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history of the mackenzies-第30章

小说: history of the mackenzies 字数: 每页4000字

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Munro; greatly offended at this message; determined to accept the bold challenge conveyed in it; and promptly collected his vassals; including the Dingwalls and the MacCullochs; who were then his dependants; to the number of nine hundred; and with this force started for  Kinellan; where he arrived much sooner than Hector; who hurriedly  collected all the men he could in the neighbourhood; anticipated。  Hector had no time to advise his Kintail men nor those at a distance from  Kinellan; and was consequently unable to bring together more than one  hundred and forty men。  With this small force he wisely deemed it  imprudent to venture on a regular battle; but decided upon a stratagem  which if it proved successful; as he anticipated; would give him an  advantage  that  would  more than counterbalance the enemy's superiority of numbers。  Having supplied his small but resolute band with provisions  for twenty…four hours; Hector led them secretly; during the night; to the top of Knock…farrel; a place so situated that Munro must needs pass near its north or south side in his march to and from Kinellan。  Early next  morning Fowlis marched past on his way to Kinellan; quite ignorant of  Hector's position; and expecting him to have remained at home to  implement the purport of his message。  Sir William was allowed to pass  unmolested; and imagining that Hector had fled; he proceeded to demolish  the barn at Kinellan; ordered its couples to be carried away。  Broke all the  utensils about the place; and drove out all the cattle; as trophies of his  visit。  In the evening he returned; as Hector had conjectured; carrying the  plunder in front of his party; accompanied by a strong guard; while he  placed the rest of his picked men in the rear; fearing that Hector might pursue him; little thinking that he was already between him and his destination。  On his way to Kinellan; Munro bad marched through Strathpeffer  round the north side of Knock…farrel; but for some cause he returned by  the south side where the highway touched the shoulder of the hill on  which Hector's men were posted。  He had no fear of attack from that  quarter; and his men feeling themselves quite safe; marched loosely and  out of order。  Hector seeing his opportunity; allowed them to pass until the  rear was within musket shot of him。  He then ordered his men to charge;  which they did with such furious impetuosity; that most of the enemy were cut to pieces before they were properly aware from whence they were  attacked; or could make any effectual attempt to resist the dashing onset of Hector's followers。  The groans of the dying in the gloaming; the uncertainty as well as the unexpectedness of the attack; frightened them so  much that they fled in confusion; in spite of every attempt on the part of  Fowlis; who was in front in charge of the spoil and its guard; to stop them。

Those from the rear flying in disorder soon confused the men in front; and  the result was a complete rout。  Hector's men followed; killing every one they met for it was ordered that no quarter should be given; the number  being so large that they might again turn round; attack and defeat the  victors。  In this retreat almost all the men of the clan Dingwall and  MacCullochs capable of bearing arms were killed; and so many of the  Munroes were slain that for a long time after 〃there could not be ane  secure friendship made up twixt them and the Mackenzies; till by frequent allyance and mutuall beneffets at last thes animosities are setled and in ordor to a reconciliation; Hector; sone to this William of Foulls; wes maried to John Mackenzie's sister Catherine。〃

At this conflict; besides that it was notable for its neat contrivance; the inequality of the forces engaged; and the number of the slain; there are  two minor incidents worth noting。  One is that the pursuit was so hot that  the Munroes not only fled in a  crowd; but there were so many of them  killed at a place on the edge of the hill where a descent fell from each  shoulder of it to a well; and most of Hector's men being armed with  battle…axes and two…edged swords; they had cut off so many heads in that  small space; that; tumbling down the slope to the well; nineteen heads  were counted in it and to this day the well is called 〃Tobar nan Ceann〃 or  the Fountain of the Heads。  The other incident is that Suarachan; better  known as 〃Donnchadh Mor na Tuaighe;〃 or Big Duncan of the Axe;  previously referred to as one of the heroes of the battle of Park; pursued one of the enemy into the Church of Dingwall; to which he had fled for  shelter。  As he was entering in at the door; Suarachan caught him by the  arm; when the man exclaimed; 〃My sanctuary saves me!〃 〃Aye;〃 returned  Suarachan; 〃but what a man puts in the sanctuary against his will he can  take it out again; and so; pushing him back from the door; he killed him  with one stroke of his broadsword。 'MS。 History by the Earl or Cromartie。'

Sir William Munro returned that night to Fowlis; where happened to be; passing the evening; a harper of the name of MacRa; who; observing Sir William pensive and dispirited; advised him to be more cheerful and  submit patiently to the fortunes of war; since his defeat was not his own fault; nor from want of personal courage and bravery; but arose from the  timorousness of his followers; who were unacquainted with such severe  service。  This led Sir William to take more particular notice of the harper  than he had hitherto done; and he asked him his name。  On hearing it;  Munro replied; 〃You surely must have been fortunate; as your name  imports; and I am sure that you have been more so than I have been this  day; but it's fit to take your advice; MacRath。〃 This was a play on the minstrel's nameMacRath literally meaning 〃Son of Fortune〃and the  harper being; like most of his kind; smart and sagacious; made the  following impromptu answer

Eachainn le sheachd fichead fear; Agus thusa le d'ochd clad; Se Mac Rath a mharbh na daoine Air bathaois Cnoc faireal;

Which may be rendered in English as follows:

Although MacRath doth 〃fortunate〃 import; It's he deserves that name whose brave effort Eight hundred men did put to flight With his seven score at Knockfarrel。 'Ardintoul MS。'

In 1499; George; Earl of Huntly; then the King's Lieutenant; granted warrant to Duncan  Mackintosh of Mackintosh; John Grant of  Freuchie; and other leaders; with three thousand men; to pass against the Clan Mackenzie; 〃the  King's rebels;〃 for the slaughter of Harold of  Chisholm; dwelling in Strathglass; 〃and for divers other heirschips;  slaughters;  spuilzies; committed on the King's poor lieges and tenants in  the Lordship of Ardmeanoch;〃 'Kilravock Papers; p。 170。' but Hector Roy  and his followers gave a good account of them; and soon defeated and  dispersed them。  He seems to have held undisturbed possession until the  year 1507; when John and his brother Roderick were on a visit in the Aird;  at the house of their uncle; Lord  Lovat; when a fire broke out at the castle。  According to the Earl of Cromartie; when the house took fire; no one was found bold enough to approach the burning pile but John; who  rushed boldly through the flames and carried away the Lovat charter chest 〃a weight even then thought too much  for the strongest man; and that  cheist; yett extant; is a load sufficient for two。  His uncle; bothe obleiged  by the actione; and glad to sie such strength and boldnes in the young man;  desyred (him) to do as much for himself as he haid done for him; and to  discover his (own) charter cheist from his uncle; and that he should have all the concurrance which he (Lovat) could give to that effect。〃

Anderson's History of the Family of Fraser ascribes this bold act to  Roderick; for which he was 〃considered  amply recompensed by the gift  of a bonnet and a pair of shoes。〃  It matters little which is the correct version; but it is not unlikely that Lovat's valuable charter chest was saved  by one or other of them; and it is by no means improbable that his  Lordship's suggestion  that they should procure their own charter chest  and his offer to aid them in doing so was made and determined to be acted upon on this occasion。

John; who had proved himself mo

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