贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > a princess of mars >


a princess of mars-第48章

小说: a princess of mars 字数: 每页4000字

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out into the fresh air; glad to escape from so gruesome a place。

The sight that met my eyes as I stepped out upon a small

ledge which ran before the entrance of the cave filled me

with consternation。

A new heaven and a new landscape met my gaze。  The silvered

mountains in the distance; the almost stationary moon

hanging in the sky; the cacti…studded valley below me

were not of Mars。  I could scarcely believe my eyes; but the

truth slowly forced itself upon meI was looking upon Arizona

from the same ledge from which ten years before I had gazed

with longing upon Mars。

Burying my head in my arms I turned; broken; and sorrowful;

down the trail from the cave。

Above me shone the red eye of Mars holding her awful

secret; forty…eight million miles away。

Did the Martian reach the pump room?  Did the vitalizing

air reach the people of that distant planet in time to save

them?  Was my Dejah Thoris alive; or did her beautiful body

lie cold in death beside the tiny golden incubator in the

sunken garden of the inner courtyard of the palace of Tardos

Mors; the jeddak of Helium?

For ten years I have waited and prayed for an answer to

my questions。  For ten years I have waited and prayed to be

taken back to the world of my lost love。  I would rather lie

dead beside her there than live on Earth all those millions of

terrible miles from her。

The old mine; which I found untouched; has made me

fabulously wealthy; but what care I for wealth!

As I sit here tonight in my little study overlooking the

Hudson; just twenty years have elapsed since I first opened

my eyes upon Mars。

I can see her shining in the sky through the little window

by my desk; and tonight she seems calling to me again as

she has not called before since that long dead night; and I

think I can see; across that awful abyss of space; a beautiful

black…haired woman standing in the garden of a palace;

and at her side is a little boy who puts his arm around her

as she points into the sky toward the planet Earth; while at

their feet is a huge and hideous creature with a heart of gold。

I believe that they are waiting there for me; and something

tells me that I shall soon know。


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