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the water-babies-第38章

小说: the water-babies 字数: 每页4000字

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y of them everywhere); Old Mother Shipton on her broomstick; with Merlin; Thomas the Rhymer; Gerbertus; Rabanus Maurus; Nostradamus; Zadkiel; Raphael; Moore; Old Nixon; and a good many in black coats and white ties who might have known better; considering in what century they were born; all bawling and screaming at him; 〃Look a…head; only look a…head; and we will show you what man never saw before; and right away to the end of the world!〃

But I am proud to say that; though Tom had not been to Cambridge … for; if he had; he would have certainly been senior wrangler … he was such a little dogged; hard; gnarly; foursquare brick of an English boy; that he never turned his head round once all the way from Peacepool to the Other…end…of…Nowhere:  but kept his eye on the dog; and let him pick out the scent; hot or cold; straight or crooked; wet or dry; up hill or down dale; by which means he never made a single mistake; and saw all the wonderful and hitherto by… no…mortal…man…imagined things; which it is my duty to relate to you in the next chapter。


〃Come to me; O ye children! For I hear you at your play; And the questions that perplexed me Have vanished quite away。

〃Ye open the Eastern windows; That look towards the sun; Where thoughts are singing swallows; And the brooks of morning run。

* * * * *

〃For what are all our contrivings And the wisdom of our books; When compared with your caresses; And the gladness of your looks?

〃Ye are better than all the ballads That ever were sung or said; For ye are living poems; And all the rest are dead。〃


Here begins the never…to…be…too…much…studied account of the nine… hundred…and…ninety…ninth part of the wonderful things which Tom saw on his journey to the Other…end…of…Nowhere; which all good little children are requested to read; that; if ever they get to the Other…end…of…Nowhere; as they may very probably do; they may not burst out laughing; or try to run away; or do any other silly vulgar thing which may offend Mrs。 Bedonebyasyoudid。

Now; as soon as Tom had left Peacepool; he came to the white lap of the great sea…mother; ten thousand fathoms deep; where she makes world…pap all day long; for the steam…giants to knead; and the fire…giants to bake; till it has risen and hardened into mountain… loaves and island…cakes。

And there Tom was very near being kneaded up in the world…pap; and turned into a fossil water…baby; which would have astonished the Geological Society of New Zealand some hundreds of thousands of years hence。

For; as he walked along in the silence of the sea…twilight; on the soft white ocean floor; he was aware of a hissing; and a roaring; and a thumping; and a pumping; as of all the steam…engines in the world at once。  And; when he came near; the water grew boiling…hot; not that that hurt him in the least:  but it also grew as foul as gruel; and every moment he stumbled over dead shells; and fish; and sharks; and seals; and whales; which had been killed by the hot water。

And at last he came to the great sea…serpent himself; lying dead at the bottom; and as he was too thick to scramble over; Tom had to walk round him three…quarters of a mile and more; which put him out of his path sadly; and; when he had got round; he came to the place called Stop。  And there he stopped; and just in time。

For he was on the edge of a vast hole in the bottom of the sea; up which was rushing and roaring clear steam enough to work all the engines in the world at once; so clear; indeed; that it was quite light at moments; and Tom could see almost up to the top of the water above; and down below into the pit for nobody knows how far。

But; as soon as he bent his head over the edge; he got such a rap on the nose from pebbles; that he jumped back again; for the steam; as it rushed up; rasped away the sides of the hole; and hurled it up into the sea in a shower of mud and gravel and ashes; and then it spread all around; and sank again; and covered in the dead fish so fast; that before Tom had stood there five minutes he was buried in silt up to his ankles; and began to be afraid that he should have been buried alive。

And perhaps he would have been; but that while he was thinking; the whole piece of ground on which he stood was torn off and blown upwards; and away flew Tom a mile up through the sea; wondering what was coming next。

At last he stopped … thump! and found himself tight in the legs of the most wonderful bogy which he had ever seen。

It had I don't know how many wings; as big as the sails of a windmill; and spread out in a ring like them; and with them it hovered over the steam which rushed up; as a ball hovers over the top of a fountain。  And for every wing above it had a leg below; with a claw like a comb at the tip; and a nostril at the root; and in the middle it had no stomach and one eye; and as for its mouth; that was all on one side; as the madreporiform tubercle in a star… fish is。  Well; it was a very strange beast; but no stranger than some dozens which you may see。

〃What do you want here;〃 it cried quite peevishly; 〃getting in my way?〃 and it tried to drop Tom:  but he held on tight to its claws; thinking himself safer where he was。

So Tom told him who he was; and what his errand was。  And the thing winked its one eye; and sneered:

〃I am too old to be taken in in that way。  You are come after gold … I know you are。〃

〃Gold!  What is gold?〃  And really Tom did not know; but the suspicious old bogy would not believe him。

But after a while Tom began to understand a little。  For; as the vapours came up out of the hole; the bogy smelt them with his nostrils; and combed them and sorted them with his combs; and then; when they steamed up through them against his wings; they were changed into showers and streams of metal。  From one wing fell gold…dust; and from another silver; and from another copper; and from another tin; and from another lead; and so on; and sank into the soft mud; into veins and cracks; and hardened there。  Whereby it comes to pass that the rocks are full of metal。

But; all of a sudden; somebody shut off the steam below; and the hole was left empty in an instant:  and then down rushed the water into the hole; in such a whirlpool that the bogy spun round and round as fast as a teetotum。  But that was all in his day's work; like a fair fall with the hounds; so all he did was to say to Tom …

〃Now is your time; youngster; to get down; if you are in earnest; which I don't believe。〃

〃You'll soon see;〃 said Tom; and away he went; as bold as Baron Munchausen; and shot down the rushing cataract like a salmon at Ballisodare。

And; when he got to the bottom; he swam till he was washed on shore safe upon the Other…end…of…Nowhere; and he found it; to his surprise; as most other people do; much more like This…End…of… Somewhere than he had been in the habit of expecting

And first he went through Waste…paper…land; where all the stupid books lie in heaps; up hill and down dale; like leaves in a winter wood; and there he saw people digging and grubbing among them; to make worse books out of bad ones; and thrashing chaff to save the dust of it; and a very good trade they drove thereby; especially among children。

Then he went by the sea of slops; to the mountain of messes; and the territory of tuck; where the ground was very sticky; for it was all made of bad toffee (not Everton toffee; of course); and full of deep cracks and holes choked with wind…fallen fruit; and green goose…berries; and sloes; and crabs; and whinberries; and hips and haws; and all the nasty things which little children will eat; if they can get them。  But the fairies hide them out of the way in that country as fast as they can; and very hard work they have; and of very little use it is。  For as fast as they hide away the old trash; foolish and wicked people make fresh trash full of lime and poisonous paints; and actually go and steal receipts out of old Madame Science's big book to invent poisons for little children; and sell them at wakes and fairs and tuck…shops。  Very well。  Let them go on。  Dr。 Letheby and Dr。 Hassall cannot catch them; though they are setting traps for them all day long。  But the Fairy 

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