贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > lazy tour of two idle apprentices >


lazy tour of two idle apprentices-第28章

小说: lazy tour of two idle apprentices 字数: 每页4000字

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Absolutely and literally; he is the only individual in Doncaster

who stands by the brink of the full…flowing race…stream; and is not

swept away by it in common with all the rest of his species。  Who

is this modern hermit; this recluse of the St。 Leger…week; this

inscrutably ungregarious being; who lives apart from the amusements

and activities of his fellow…creatures?  Surely; there is little

difficulty in guessing that clearest and easiest of all riddles。

Who could he be; but Mr。 Thomas Idle?

Thomas had suffered himself to be taken to Doncaster; just as he

would have suffered himself to be taken to any other place in the

habitable globe which would guarantee him the temporary possession

of a comfortable sofa to rest his ankle on。  Once established at

the hotel; with his leg on one cushion and his back against

another; he formally declined taking the slightest interest in any

circumstance whatever connected with the races; or with the people

who were assembled to see them。  Francis Goodchild; anxious that

the hours should pass by his crippled travelling…companion as

lightly as possible; suggested that his sofa should be moved to the

window; and that he should amuse himself by looking out at the

moving panorama of humanity; which the view from it of the

principal street presented。  Thomas; however; steadily declined

profiting by the suggestion。

'The farther I am from the window;' he said; 'the better; Brother

Francis; I shall be pleased。  I have nothing in common with the one

prevalent idea of all those people who are passing in the street。

Why should I care to look at them?'

'I hope I have nothing in common with the prevalent idea of a great

many of them; either;' answered Goodchild; thinking of the sporting

gentlemen whom he had met in the course of his wanderings about

Doncaster。  'But; surely; among all the people who are walking by

the house; at this very moment; you may find … '

'Not one living creature;' interposed Thomas; 'who is not; in one

way or another; interested in horses; and who is not; in a greater

or less degree; an admirer of them。  Now; I hold opinions in

reference to these particular members of the quadruped creation;

which may lay claim (as I believe) to the disastrous distinction of

being unpartaken by any other human being; civilised or savage;

over the whole surface of the earth。  Taking the horse as an animal

in the abstract; Francis; I cordially despise him from every point

of view。'

'Thomas;' said Goodchild; 'confinement to the house has begun to

affect your biliary secretions。  I shall go to the chemist's and

get you some physic。'

'I object;' continued Thomas; quietly possessing himself of his

friend's hat; which stood on a table near him; … 'I object; first;

to the personal appearance of the horse。  I protest against the

conventional idea of beauty; as attached to that animal。  I think

his nose too long; his forehead too low; and his legs (except in

the case of the cart…horse) ridiculously thin by comparison with

the size of his body。  Again; considering how big an animal he is;

I object to the contemptible delicacy of his constitution。  Is he

not the sickliest creature in creation?  Does any child catch cold

as easily as a horse?  Does he not sprain his fetlock; for all his

appearance of superior strength; as easily as I sprained my ankle!

Furthermore; to take him from another point of view; what a

helpless wretch he is!  No fine lady requires more constant

waiting…on than a horse。  Other animals can make their own

toilette:  he must have a groom。  You will tell me that this is

because we want to make his coat artificially glossy。  Glossy!

Come home with me; and see my cat; … my clever cat; who can groom

herself!  Look at your own dog! see how the intelligent creature

curry…combs himself with his own honest teeth!  Then; again; what a

fool the horse is; what a poor; nervous fool!  He will start at a

piece of white paper in the road as if it was a lion。  His one

idea; when he hears a noise that he is not accustomed to; is to run

away from it。  What do you say to those two common instances of the

sense and courage of this absurdly overpraised animal?  I might

multiply them to two hundred; if I chose to exert my mind and waste

my breath; which I never do。  I prefer coming at once to my last

charge against the horse; which is the most serious of all; because

it affects his moral character。  I accuse him boldly; in his

capacity of servant to man; of slyness and treachery。  I brand him

publicly; no matter how mild he may look about the eyes; or how

sleek he may be about the coat; as a systematic betrayer; whenever

he can get the chance; of the confidence reposed in him。  What do

you mean by laughing and shaking your head at me?'

'Oh; Thomas; Thomas!' said Goodchild。  'You had better give me my

hat; you had better let me get you that physic。'

'I will let you get anything you like; including a composing

draught for yourself;' said Thomas; irritably alluding to his

fellow…apprentice's inexhaustible activity; 'if you will only sit

quiet for five minutes longer; and hear me out。  I say again the

horse is a betrayer of the confidence reposed in him; and that

opinion; let me add; is drawn from my own personal experience; and

is not based on any fanciful theory whatever。  You shall have two

instances; two overwhelming instances。  Let me start the first of

these by asking; what is the distinguishing quality which the

Shetland Pony has arrogated to himself; and is still perpetually

trumpeting through the world by means of popular report and books

on Natural History?  I see the answer in your face:  it is the

quality of being Sure…Footed。  He professes to have other virtues;

such as hardiness and strength; which you may discover on trial;

but the one thing which he insists on your believing; when you get

on his back; is that he may be safely depended on not to tumble

down with you。  Very good。  Some years ago; I was in Shetland with

a party of friends。  They insisted on taking me with them to the

top of a precipice that overhung the sea。  It was a great distance

off; but they all determined to walk to it except me。  I was wiser

then than I was with you at Carrock; and I determined to be carried

to the precipice。  There was no carriage…road in the island; and

nobody offered (in consequence; as I suppose; of the imperfectly…

civilised state of the country) to bring me a sedan…chair; which is

naturally what I should have liked best。  A Shetland pony was

produced instead。  I remembered my Natural History; I recalled

popular report; and I got on the little beast's back; as any other

man would have done in my position; placing implicit confidence in

the sureness of his feet。  And how did he repay that confidence?

Brother Francis; carry your mind on from morning to noon。  Picture

to yourself a howling wilderness of grass and bog; bounded by low

stony hills。  Pick out one particular spot in that imaginary scene;

and sketch me in it; with outstretched arms; curved back; and heels

in the air; plunging headforemost into a black patch of water and

mud。  Place just behind me the legs; the body; and the head of a

sure…footed Shetland pony; all stretched flat on the ground; and

you will have produced an accurate representation of a very

lamentable fact。  And the moral device; Francis; of this picture

will be to testify that when gentlemen put confidence in the legs

of Shetland ponies; they will find to their cost that they are

leaning on nothing but broken reeds。  There is my first instance …

and what have you got to say to that?'

'Nothing; but that I want my hat;' answered Goodchild; starting up

and walking restlessly about the room。

'You shall have it in a minute;' rejoined Thomas。  'My second

instance' … (Goodchild groaned; and sat down again) … 'My second

instance is more appropriate to the present time and place; for it


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