贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > eminent victorians >


eminent victorians-第52章

小说: eminent victorians 字数: 每页4000字

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fright; attempted to suppress Hong by force; and failed。 The 

movement spread。 By 1850 the rebels were overrunning the populous

and flourishing delta of the Yangtse Kiang; and had become a 

formidable force。 In 1853 they captured Nankin; which was 

henceforth their capital。 The Tien Wang; established himself in a

splendid palace; and proclaimed his new evangel。 His theogony 

included the wife of God; or the celestial Mother; the wife of 

Jesus; or the celestial daughter…in…law; and a sister of Jesus; 

whom he married to one of his lieutenants; who thus became the 

celestial son…in…law; the Holy Ghost; however; was eliminated。 

His mission was to root out Demons and Manchus from the face of 

the earth; and to establish Taiping; the reign of eternal peace。 

In the meantime; retiring into the depths of his palace; he left 

the further conduct of earthly operations to his lieutenants; 

upon whom he bestowed the title of 'Wangs' (kings); while he 

himself; surrounded by thirty wives and one hundred concubines; 

devoted his energies to the spiritual side of his mission。 The 

Taiping Rebellion; as it came to be called; had now reached its 

furthest extent。 The rebels were even able to occupy; for more 

than a year; the semi…European city of Shanghai。 

But then the tide turned。 The latent forces of theEmpire


asserted themselves。 The rebels lost ground; their armies were


and in 1859 Nankin itself was besieged; and the Celestial King


in his palace。 The end seemed to be at hand; when there was a


twist of Fortune's wheel。 The war of 860; the invasion of China


European armies; their march into the interior; and their

occupation of 

Peking; not only saved the rebels from destruction; but allowed

them to 

recover the greater part of what they had lost。 Once more they 

seized upon the provinces of the delta; once more they menaced 

Shanghai。 It was clear that the Imperial army was incompetent; 

and the Shanghai merchants determined to provide for their own 

safety as best they could。 They accordingly got together a body 

of troops; partly Chinese and partly European; and under European

officers; to which they entrusted the defence of the town。 This 

small force; which; after a few preliminary successes; received 

from the Chinese Government the title of the 'Ever Victorious 

Army'; was able to hold the rebels at bay; but it could do no 


For two years Shanghai was in constant danger。 The Taipings;


growing in power; were spreading destruction far and wide。 The


Victorious Army was the only force capable of opposing them; and


Ever Victorious Army was defeated more often than not。 Its first


leader had been killed; his successor quarrelled with the Chinese

Governor; Li Hung Chang; and was dismissed。 At last it was

determined to 

ask the General at the head of the British Army of Occupation for

the loan 

of an officer to command the force。 The English; who had been at


inclined to favour the Taipings; on religious grounds; were now 

convinced; on practical grounds; of the necessity of suppressing 

them。 It was in these circumstances that; early in 1863; the 

command of the Ever Victorious Army was offered to Gordon。 He 

accepted it; received the title of General from the Chinese 

authorities; and entered forthwith upon his new task。 He was just


In eighteen months; he told Li Hung Chang; the business would be 

finished; and he was as good as his word。 The difficulties before

him were very great。 A vast tract of country was in the 

possession of the rebels an area; at the lowest estimate; of 

14;000 square miles with a population of 20;000;000。 For 

centuries this low…lying plain of the Yangtse delta; rich in silk

and tea; fertilised by elaborate irrigation; and covered with 

great walled cities; had been one of the most flourishing 

districts in China。 Though it was now being rapidly ruined by the

depredations of the Taipings; its strategic strength was 

obviously enormous。 Gordon; however; with the eye of a born 

general; perceived that he could convert the very feature of the 

country which; on the face of it; most favoured an army on the 

defence its complicated geographical system of interlacing


and waterways; canals; lakes and rivers into a means of 

offensive warfare。 The force at his disposal was small; but it 

was mobile。 He had a passion for map…making; and had already; in 

his leisure hours; made a careful survey of the country round 

Shanghai; he was thus able to execute a series of manoeuvres 

which proved fatal to the enemy。 By swift marches and counter…

marches; by sudden attacks and surprises; above all by the 

dispatch of armed steamboats up the circuitous waterways into 

positions from which they could fall upon the enemy in reverse; 

he was able gradually to force back the rebels; to cut them off 

piecemeal in the field; and to seize upon their cities。 

But; brilliant as these operations were; Gordon's military genius

showed itself no less unmistakably in other directions。 The Ever 

Victorious Army; recruited from the riff…raff of Shanghai; was an

ill…disciplined; ill…organised body of about three thousand men; 

constantly on the verge of mutiny; supporting itself on plunder; 

and; at the slightest provocation; melting into thin air。 Gordon;

by sheer force of character; established over this incoherent 

mass of ruffians an extraordinary ascendancy。 He drilled them 

with rigid severity; he put them into a uniform; armed them 

systematically; substituted pay for loot; and was even able; at 

last; to introduce regulations of a sanitary kind。 There were 

some terrible scenes; in which the General; alone; faced the 

whole furious army; and quelled scenes of rage; desperation; 

towering courage; and summary execution。 Eventually he attained 

an almost magical prestige。 Walking at the head of his troops 

with nothing but a light cane in his hand; he seemed to pass 

through every danger with the scatheless equanimity of a demi…

god。 The Taipings themselves were awed into a strange reverence。 

More than once their leaders; in a frenzy of fear and admiration;

ordered the sharp…shooters not to take aim at the advancing 

figure of the faintly smiling Englishman。

It is significant that Gordon found it easier to win battles and 

to crush mutineers than to keep on good terms with the Chinese 

authorities。 He had to act in cooperation with a large native 

force; and it was only natural that the general at the head of it

should grow more and more jealous and angry as the Englishman's 

successes revealed more and more clearly his own incompetence。 At

first; indeed; Gordon could rely upon the support of the 

Governor。 Li Flung Chang's experience of Europeans had been 

hitherto limited to low…class adventurers; and Gordon came as a 

revelation。 'It is a direct blessing from Heaven;' he noted in 

his diary; 'the coming of this British Gordon。 。。。 He is superior

in manner and bearing to any of the foreigners whom I have come 

into contact with; and does not show outwardly that conceit which

makes most of them repugnant in my sight。' A few months later; 

after he had accompanied Gordon on a victorious expedition; the 

Mandarin's enthusiasm burst forth。 'What a sight for tired eyes;'

he wrote; 'what an elixir for a heavy heart to see this 

splendid Englishman fight! 。。。 If there is anything that I admire

nearly as much as the superb scholarship of Tseng Kuofan; it is 

the military qualities of this fine officer。 He is a glorious 

fellow!' In his emotion; Li Hung Chang addressed Gordon as his 

brother; declaring that he 'considered him worthy to fill the 

place of the brother who is departed。 Could I have said more in 

all the words of the world?' 

Then some

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