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history of the mackenzies-第15章

小说: history of the mackenzies 字数: 每页4000字

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 his twelve followers;  all of whom determined to seek their fortunes with young Kintail。  They  embarked at Stornoway; and securing a favourable wind they soon arrived  at Sanachan; in Kishorn (some say at Poolewe); where they landed; marched straight towards Kenlochewe; and arrived at a thick wood near  the place where Macgilleandrais had his residence。  Mackenzie commanded his followers to lie down and watch; while he and his companion; Gille Riabhach; went  about in search of intelligence。 He  soon found a woman cutting rushes; at the same time lamenting his own  supposed death and Leod Macgillearidrais' succession to the lands of  Kenlochewe in consequence。  He at once recognised her as the woman's  sister who nursed or fostered him; drew near; spoke to her; sounded her;  and discovering her unmistakeable affection for him he felt that he could with perfect safety make himself known to her。  She was overjoyed to find that it was really he; whose absence and  loss she had so intensely and so  long lamented。  He then requested her to go and procure him information of Leod's situation and occupation that night。  This she did with great  propriety and discretion。  Having satisfied herself; she returned at the  appointed time and assured him that Macgilleandrais felt perfectly secure;  quite unprepared for an attack; and bad just appointed to meet the adjacent  people next morning at a place called Ath…nan…Ceann (the Ford of the  Heads); preparatory to a hunting match; having instructed those who might arrive before him to wait his arrival。  Mackenzie considered this an  excellent opportunity for punishing Leod。  He in good time went to the ford accompanied by his followers。  Those invited by Leod soon after  arrived; and; seeing Mackenzie before them; thought he was Macgilleandrais with some of his men; but soon discovered their mistake。

Mackenzie killed all those whom he did not recognise as soon as they appeared。  The natives of the place; who were personally known to him;  he pardoned and dismissed。  Leod soon turned up; and seeing such a  gathering awaiting  him; naturally thought that they were his own friends;  and hastened towards them; but on approaching nearer he found himself  〃in the fool's hose。〃  Mackenzie and his band fell upon them with their  swords; and after a slight resistance Macgilleandrais and his party fled; but  they were soon overtaken at a place called to this day Featha Leoid or  Leod's Bog; where they were all slain; except Leod's son Paul; who was  taken prisoner and kept in captivity for some time; but was afterwards  released upon plighting his faith that he would never again trouble  Mackenzie or resent against him his father's death。  Murdoch Mackenzie  being thus  re…possessed of Kenlochewe; 〃gave Leod Macgilleandrais'  widow to Gillereach to wife for his good services and fidelity; whose posterity live at Kenlochewe and thereabout; and to this day some of them live there。〃  According to the Cromarty MS。; Mackenzie possessed  himself of Lochbroom in right of his wife and disposed of Coigach to his  cousin Macleod; 〃for his notable assistance in his distress; which lands  they both retained but could obtain no charters from the Earls of Ross; of  whom they held; the Earls of Ross pretending that they fell to themselves in default of male heirs; the other retaining possession in right of his wife  as heir of line。〃

Paul Macgilleandrais some years after this repaired to the confines of Sutherland and Caithness; prevailed upon Murdo Riabhach; Kintail's illegitimate son; to join him; and; according to one authority; became 〃a common depredator;〃 while according to another; he became what was  perhaps not inconsistent in those days with the character of a desperado a  person of considerable state and property。 They often 〃spoiled〃  Caithness。  The Earl of Cromarty; referring to this raid;  says that Paul 〃desired to make a spoil on some neighbouring country; a barbarous  custom but most ordinary in those days; as thinking thereby to acquire the  repute of valour and to become formidable as the greatest security amidst their unhappy feuds。  This; their prentice try or first exhibition; was called in Irish (Gaelic) ‘Creach mhacain' the young man's herschip。〃 Ultimately Murdo Riabhach and Paul's only son were killed by Budge of Toftingall。   Paul was so mortified at the death of his young depredator son that he  gave up building the fortress of Duncreich; which he was at the time  erecting to strengthen still more his position in the county。  He gave his  lands of Strathoykel; Strathcarron; and Westray; with his daughter and  heiress in marriage; to Walter Ross; III。 of Balnagown; on which condition  he obtained pardon from the Earl of Ross; the chief and superior of both。 Mackenzie; after disposing of Macgilleandrais; returned to his own  country; where he was received with open arms by the whole population  of the district。  He then married the only daughter of his gallant friend and  defender; Duncan Macaulaywhose only son; Murdoch; had been killed   by Macgilleandraisand through her his son ultimately succeeded to the  lands of Lochbroom and  Coigeach granted to Macaulay's predecessor by  Alexander II。  Mackenzie was now engaged principally in preserving and  improving his possessions; until the return of David II。 from England;  1357…8; when Murdoch laid before the King a complaint against the Earl  of Ross for the murder of his father; and claimed redress but the only  satisfaction he ever obtained was a confirmation of his rights previously granted by the King to 〃Murdo filius Kennethi de Kintaill; etc。;〃 dated 〃Edinburg 1362; et Regni Domini Regis VI。; Testibus Waltero Senescollo et allis。〃 'MS。 History of the Mackenzies。'

Of Murdoch Dubh's reign; the Laird of Applecross says:〃During this turbulent age; securities and writs; as well as laws; were little  regarded; each man's protection lay in his own strength。〃 Kintail  regularly attended the first Parliament of Robert II。; until it was decreed by  that King and his Privy Council that the services of the 〃lesser barons〃  should not be required in future Parliaments or General Councils。  He then  returned home; and spent most of his time in hunting and wild sports; of  which he was devotedly fond; living peaceably and undisturbed during the remainder of his days。  This Baron of Kintail took no share in the recent rebellion under  the Lord of the Isles; who; backed by most of the other West Highland  chiefs; attempted to throw off his independence and have himself  proclaimed King of the Isles。  The feeble and effeminate Government of  David II。; and the evil results consequent thereon throughout the country;  encouraged the island lord in this desperate enterprise; but; as Tytler says;  the King on this occasion; with an unwonted energy of character;  commanded the attendance of the Steward; with the prelates and barons  of the realm; and surrounded by this formidable body of vassals and retainers; proceeded against the rebels in person。〃  The expedition proved  completely successful; and John of the Isles; with a numerous train of  chieftains who joined him in the rebellion; met the King at Inverness; and  submitted to his authority。  He there engaged in the most solemn manner;  for himself and for his vassals; that they should yield themselves faithful  and obedient subjects to David their liege lord; and not only give due and  prompt obedience to the ministers of the  King in suit and service; as well  as in the payment of taxes and public burdens; but that they would coerce and put down all others; and compel all who dared to rise against the  King's authority to make due submission; or pursue them from their  respective territories。〃  For the fulfilment of these obligations; the Lord of  the Isles not only gave his most solemn oath before the King and his  nobles; on condition of forfeiting his whole possessions in case of failure;  but offered his father…in…law; the High Steward; in security and delivered  his son Donald; his grandson Angus; and his natural son; also named  Donald; as hostages for the strict performance of the articles of the treaty;  which was duly signed; attested and dated; the 15th November; 1369。 'For a full copy of

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