贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > lazy tour of two idle apprentices >


lazy tour of two idle apprentices-第23章

小说: lazy tour of two idle apprentices 字数: 每页4000字

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perceived that they came down from the tree; forming tell…tale

letters on the path; or that they had a tendency to heap themselves

into a churchyard mound above the grave。  In the winter; when the

tree was bare; he perceived that the boughs swung at him the ghost

of the blow the young man had given; and that they threatened him

openly。  In the spring; when the sap was mounting in the trunk; he

asked himself; were the dried…up particles of blood mounting with

it:  to make out more obviously this year than last; the leaf…

screened figure of the young man; swinging in the wind?

'However; he turned his Money over and over; and still over。  He

was in the dark trade; the gold…dust trade; and most secret trades

that yielded great returns。  In ten years; he had turned his Money

over; so many times; that the traders and shippers who had dealings

with him; absolutely did not lie … for once … when they declared

that he had increased his fortune; Twelve Hundred Per Cent。

'He possessed his riches one hundred years ago; when people could

be lost easily。  He had heard who the youth was; from hearing of

the search that was made after him; but; it died away; and the

youth was forgotten。

'The annual round of changes in the tree had been repeated ten

times since the night of the burial at its foot; when there was a

great thunder…storm over this place。  It broke at midnight; and

roared until morning。  The first intelligence he heard from his old

serving…man that morning; was; that the tree had been struck by


'It had been riven down the stem; in a very surprising manner; and

the stem lay in two blighted shafts:  one resting against the

house; and one against a portion of the old red garden…wall in

which its fall had made a gap。  The fissure went down the tree to a

little above the earth; and there stopped。  There was great

curiosity to see the tree; and; with most of his former fears

revived; he sat in his arbour … grown quite an old man … watching

the people who came to see it。

'They quickly began to come; in such dangerous numbers; that he

closed his garden…gate and refused to admit any more。  But; there

were certain men of science who travelled from a distance to

examine the tree; and; in an evil hour; he let them in! … Blight

and Murrain on them; let them in!

'They wanted to dig up the ruin by the roots; and closely examine

it; and the earth about it。  Never; while he lived!  They offered

money for it。  They!  Men of science; whom he could have bought by

the gross; with a scratch of his pen!  He showed them the garden…

gate again; and locked and barred it。

'But they were bent on doing what they wanted to do; and they

bribed the old serving…man … a thankless wretch who regularly

complained when he received his wages; of being underpaid … and

they stole into the garden by night with their lanterns; picks; and

shovels; and fell to at the tree。  He was lying in a turret…room on

the other side of the house (the Bride's Chamber had been

unoccupied ever since); but he soon dreamed of picks and shovels;

and got up。

'He came to an upper window on that side; whence he could see their

lanterns; and them; and the loose earth in a heap which he had

himself disturbed and put back; when it was last turned to the air。

It was found!  They had that minute lighted on it。  They were all

bending over it。  One of them said; 〃The skull is fractured;〃 and

another; 〃See here the bones;〃 and another; 〃See here the clothes;〃

and then the first struck in again; and said; 〃A rusty bill…hook!〃

'He became sensible; next day; that he was already put under a

strict watch; and that he could go nowhere without being followed。

Before a week was out; he was taken and laid in hold。  The

circumstances were gradually pieced together against him; with a

desperate malignity; and an appalling ingenuity。  But; see the

justice of men; and how it was extended to him!  He was further

accused of having poisoned that girl in the Bride's Chamber。  He;

who had carefully and expressly avoided imperilling a hair of his

head for her; and who had seen her die of her own incapacity!

'There was doubt for which of the two murders he should be first

tried; but; the real one was chosen; and he was found Guilty; and

cast for death。  Bloodthirsty wretches!  They would have made him

Guilty of anything; so set they were upon having his life。

'His money could do nothing to save him; and he was hanged。  I am

He; and I was hanged at Lancaster Castle with my face to the wall;

a hundred years ago!'

At this terrific announcement; Mr。 Goodchild tried to rise and cry

out。  But; the two fiery lines extending from the old man's eyes to

his own; kept him down; and he could not utter a sound。  His sense

of hearing; however; was acute; and he could hear the clock strike

Two。  No sooner had he heard the clock strike Two; than he saw

before him Two old men!


The eyes of each; connected with his eyes by two films of fire:

each; exactly like the other:  each; addressing him at precisely

one and the same instant:  each; gnashing the same teeth in the

same head; with the same twitched nostril above them; and the same

suffused expression around it。  Two old men。  Differing in nothing;

equally distinct to the sight; the copy no fainter than the

original; the second as real as the first。

'At what time;' said the Two old men; 'did you arrive at the door


'At Six。'

'And there were Six old men upon the stairs!'

Mr。 Goodchild having wiped the perspiration from his brow; or tried

to do it; the Two old men proceeded in one voice; and in the

singular number:

'I had been anatomised; but had not yet had my skeleton put

together and re…hung on an iron hook; when it began to be whispered

that the Bride's Chamber was haunted。  It WAS haunted; and I was


'WE were there。  She and I were there。  I; in the chair upon the

hearth; she; a white wreck again; trailing itself towards me on the

floor。  But; I was the speaker no more; and the one word that she

said to me from midnight until dawn was; 'Live!'

'The youth was there; likewise。  In the tree outside the window。

Coming and going in the moonlight; as the tree bent and gave。  He

has; ever since; been there; peeping in at me in my torment;

revealing to me by snatches; in the pale lights and slatey shadows

where he comes and goes; bare…headed … a bill…hook; standing

edgewise in his hair。

'In the Bride's Chamber; every night from midnight until dawn … one

month in the year excepted; as I am going to tell you … he hides in

the tree; and she comes towards me on the floor; always

approaching; never coming nearer; always visible as if by moon…

light; whether the moon shines or no; always saying; from mid…night

until dawn; her one word; 〃Live!〃

'But; in the month wherein I was forced out of this life … this

present month of thirty days … the Bride's Chamber is empty and

quiet。  Not so my old dungeon。  Not so the rooms where I was

restless and afraid; ten years。  Both are fitfully haunted then。

At One in the morning。  I am what you saw me when the clock struck

that hour … One old man。  At Two in the morning; I am Two old men。

At Three; I am Three。  By Twelve at noon; I am Twelve old men; One

for every hundred per cent。 of old gain。  Every one of the Twelve;

with Twelve times my old power of suffering and agony。  From that

hour until Twelve at night; I; Twelve old men in anguish and

fearful foreboding; wait for the coming of the executioner。  At

Twelve at night; I; Twelve old men turned off; swing invisible

outside Lancaster Castle; with Twelve faces to the wall!

'When the Bride's Chamber was first haunted; it was known to me

that this punishment would never cease; until I could make its

nature; and my story; known to two living men together。  I waited

for the coming of two living men together into

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