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the water-babies-第35章

小说: the water-babies 字数: 每页4000字

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Now; was not this a scandalous transaction?

But they are true republicans; these hoodies; who do every one just what he likes; and make other people do so too; so that; for any freedom of speech; thought; or action; which is allowed among them; they might as well be American citizens of the new school。

But the fairies took the good crow; and gave her nine new sets of feathers running; and turned her at last into the most beautiful bird of paradise with a green velvet suit and a long tail; and sent her to eat fruit in the Spice Islands; where cloves and nutmegs grow。

And Mrs。 Bedonebyasyoudid settled her account with the wicked hoodies。  For; as they flew away; what should they find but a nasty dead dog? … on which they all set to work; peeking and gobbling and cawing and quarrelling to their hearts' content。  But the moment afterwards; they all threw up their bills into the air; and gave one screech; and then turned head over heels backward; and fell down dead; one hundred and twenty…three of them at once。  For why? The fairy had told the gamekeeper in a dream; to fill the dead dog full of strychnine; and so he did。

And after a while the birds began to gather at Allfowlsness; in thousands and tens of thousands; blackening all the air; swans and brant geese; harlequins and eiders; harolds and garganeys; smews and goosanders; divers and loons; grebes and dovekies; auks and razor…bills; gannets and petrels; skuas and terns; with gulls beyond all naming or numbering; and they paddled and washed and splashed and combed and brushed themselves on the sand; till the shore was white with feathers; and they quacked and clucked and gabbled and chattered and screamed and whooped as they talked over matters with their friends; and settled where they were to go and breed that summer; till you might have heard them ten miles off; and lucky it was for them that there was no one to hear them but the old keeper; who lived all alone upon the Ness; in a turf hut thatched with heather and fringed round with great stones slung across the roof by bent…ropes; lest the winter gales should blow the hut right away。  But he never minded the birds nor hurt them; because they were not in season; indeed; he minded but two things in the whole world; and those were; his Bible and his grouse; for he was as good an old Scotchman as ever knit stockings on a winter's night:  only; when all the birds were going; he toddled out; and took off his cap to them; and wished them a merry journey and a safe return; and then gathered up all the feathers which they had left; and cleaned them to sell down south; and make feather… beds for stuffy people to lie on。

Then the petrels asked this bird and that whether they would take Tom to Shiny Wall:  but one set was going to Sutherland; and one to the Shetlands; and one to Norway; and one to Spitzbergen; and one to Iceland; and one to Greenland:  but none would go to Shiny Wall。 So the good…natured petrels said that they would show him part of the way themselves; but they were only going as far as Jan Mayen's Land; and after that he must shift for himself。

And then all the birds rose up; and streamed away in long black lines; north; and north…east; and north…west; across the bright blue summer sky; and their cry was like ten thousand packs of hounds; and ten thousand peals of bells。  Only the puffins stayed behind; and killed the young rabbits; and laid their eggs in the rabbit…burrows; which was rough practice; certainly; but a man must see to his own family。

And; as Tom and the petrels went north…eastward; it began to blow right hard; for the old gentleman in the gray great…coat; who looks after the big copper boiler; in the gulf of Mexico; had got behindhand with his work; so Mother Carey had sent an electric message to him for more steam; and now the steam was coming; as much in an hour as ought to have come in a week; puffing and roaring and swishing and swirling; till you could not see where the sky ended and the sea began。  But Tom and the petrels never cared; for the gale was right abaft; and away they went over the crests of the billows; as merry as so many flying…fish。

And at last they saw an ugly sight … the black side of a great ship; waterlogged in the trough of the sea。  Her funnel and her masts were overboard; and swayed and surged under her lee; her decks were swept as clean as a barn floor; and there was no living soul on board。

The petrels flew up to her; and wailed round her; for they were very sorry indeed; and also they expected to find some salt pork; and Tom scrambled on board of her and looked round; frightened and sad。

And there; in a little cot; lashed tight under the bulwark; lay a baby fast asleep; the very same baby; Tom saw at once; which he had seen in the singing lady's arms。

He went up to it; and wanted to wake it; but behold; from under the cot out jumped a little black and tan terrier dog; and began barking and snapping at Tom; and would not let him touch the cot。

Tom knew the dog's teeth could not hurt him:  but at least it could shove him away; and did; and he and the dog fought and struggled; for he wanted to help the baby; and did not want to throw the poor dog overboard:  but as they were struggling there came a tall green sea; and walked in over the weather side of the ship; and swept them all into the waves。

〃Oh; the baby; the baby!〃 screamed Tom:  but the next moment he did not scream at all; for he saw the cot settling down through the green water; with the baby; smiling in it; fast asleep; and he saw the fairies come up from below; and carry baby and cradle gently down in their soft arms; and then he knew it was all right; and that there would be a new water…baby in St。 Brandan's Isle。

And the poor little dog?

Why; after he had kicked and coughed a little; he sneezed so hard; that he sneezed himself clean out of his skin; and turned into a water…dog; and jumped and danced round Tom; and ran over the crests of the waves; and snapped at the jelly…fish and the mackerel; and followed Tom the whole way to the Other…end…of…Nowhere。

Then they went on again; till they began to see the peak of Jan Mayen's Land; standing…up like a white sugar…loaf; two miles above the clouds。

And there they fell in with a whole flock of molly…mocks; who were feeding on a dead whale。

〃These are the fellows to show you the way;〃 said Mother Carey's chickens; 〃we cannot help you farther north。  We don't like to get among the ice pack; for fear it should nip our toes:  but the mollys dare fly anywhere。〃

So the petrels called to the mollys:  but they were so busy and greedy; gobbling and peeking and spluttering and fighting over the blubber; that they did not take the least notice。

〃Come; come;〃 said the petrels; 〃you lazy greedy lubbers; this young gentleman is going to Mother Carey; and if you don't attend on him; you won't earn your discharge from her; you know。〃

〃Greedy we are;〃 says a great fat old molly; 〃but lazy we ain't; and; as for lubbers; we're no more lubbers than you。  Let's have a look at the lad。〃

And he flapped right into Tom's face; and stared at him in the most impudent way (for the mollys are audacious fellows; as all whalers know); and then asked him where he hailed from; and what land he sighted last。

And; when Tom told him; he seemed pleased; and said he was a good plucked one to have got so far。

〃Come along; lads;〃 he said to the rest; 〃and give this little chap a cast over the pack; for Mother Carey's sake。  We've eaten blubber enough for to…day; and we'll e'en work out a bit of our time by helping the lad。〃

So the mollys took Tom up on their backs; and flew off with him; laughing and joking … and oh; how they did smell of train oil!

〃Who are you; you jolly birds?〃 asked Tom。

〃We are the spirits of the old Greenland skippers (as every sailor knows); who hunted here; right whales and horse…whales; full hundreds of years agone。  But; because we were saucy and greedy; we were all turned into mollys; to eat whale's blubber all our days。 But lubbers we are none; and could sail a ship now against any man in the North seas; though we don't hold with this new…fangled steam。  And it's a shame of those black imps of petrels to

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