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eminent victorians-第44章

小说: eminent victorians 字数: 每页4000字

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frame; especially when it was swathed (as it usually was) in the

flowing robes of a Doctor of Divinity; was full of an imposing

vigour; and his head; set decisively upon the collar; stock; and

bands of ecclesiastical tradition; clearly belonged to a person

of eminence。 The thick; dark clusters of his hair; his bushy

eyebrows and curling whiskers; his straight nose and bulky chin;

his firm and upward…curving lower lipall these revealed a

temperament of ardour and determination。 His eyes were bright and

large; they were also obviously honest。 And yetwhy was it? Was

it in the lines of the mouth or the frown on the forehead?it

was hard to say; but it was unmistakablethere was a slightly

puzzled look upon the face of Dr。 Arnold。

And certainly; if he was to fulfil the prophecy of the Provost of

Oriel; the task before him was sufficiently perplexing。 The

public schools of those days were still virgin forests; untouched

by the hand of reform。 Keate was still reigning at Eton; and we

possess; in the records of his pupils; a picture of the public

school education of the early nineteenth century; in its most

characteristic state。 It was a system of anarchy tempered by

despotism。 Hundreds of boys; herded together in miscellaneous

boarding…houses; or in that grim 'Long Chamber' at whose name in

after years aged statesmen and warriors would turn pale; lived;

badgered and overawed by the furious incursions of an irascible

little old man carrying a bundle of birch…twigs; a life in which

licensed barbarism was mingled with the daily and hourly study of

the niceties of Ovidian verse。 It was a life of freedom and

terror; of prosody and rebellion; of interminable floggings and

appalling practical jokes。 Keate ruled; unaidedfor the

undermasters were few and of no accountby sheer force of

character。 But there were times when even that indomitable will

was overwhelmed by the flood of lawlessness。 Every Sunday

afternoon he attempted to read sermons to the whole school

assembled; and every Sunday afternoon the whole school assembled

shouted him down。 The scenes in Chapel were far from edifying;

while some antique Fellow doddered in the pulpit; rats would be

let loose to scurry among the legs of the exploding boys。 But

next morning the hand of discipline would reassert itself; and

the savage ritual of the whipping…block would remind a batch of

whimpering children that; though sins against man and God might

be forgiven them; a false quantity could only be expiated in

tears and blood。

From two sides this system of education was beginning to be

assailed by the awakening public opinion of the upper middle

classes。 On the one hand; there was a desire for a more liberal

curriculum; on the other; there was a demand for a higher moral

tone。 The growing utilitarianism of the age viewed with

impatience a course of instruction which excluded every branch of

knowledge except classical philology; while its growing

respectability was shocked by such a spectacle of disorder and

brutality as was afforded by the Eton of Keate。 'The public

schools;' said the Rev。 Mr。 Bowdler; 'are the very seats and

nurseries of vice。'

Dr。 Arnold agreed。 He was convinced of the necessity for reform。

But it was only natural that to one of his temperament and

education it should have been the moral rather than the

intellectual side of the question which impressed itself upon his

mind。 Doubtless it was important to teach boys something more

than the bleak rigidities of the ancient tongues; but how much

more important to instil into them the elements of character and

the principles of conduct! His great object; throughout his

career at Rugby; was; as he repeatedly said; to 'make the school

a place of really Christian education'。 To introduce 'a religious

principle into education'; was his 'most earnest wish'; he wrote

to a friend when he first became headmaster; 'but to do this

would be to succeed beyond all my hopes; it would be a happiness

so great; that; I think; the world would yield me nothing

comparable to it'。 And he was constantly impressing these

sentiments upon his pupils。 'What I have often said before;' he

told them; 'I repeat now: what we must look for here is; first;

religious and moral principle; secondly; gentlemanly conduct;

andthirdly; intellectual ability。'

There can be no doubt that Dr。 Arnold's point of view was shared

by the great mass of English parents。 They cared very little for

classical scholarship; no doubt they would be pleased to find

that their sons were being instructed in history or in French;

but their real hopes; their real wishes; were of a very different

kind。 'Shall I tell him to mind his work; and say he's sent to

school to make himself a good scholar?' meditated old Squire

Brown when he was sending off Tom for the first time to Rugby。

'Well; but he isn't sent to school for thatat any rate; not for

that mainly。 I don't care a straw for Greek particles; or the

digamma; no more does his mother。 What is he sent to school for?

。。。 If he'll only turn out a brave; helpful; truth…telling

Englishman; and a Christian; that's all I want。'

That was all; and it was that that Dr。 Arnold set himself to

accomplish。 But how was he to achieve his end? Was he to improve

the character of his pupils by gradually spreading around them an

atmosphere of cultivation and intelligence? By bringing them into

close and friendly contact with civilised men; and even; perhaps;

with civilised women? By introducing into the life of his school

all that he could of the humane; enlightened; and progressive

elements in the life of the community? On the whole; he thought

not。 Such considerations left him cold; and he preferred to be

guided by the general laws of Providence。 It only remained to

discover what those general laws were。 He consulted the Old

Testament; and could doubt no longer。 He would apply to his

scholars; as he himself explained to them in one of his sermons;

'the principle which seemed to him to have been adopted in the

training of the childhood of the human race itself'。 He would

treat the boys at Rugby as Jehovah had treated the Chosen People:

he would found a theocracy; and there should be judges in Israel。

For this purpose; the system; prevalent in most of the public

schools of the day; by which the elder boys were deputed to keep

order in the class…rooms; lay ready to Dr。 Arnold's hand。 He

found the Praepostor a mere disciplinary convenience; and he

converted him into an organ of government。 Every boy in the Sixth

Form became ipso facto a Praepostor; with powers extending over

every department of school life; and the Sixth Form as a body was

erected into an authority responsible to the headmaster; and to

the headmaster alone; for the internal management of the school。

This was the means by which Dr。 Arnold hoped to turn Rugby into

'a place of really Christian education'。 The boys were to work

out their own salvation; like the human race。 He himself;

involved in awful grandeur; ruled remotely; through his chosen

instruments; from an inaccessible heaven。 Remotely and yet with

an omnipresent force。 As the Israelite of old knew that his

almighty Lawgiver might at any moment thunder to him from the

whirlwind; or appear before his very eyes; the visible embodiment

of power or wrath; so the Rugby schoolboy walked in a holy dread

of some sudden manifestation of the sweeping gown; the majestic

tone; the piercing glance; of Dr。 Arnold。 Among the lower forms

of the school his appearances were rare and transitory; and upon

these young children 'the chief impression'; we are told; 'was of

extreme fear'。 The older boys saw more of him; but they did not

see much。 Outside the Sixth Form; no part of the school came into

close intercourse with him; and it would often happen that a boy

would leave Rugby without having had any personal communication

with him at all。

Yet the effect whic

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