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history of the mackenzies-第88章

小说: history of the mackenzies 字数: 每页4000字

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orrit can testify thus far; that he heard the prophecy quoted in the Highlands at a time when Lord  Seaforth had two sons alive; and in good health; and that it certainly was  not made after the event;〃 and then he proceeds to say that Scott and Sir Humphrey Davy were most certainly convinced of its truth; as also many  others who had watched the latter days of Seaforth in the light of those  wonderful predictions。 'Every Highland family has its store of traditionary  and romantic beliefs。  Centuries ago a seer of the Clan Mackenzie; known  as Kenneth Oag (Odhar); predicted that when there should be a deaf Caberfae the gift land of the estate would be sold。 and the male line  become extinct。  The prophecy was well known in the North; and it was  not; like many similar vaticinations; made after the event。  At least three  unimpeachable Sassenach writers; Sir Humphrey Davy; Sir Walter Scott;  and Mr Morritt of Rokeby; had all heard the prediction when Lord  Seaforth had two sons alive; both in good health。  The tenantry were; of  course; strongly impressed with the truth of the prophecy; and when their Chief proposed to sell part of Kintail; they offered to buy in the land fur  him; that it might not pass from the family。  One son was then living;; and  there was no immediate prospect of the succession expiring; but; in  deference to their clannish prejudice or affection; the sale of any portion of the estate was deferred for about two years。  The blow came at last。   Lord Seaforth was involved in West India plantations; which were  mismanaged; and he was forced to dispose of part of the 〃gift land。〃

About the same time the last of his four sons; a young man of talent and  eloquence; and then representing his native county in Parliament; died  suddenly; and thus the prophecy of Kenneth Oag was fulfilled。

〃Of the name of Fitzgerald remained not a male To bear the proud name of the Chief of Kintail。〃

Robert Carruthers; LL。D。; in the North British Review。'

His Lordship outlived all his four sons; as predicted by the Brahan Seer。  His name became extinct; and his vast possessions were inherited  by a stranger; James Alexander Stewart; who married his eldest daughter;  Lady Hood。  The sign by which it would be known that the prediction was  about to be fulfilled was also foretold in the same remarkable manner;  namely; that in the day's of the last Seaforth there should be four great contemporary lairds; distinguished by certain physical defects described  by the Seer。  Sir Hector Mackenzie; Bart。 of Gairloch;  was buck…toothed; and is to this day spoken of among the Gairloch tenantry as 〃An Tighearna storach;〃 or the buck…toothed  laird。  Chisholm of Chisholm was hair…lipped; Grant of Grant half…witted; and Macleod of Raasay a stammerer。 'For full details of this remarkable instance of family fate; see The  Prophecies of the Brahan Seer。A。 & W; Mackenzie; Inverness。'

To the testimony of those whose names have been already given  we shall add the evidence of a living witness when the first edition of this  work was in preparation。  Duncan Davidson of Tulloch; Lord…Lieutenant  of the county of Ross; in a letter addressed to the author; dated May 21; 1878; says〃Many of these prophecies I heard of upwards of 70 years  ago; and when many of them were not fulfilled; such as the late Lord  Seaforth surviving his sons; and Mrs Stewart Mackenzie's accident; near   Brahan; by which  Miss Caroline  Mackenzie was killed。〃

It is impossible not to sympathise with the magnificent old Chief as he mourned over the premature death of his four promising sons; and  saw the honours of his house for ever extinguished in his own person。

Many instances are related of his magnificent extravagance at home; while sailing round the West Coast; visiting the great principality of the Lewis;  and calling on his way hither and thither on the other great chiefs of the  West and Western Islands。  Sir Walter Scott; in his 〃Lament for the Last of  the Seaforths;〃 adds his tribute

In vain the bright course of thy talents to wrong。 Fate deadened thine ear and imprisoned thy tongue; For brighter o'er all her obstructions arose The glow of thy genius they could not oppose And who; in the land of the Saxon or Gael Could match with Mackenzie; High Chief of Kintail?

Thy sons rose around thee in light and in love; All a father could hope; all a friend cou'd approve; What ‘vails it the tale of thy sorrows to tell? In the spring time of youth and of promise they fell Of the line of MacKenneth remains not a male; To bear the proud name of the Chief of Kintail。

This sketch of the great chief cannot better be closed than in the words of one already repeatedly quoted:〃It was said of him by an acute observer and a leading wit of the age; the late Honourable Henry Erskine; the Scotch Dean of Faculty; that ‘Lord Seaforth's deafness was a merciful interposition to lower him to the ordinary rate of capacity in  society;' insinuating that otherwise his perception and intelligence would have been  oppressive。  And the aptness of the remark was duly appreciated by all  those who had the good fortune to be able to form an estimate from  personal observation; while; as a man of the world; none was more  capable of generalizing。  Yet; as a countryman; he never affected to  disregard those local predilections which identified him with the County of Ross; as the genuine representative of Kintail; possessing an influence  which; being freely ceded and supported; became paramount and  permanent in the county which he represented in the Commons House of  Parliament; till he was called to the peerage on the 26th October; 1797; by  the title of Lord Seaforth and Baron of Kintail; with limitation to heirs male of his body; and which he presided over as his Majesty's Lord…Lieutenant。  He was commissioned; in 1793; to reorganise the 78th or   Ross…shire Regiment of Highlanders; which; for so many years; continued  to be almost exclusively composed of his countrymen。  Nor did his  extraordinary qualifications and varied exertions escape the wide ranging eye of the master genius of the age; who has also contributed; by a  tributary effusion; to transmit the unqualified veneration of our age to  many that are to follow。  He has been duly recognised by Sir Walter Scott;  nor was he passed over in the earlier buddings of Mr Colin Mackenzie; but while the annalist is indebted to their just encomiums; he may be  allowed to respond to praise worthy of enthusiasm by a splendid fact  which at once exhibits a specimen of reckless imprudence joined to those  qualities which; by their popularity; attest their genuineness。  Lord  Seaforth for a time became emulous of the society of the most  accomplished Prince of his age。  The recreation of the Court was play; the  springs of this indulgence then were not of the  most delicate  texture; his  faculties; penetrating as they were; had not the facility of detection which  qualified him for cautious circumspection; he heedlessly ventured and  lost。  It was then to cover his delinquencies elsewhere; he exposed to sale the estate of Lochalsh; and it was then he was bitterly taught to feel; when  his people; without an exception; addressed his Lordship this pithy  remonstrance‘Reside amongst us and we shall pay your debts。'  A  variety of feelings and facts; unconnected with a difference; might have  interposed to counteract this display of devotedness besides ingratitude; but these habits; or his Lordship's reluctance; rendered this expedient so  hopeless that certain of the descendants of the original proprietors of that  valuable locality were combining their respective finances to buy it in;  when a sudden announcement that it was sold under value; smothered  their amiable endeavours。  Kintail followed; with the fairest portion of Glenshiel; and the Barony of Callan Fitzgerald ceased to exist; to the  mortification; though not to the unpopularity of this still patriarchal  nobleman among his faithful tenantry and the old friends of his family。〃  'Bennetsfield MS。'

He married on the 22d of April; 1782; Mary; daughter of the Rev。 Baptist Proby; D。D。; Dean of Lichfield。 and brother of John; first Lord  Carysfort; by whom he had issue

I。  Willia

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