Greek Irregular Verbs; and

the small jests of a country parsonage; and the defects of his

experience in other directions were replaced by a zeal and a

piety which were soon to prove themselves equal; and more than

equal; to whatever calls might be made upon them。 The

superabundance of his piety overflowed into verse; and the holy

simplicity of the Christian Year carried his name into the

remotest lodging…houses of England。

As for his zeal; however; it needed another outlet。 Looking forth

upon the doings of his fellow…men through his rectory windows in

Gloucestershire; Keble felt his whole soul shaken with loathing;

anger; and dread。 Infidelity was stalking through the land;

authority was laughed at; the hideous doctrines of Democracy were

being openly preached。 Worse still; if possible; the Church

herself was ignorant and lukewarm; she had forgotten the

mysteries of the sacraments; she had lost faith in the

Apostolical Succession; she was no longer interested in the Early

Fathers; and she submitted herself to the control of a secular

legislature; the members of which were not even bound to profess

belief in the Atonement。 In the face of such enormities what

could Keble do? He was ready to do anything; but he was a simple

and an unambitious man; and his wrath would in all probability

have consumed itself unappeased within him had he not chanced to

come into contact; at the critical moment; with a spirit more

excitable and daring than his own。

Hurrell Froude; one of Keble's pupils; was a clever young man to

whom had fallen a rather larger share of self…assurance and

intolerance than even clever young men usually possess。 What was

singular about him; however; was not so much his temper as his

tastes。 The sort of ardour which impels more normal youths to

haunt Music Halls and fall in love with actresses took the form;

in Froude's case; of a romantic devotion to the Deity and an

intense interest in the state of his own soul。 He was obsessed by

the ideals of saintliness; and convinced of the supreme

importance of not eating too much。 He kept a diary in which he

recorded his delinquencies; and they were many。 'I cannot say

much for myself today;' he writes on September 29th; 1826 (he was

twenty…three years old)。 'I did not read the Psalms and Second

Lesson after breakfast; which I had neglected to do before;

though I had plenty of time on my hands。 Would have liked to be

thought adventurous for a scramble I had at the Devil's Bridge。

Looked with greediness to see if there was a goose on the table

for dinner; and though what I ate was of the plainest sort; and I

took no variety; yet even this was partly the effect of accident;

and I certainly rather exceeded in quantity; as I was fuzzy and

sleepy after dinner。' 'I allowed myself to be disgusted; with 

's pomposity;' he writes a little later; 'also smiled at an

allusion in the Lessons to abstemiousness in eating。 I hope not

from pride or vanity; but mistrust; it certainly was

unintentional。' And again; 'As to my meals; I can say that I was

always careful to see that no one else would take a thing before

I served myself; and I believe as to the kind of my food; a bit

of cold endings of a dab at breakfast; and a scrap of mackerel at

dinner; are the only things that diverged from the strict rule of

simplicity。' 'I am obliged to confess;' he notes; 'that in my

intercourse with the Supreme Being; I am be come more and more

sluggish。' And then he exclaims: 'Thine eye trieth my inward

parts; and knoweth my thoughts 。。。 Oh that my ways were made so

direct that I might keep Thy statutes。 I will walk in

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