贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > a princess of mars >


a princess of mars-第32章

小说: a princess of mars 字数: 每页4000字

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the surface。  it had partially filled with debris so that how

large it had originally been was difficult to say。  In its

present condition it held the entire twenty thousand Warhoons

of the assembled hordes。

The arena was immense but extremely uneven and unkempt。

Around it the Warhoons had piled building stone from

some of the ruined edifices of the ancient city to prevent

the animals and the captives from escaping into the

audience; and at each end had been constructed cages

to hold them until their turns came to meet some horrible

death upon the arena。

Kantos Kan and I were confined together in one of the cages。

In the others were wild calots; thoats; mad zitidars;

green warriors; and women of other hordes; and many

strange and ferocious wild beasts of Barsoom which I had

never before seen。  The din of their roaring; growling and

squealing was deafening and the formidable appearance of

any one of them was enough to make the stoutest heart feel

grave forebodings。

Kantos Kan explained to me that at the end of the day one

of these prisoners would gain freedom and the others would

lie dead about the arena。  The winners in the various contests

of the day would be pitted against each other until only two

remained alive; the victor in the last encounter being set free;

whether animal or man。  The following morning the cages would

be filled with a new consignment of victims; and so on

throughout the ten days of the games。

Shortly after we had been caged the amphitheater began to fill

and within an hour every available part of the seating space

was occupied。  Dak Kova; with his jeds and chieftains; sat at

the center of one side of the arena upon a large raised platform。

At a signal from Dak Kova the doors of two cages were

thrown open and a dozen green Martian females were

driven to the center of the arena。  Each was given a

dagger and then; at the far end; a pack of twelve calots;

or wild dogs were loosed upon them。

As the brutes; growling and foaming; rushed upon the almost

defenseless women I turned my head that I might not see the

horrid sight。  The yells and laughter of the green horde

bore witness to the excellent quality of the sport and

when I turned back to the arena; as Kantos Kan told me it

was over; I saw three victorious calots; snarling and growling

over the bodies of their prey。  The women had given a good account

of themselves。

Next a mad zitidar was loosed among the remaining dogs;

and so it went throughout the long; hot; horrible day。

During the day I was pitted against first men and then

beasts; but as I was armed with a long…sword and always

outclassed my adversary in agility and generally in strength

as well; it proved but child's play to me。  Time and time again

I won the applause of the bloodthirsty multitude; and toward

the end there were cries that I be taken from the arena

and be made a member of the hordes of Warhoon。

Finally there were but three of us left; a great green warrior

of some far northern horde; Kantos Kan; and myself。

The other two were to battle and then I to fight the conqueror

for the liberty which was accorded the final winner。

Kantos Kan had fought several times during the day and

like myself had always proven victorious; but occasionally

by the smallest of margins; especially when pitted against

the green warriors。  I had little hope that he could best his

giant adversary who had mowed down all before him during

the day。  The fellow towered nearly sixteen feet in height;

while Kantos Kan was some inches under six feet。  As they

advanced to meet one another I saw for the first time a trick

of Martian swordsmanship which centered Kantos Kan's

every hope of victory and life on one cast of the dice; for;

as he came to within about twenty feet of the huge fellow

he threw his sword arm far behind him over his shoulder

and with a mighty sweep hurled his weapon point foremost

at the green warrior。  It flew true as an arrow and piercing

the poor devil's heart laid him dead upon the arena。

Kantos Kan and I were now pitted against each other but

as we approached to the encounter I whispered to him to

prolong the battle until nearly dark in the hope that we

might find some means of escape。  The horde evidently

guessed that we had no hearts to fight each other and so

they howled in rage as neither of us placed a fatal thrust。

Just as I saw the sudden coming of dark I whispered to

Kantos Kan to thrust his sword between my left arm and my

body。  As he did so I staggered back clasping the sword

tightly with my arm and thus fell to the ground with his

weapon apparently protruding from my chest。  Kantos Kan

perceived my coup and stepping quickly to my side he placed his

foot upon my neck and withdrawing his sword from my body

gave me the final death blow through the neck which is supposed

to sever the jugular vein; but in this instance the cold

blade slipped harmlessly into the sand of the arena。  In the

darkness which had now fallen none could tell but that he

had really finished me。  I whispered to him to go and claim

his freedom and then look for me in the hills east of the

city; and so he left me。

When the amphitheater had cleared I crept stealthily to

the top and as the great excavation lay far from the plaza

and in an untenanted portion of the great dead city I had

little trouble in reaching the hills beyond。



For two days I waited there for Kantos Kan; but as he did

not come I started off on foot in a northwesterly direction

toward a point where he had told me lay the nearest waterway。

My only food consisted of vegetable milk from the

plants which gave so bounteously of this priceless fluid。

Through two long weeks I wandered; stumbling through

the nights guided only by the stars and hiding during the

days behind some protruding rock or among the occasional

hills I traversed。  Several times I was attacked by wild beasts;

strange; uncouth monstrosities that leaped upon me in the

dark; so that I had ever to grasp my long…sword in my hand

that I might be ready for them。  Usually my strange; newly

acquired telepathic power warned me in ample time; but

once I was down with vicious fangs at my jugular and a

hairy face pressed close to mine before I knew that I was

even threatened。

What manner of thing was upon me I did not know; but

that it was large and heavy and many…legged I could feel。

My hands were at its throat before the fangs had a chance to

bury themselves in my neck; and slowly I forced the hairy face

from me and closed my fingers; vise…like; upon its windpipe。

Without sound we lay there; the beast exerting every effort

to reach me with those awful fangs; and I straining to

maintain my grip and choke the life from it as I kept it from

my throat。  Slowly my arms gave to the unequal struggle;

and inch by inch the burning eyes and gleaming tusks of my

antagonist crept toward me; until; as the hairy face touched

mine again; I realized that all was over。  And then a living

mass of destruction sprang from the surrounding darkness

full upon the creature that held me pinioned to the ground。

The two rolled growling upon the moss; tearing and rending

one another in a frightful manner; but it was soon over and

my preserver stood with lowered head above the throat of

the dead thing which would have killed me。

The nearer moon; hurtling suddenly above the horizon

and lighting up the Barsoomian scene; showed me that my

preserver was Woola; but from whence he had come; or how

found me; I was at a loss to know。  That I was glad of his

companionship it is needless to say; but my pleasure at seeing

him was tempered by anxiety as to the reason of his leaving

Dejah Thoris。  Only her death I felt sure; could account for

his absence from her; so faithful I knew him to be to my

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